Friday, December 11, 2015

Breathe...JUST breathe.

The majority of us do this involuntarily and it rarely if ever is thought about. Because we're lost in our mind, buried in thoughts, the only time it's noticed is when it becomes a challenge to do on its own (i.e, choking, an allergic reaction, etc.) 

What has been forgotten is, when done with intention (two to three slow and full to capacity,) Peace, however brief, is experienced. This is because, with intention, the mind is then redirected from the situation causing stress, anxiety, confusion, fear, etc., to calm, quiet, order, PEACE, even if for a moment. 

Considering it is the essence of Life, nothing else is needed in order to be centered/grounded. Please know, there is no other explaination for its immediate and effective Power other than it being a gift from God Himself. This fact is obscured (by Ego) which explains the need for drugs (prescription and/or illegal,) alcohol, food, sex, and anything else that offers a (temporary) solution. It is temporary simply because nothing on Earth lasts for ever which in reality is just a band aid and not a solution after all.

Choose this as a new practice and you will begin to notice what Ego had you lost in your mind about is instantly put back into perspective and clearly seen as something to either accept for what it is or dealt with when it is called for. It's from the point of Peace that sound decisions are made. It's from a place of Peace that clarity is gained and confusion is no more. Nothing more and nothing less is required because what could be more or less effect than what is given by God Himself??? It's called Peace and all it take is for you to breathe...JUST breathe. Peace

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