Monday, November 30, 2015


Grace - the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God. 

Free, signifies no strings attached; no "price" to pay, no debt incurred, no action needed.

Unmerited, indicates its generosity albeit the recipient is undeserving and/or unworthy. 

Allow this to clarify any notion you may have of something someone can do (or not do) to attain the Grace of God. Ego, on the other hand offers "grace" according to whether or not it is earned/merited and/or deserved. And despite your "good" efforts, a record is kept for later when it will have to be repaid, because Ego does nothing for free and everything for show. 

"God is good all the time" confirms the fact that He doesn't need you to pay Him back because what He's given you is not of this world of which you wouldn't have if not for Him anyway. God doesn't keep a tally of what He gives or to whom He gives it because all the money in the world couldn't buy it or even come close to its value in what it's worth. 

Ego would prefer you to continue to believe you are undeserving and/or unworthy of God's Grace because if you remembered His promise, "My Grace is sufficient for you, for My Power is made perfect in weakness" you would know His Grace is freely given to ALL. This realization ought to correct your believe in thinking God's Grace has to be earned or there is something you must sacrifice in order to receive it. And because His Grace is sufficient, let it by what settles your mind from what Ego tortures you with in anger, regret, fear, shame, worry, confusion, etc. 

You see, it's already been given. Acknowledge and appreciate Him by living in His Grace. This is done by BEing grateful for Life and you will also experience all His other gifts (Peace, Love, Joy, etc.,) Peace

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