Friday, October 31, 2014

Sugar Honey Iced Tea!

I'd like to give you some perspective on what SH*T really is - Nothing. Because it's seen or taken for something else or at the very least, for what it's not, we have those who believe guns should be allowed in schools! Are you ready??? Let's go!

SH*T comes in the form of anything negative. Please remember that as I explain to you what I mean. Parents, this may hit home for you. Is it possible for you to believe one or two of your children are special and the other(s) not? Or how about this one? Setting house rules, for example and establishing chores for one (with a list of specific details as to how you expect them done), while giving chores to the other but with details contradicting the first list as to how they should be done, lastly giving no rules/chores whatsoever to the last sibling. How well do you think that will go over? How long do you think that will last before there is a complete uprising because of what's not fair? Soon after, will the arguments start over what chore should be done first, which list is correct (although they all came from you) and/or if there is a reward for completion. Can you imagine the (unnecessary) chaos???

Who in their right mind would create such problems for themselves? Would you agree most parents love their children equally? Talents, personalities, interests, etc., make each one unique but the love is equal for all, it doesn't change - agreed? So why is it still believed the race of one group is considered to be superior to others? Or the way one group worships is the only right way? How about these lovely ones? Women are inferior to men. LGTBQ are hell bound. The poor or homeless don't matter. The elderly are on their your own. The lame and sick are invisible. Overweight/obese are judged and looked down upon. Criminals should be cast away. The wealthy are respected. The young and "beautiful" are preferred.  I mean the SH*T goes on for days generations!  Yet this is the SH*T we continue to teach our children.  SH*T also comes in the form of attack (rude email, text, Facebook post, cheating, arguments, gossip, bullying, lies, etc.) Can any of it stand on its own in logic? If no, you must see it as nothing -  SH*T, because it means absolutely nothing.

Come on, stay with me here - it gets better! Your imagination is required for this activity.  Imagine each and everyone one of us (human beings) without the SH*T. Now what is there to be in conflict about? Because you know what SH*T is, you won't spread it around but instead recognize it as a cry for help instead of a personal attack on you. When we're able to see someone in full rage (like a pit bull foaming at the mouth) spewing venom and recognize it as nothing but SH*T we're then able to not allow it to become our SH*T. By keeping your peace which in essence dissolves SH*T into the nothingness it really is when we've given our children the "golden rule." At that point do you think the need for guns in schools will be anything but SH*T??? You decided.

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