Thursday, January 28, 2016

...One WILLING Heart.

Truth is True whether it is accepted as such or not. Truth doesn't change which is the primary reason it can be trusted and depended on. There is only One Truth however it is often confused with "my" truth or "your" truth which explains the Confusion and Conflict it causes. 

The world's version of truth validates "your" truth and "my" truth and that's the reason Confusion and Conflict dominate and dictates. You see, because Ego (also known as Devil, Satan, Lucifer, etc.,)   rules in the mind, thoughts like "you deserve this!" "you don't deserve that!" "you gotta get yours by any means necessary!" etc., is what maintains Confusion and Conflict. Thoughts like these offer no solution because Ego has one purpose and offering solutions to problems, which brings Peace, is not it! 

Please understand the "world" in itself is harmless and powerless, meaning of itself it is nothing. What must be realized is the fact that any/all drama and Peace is born in the mind then acted upon.  Like the world, the body is harmless and powerless and virtually useless without the mind. If/when  a medical surgeon declares one "brain dead," the quality of life is significantly reduced to that of a "vegetative" state - a chronic state of brain dysfunction in which a person shows no signs of awareness.

Because the gift of choice (given by God) is where Power comes from, any action taken is the result of decisions made in the mind. When Ego is in control, you are in a vegetative state of mind because there is dysfunction, showing no signs of awareness. It is here "poor" decisions are made which bring Pain along with Suffering and as a result leaving Shame and Guilt in its wake!

This should be of no surprise to you but if for some reason you are, pick up any news paper, turn on any news channel, check out your Twitter news updates or just ask the nearest person and you will find Confusion and Conflict dominating and dictating just about every report which carry a  predominantly negative tone. 

One willing heart is all it takes for the Holy Spirit to guide you to Truth. Guidance is necessary because the way to Truth has been lost to superficial meaninglessness and mistaken for Truth. Because the Holy Spirit doesn't dominate or dictate by imposing on your will to choose, a willing/open heart is required  in order to recognize Truth. A willing/open heart is one that is ready to relinquish all of what Ego convinced you is for your protection. It is at this point the solution to ANY and ALL problems are found and Peace of mind is experienced. Peace

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