Monday, October 20, 2014

Cancer, what's the point?

I am consistently taken aback by how well my soon to be teen aged daughter (in 3 months!!!) seems to be handling life's tests. Here is what I was faced with at the very tender age of 12yrs old - Hodgkin's Lymphoma formerly known as Hodgkin's Disease.  Hodgkin lymphoma is a cancer of lymph tissue. Lymph tissue is found in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, bone marrow, and other sites

I got my very first menstrual on a Sunday afternoon in January and was scheduled for surgery to have the lymph nodes removed the following (Monday) morning. Three lymph nodes were removed - one on both sides of the back of my neck (in my hair line) and the third in my groin. Imagine what that's like! First time getting my period and now having surgery...DOWN THERE - REALLY?!?!?? Well I'm grateful to say after going through 3 1/2 years of Chemo Therapy, Spinal Taps, Bone Marrow transplants, CAT Scans, etc. I am cancer free for over 30yrs. I used to ask myself "what was the purpose of that?" I know now the answer to that question is "to help your daughter get through what's she's going through at age 12." 

You see, my daughter was diagnosed with Psoriasis in January of this year. Coincidence? Maybe but I doubt it. Since then she has lost most of her hair (after dealing with a severely dry scaly scalp for at least three years before the diagnosis.) She dealt with that awful experience quite well. After the shock settled and the tears were wiped away, a fierce tiger was born! I cut what was left of her hair into an awesome Bob and she's been ROCK'n IT ever since. Throughout the incessant visits to one dermatologist after the other, visits to the specialists, home remedies, etc. my baby girl fell in love with fashion. She's always been a girly girl but the designing aspect of it really took on a life of its own. Her most recent triumph was deciding to put on a fashion show at school - revealing her clothing line (10 skirts, 2 dresses and 1 halter top - no kidding!) She also started a fashion blog to record all of her ideas. She even ties in current events "Naomi Campbell's show to tackle Ebola" This is my daughter at 12yrs old...REALLY??? 

To think back when my girls were 3 and 4yrs old I would get anxiety over this very stage, puberty/adolescence. I'd like to think it was the anxiety that jump started my quest to prepare my girls for what their bodies were about to go through. I've also prepared them for how to deal with life's challenges - remember, it's all a well you do is contingent upon how present you are in each moment. By being able to look at your situation for what it is (no matter how hurtful, or ugly it seems) is at that point you're able to take the next step. If not, you'll suffer because you're stuck in denial (think quick sand) and won't be able to progress - in essence failing that test. Oh! But don't worry you'll be faced with another challenge (think of it as an opportunity) to learn from. 

You have your whole life to learn - wouldn't you rather get it right the first time? By staying in a state of peace and gratitude, you'll find life's tests are presented less and less often because you've learned from them and so they're no longer necessary. 

Living life in the present will then be less stressful, more peaceful and worth living! Be well.

1 comment:

Skylar Small said...

this is really touching :)