Thursday, February 12, 2015


Your vision is what determines your perspective. If led by Ego, Fear will take you over and obscure your vision. Fear causes panic and chaos and it does this the instant you loose focus of God. Because your spiritual eyes are covered, you believe what you see (with your physical eyes) is real. What do you think "Walk by Faith, Not by Sight" means?

It means trusting, and knowing no matter how grave things (like the state of this country) seem to be, God is the answer to it ALL. It means not allowing what you see with your physical eyes to entrap you in Fear of what's to come. The root of ALL problems is Fear which is made up in the mind by Ego. You must remember the future is in the hands of God and because of Who God is, you get an understanding that no matter how terrifying things look now, you don't need to worry about what the outcome is going to be. It means surrendering your worries (completely) and saying "Thy will be done." 

This way of thinking is what some say denial is but that is exactly what happens when you've lost focus of God. You begin to think irrationally (like war is the answer) because you've now taken matters into your own hands. Please know whenever you take matters into your own hands, the outcome must be pain and suffering (disguised as fun and excitement) because Joy and Peace come only from God. 

Denial is simply being unable to see reality for what it is (a hot A$$ mess, again, using the state of this country as an example.) Denial is blaming others for your current situation. Denial is trying to address the situation rather than addressing the root core of the problem that brings about the situation. Denial is not remembering God is always in control (nothing and no one else is.)

Know this, put it ALL in the hands of God and trust that He knows better than you what's better for you. This Life "thing" is a test. A test to see with whom your Faith lies. The Holy Spirit needs but faith the size of a mustard seed to perform powerful miracles in your life and others. Your willingness (to be shown what's real - the truth) is all that's needed to welcome the Holy Spirit into your life to show you the way. Because there is only one way, any/all roads off course will lead to no where. 

Wake up! Peace.

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