Monday, January 4, 2016


A term too often misused because its meaning is misunderstood. 

The word SIN is a term used in the sport of Archery which means to miss the mark or miss the point/target. SIN is a mistake to be corrected, not an act to be punished. The word mistake in this statement refers to a decision made in error and by doing so you have missed the mark. 

After taking an exam, mistakes are corrected (by reviewing the lesson) in order to better understand where the error was made. This is how the lesson is learned and clearly understood.

Punishment on the other hand does not teach anything but it does however foster anger and fear because the focus is on guilt rather than correction. Not convinced? Maybe a visit to any  "correctional" facility in the United States, or anywhere in the world for that matter, will do the trick! Punishment induces fear of getting caught for doing something "wrong" yet it does nothing to change the behavior itself. If anything, how not to get caught, for fear of punishment, is how the term "repeat offender" came to be.

Correction comes only by changing the mind and in order to change the mind, one must have a reason for it. You see, decisions are made in the mind and unless the central place from where decisions are made is redirected, mistakes/error in choice(s) will continue to happen. 

What needs correction is simply what you've forgotten, Who You Are. You seem to have forgotten which explains the guilt, pain, worry, suffering, anxiety, confusion, anger, jealousy, strive, envy and stress, that has taken up residency in your life. These experiences come from a state of believing you are weak and so you depend on and look to Ego for protection.

Because you've lost sight of your true self (Spirit) you believe what your physical senses tell you though they make no sense at all because their messages come from Ego. Confusion and conflict are of Ego - Knowledge and Peace are of God. Considering the physical body is useless without the mind, what the body does is simply a reflection of the mind. It is the mind that dictates to the body and not the other way around.

You are still in the dream-like state and believe what does not make sense because you're not aware of what is real and what isn't. Ego needs you to continue to believe you are a "sinner" in order to keep you imprisoned and enslaved in fear, helplessness and hopelessness. This is how Ego keeps you from remembering who you really are and this is where confusion comes in to play. When decisions are made in a state of confusion, the results bring regret and shame because they were not made in the state of right mindedness. 

Give your mind over to One that guides you back to Truth by asking, before you make it, if your decision is the right one. His help is needed because you've been disoriented for so long that your focus is blurred and you need help in discerning what He knows to be True. This explains "not my will, but thy Will be done." Realign your mind with His and SIN will no longer be a term to be afraid of because punishment will no longer be a concern to you.

Being guided by the Holy Spirit, whom knows the way because He is the way to Peace is what it will take for you to hit the mark/target each and every time! There are no errors when your mind and will are in One accord with God, how could there be? Error comes from confusion and there is no confusion/doubt when the Holy Spirit is your guide. The key is to "BE still and know..." for there are no questions in God, only answers. God (LOVE) is The only answer and where there is Love there is no question, no doubt, no confusion, no fear, no worry, no anxiety, no shame, no guilt, no regrets, no SIN. Peace

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