Friday, January 15, 2016

Take it one at a time!

Everyday is a brand new opportunity to try again, to do better, to learn, to grow, to LOVE. When seen from this perspective, which is offered only by the Holy Spirit, Life is lived in gratitude for the gift it is (from God.)

The first step that must be taken to "take it one at at time" is to change your mind. Thoughts about life and all of what it entails is, for the average person, stressful at best and a down right  living hell at worst. 

Between what's being reported in the News and what's happening in your own personal life, is enough to cause Fear and Anxiety (to say the least.) It's imperative that you remember life situations,  no matter how challenging, are temporary and will pass! 

Changing your mind is necessary, required actually, because that is the first initiative for change. Positive change comes by way of your decision to surrender your thoughts/mind to the Holy Spirit.  This is done by completely letting go and remembering God is the One in control anyway not you!

Completely letting go means staying in the moment. Taking "it", Life, one day, one hour, one moment at a time. Accepting what is, because acceptance is what brings Peace. Please do not confuse acceptance with being in agreement with what is. You don't have to agree with what is because it is what it is whether you agree or not.

Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant for no other reason than an opinion being a belief of which isn't capable of improving a situation. Although everyone is entitled to their opinion, please know opinions have little to no value because of their irrelevance. True value is not of this world considering every worldly thing is temporal (limited to time.) That which is of God, Peace, for example, is priceless and because what God gives is for ever, Time is not an issue which secures its value/worth.

Choose to today, Now,  to release Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Guilt, Shame, Anger, etc., to the Holy Spirit in exchange for Peace (of mind.) Again, this is done by staying in the moment and being grateful for the gift of Life and you will notice, despite your circumstances, "this too shall pass." At this point you will better understand "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" because you will have surrendered your will and never regret that decision! Peace

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