Saturday, February 21, 2015


Healing comes the instant the Holy Spirit shows you, what Ego made up is not real. Reality is the answer to your call for Healing. Negative feelings like anger, sadness, hurt, helplessness, confusion, etc., come from not agreeing with reality and/or not accepting reality for what it is.

Negative feelings come only from Ego yet increase and decrease in intensity however because negative thoughts/feelings are not of God, they do not have the power to change anything.
The fact that change is not produced by Ego, negative thoughts (which produce negative feelings) are nothing more than a waste of time. Denial is the biggest waste of time because you're either trapped in shame and guilt of what you refuse to face or you're a prisoner of anger and depressed about what you refuse to let go of.

Only when you're able to look at reality, square in the eye, and know, because God is Who He is in your life, there is not even one reason to be angry, sad, hurt, helpless, confused, etc., Never! Know this, God would never steer you down the wrong path because God IS the only path. It's accepting that no matter how grave your situation may seem (because your eyes have been clouded by Ego, who's sole purpose is to keep you from truth/reality) that you BE STILL and let God do His work in you. This and only this is how your brothers and sisters will be reminded of who God is. This and only this is how you honor God, for there is no other purpose you were created.

Being still means "Thy Will Be Done." That, my friends, is when Healing comes because once the negative thoughts/feelings are given over to Holy Spirit, they are replaced with Peace and Joy which are eternal because they are a way of living, a state of being. Like the Power of God, because they (Peace and Joy) are of God and from God, no one or no thing can take it from you. Accept Healing into your life by understanding that because what Ego made is temporary, when gone, the only things left are pain and suffering. Do not spend another minute giving meaning to what means nothing at all and instantly you will be Healed of all pain and suffering! Peace

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