Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Where do I begin?

Where else would you begin but right here, right now? We all know it's not possible to go back to last week, for example, press the "reset button" and begin again. There is no reset button people!!! My intention is to heal and not harm so please know that as you continue reading.

We all, at one point or another, have put things off saying "Oh, that can wait 'till tomorrow", or "The due date isn't until Tuesday." How about these? "When I get my degree...", "When I find the right partner...", "When I lose this weight...", "When I get that dream job..."blah blah blah - the list goes on but I'm sure you get the gist of where I'm going with this.

You see dreams, aspirations, goals, etc. come from one place - an idea. Ideas come to those with a clear mind. One that is open and ready for whatever tests/opportunities that show up. Perhaps they're always there but we're too busy "chasing our dreams" to even notice - imagine that? You see, you never have to chase your dreams - dreams don't run from you! It's only when you stop, take a breath (take a few!), and sit in silence (peace) for a minute is when you're more likely to experience an "Ah Ha!" moment. You may say "that was a coincidence" but at some point you'll need to see it for what it is (the Power of God) or you'll either experience them occasionally or not at all because you've returned to your state of mindless mind chatter.

It's mindless chatter because it's usually about what you can't change or do anything about anyway. Besides those listed above (which keep you stagnant) here are some examples of mindless mind chatter:
"I can't believe she/he did that to me" - Believe it, it's done!
"I'll never forgive him/her" - You'll bring pain and suffering on yourself.
"How will that get done?" - Have a little faith (the size of a mustard seed will do) - God is always in control.
"When will that ever happen for me?" - When you're ready. You're ready the minute you decide to be - when you're still and open to what's presented to you. 
"How long will I have to...?" - Stop that thought right in its track and say "Just this." Anything else is a waste of time and energy.

Listen, there is no other way around it - either you continue doing the same thing expecting a different outcome or you try something different. What is more insane than continuing to do what you know doesn't work? Change comes the instant you're ready for it! You're ready as soon as you hit the off button (called Present Moment) and really engage yourself in whatever it is you're doing. Please don't confuse being present for being lazy. Those are two total different things. One is a state of mind, the other is a state of NOT doing.

Change comes not only when your mind is quiet, peaceful, still but it's also what you do in that moment. Here is where it all comes together! First off, you start (right) now and consciously choose peace not war, to help and not harm, invite not exclude, uplift not berate, share not withhold, love and that's it. Let this be your wake up call and not the diagnosis of a terminal illness or worse. Somewhere inside you know all this already - you just needed to be reminded that it all begins right here, right now! Peace

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