Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember Truth, YOU are LOVE, the idea of LOVE will continue to be something that is sought after.
More often than not, the emotion is confused (with fear,) by ego and thought of as LOVE however because feelings change and LOVE does not, this is clearly where the error lies.
WE (human BEings) are manifestations of LOVE in physical form however the body is not the core essence of our BEing.
“GOD is LOVE” and “WE (human BEings) are made is His image” means when WE remember the Truth of who WE are (LOVE,) WE are able to “see” GOD in one another.
Unpacking all the fear that’s been suffocating the mind is the first required step to experiencing Peace (of mind).
Ego would have you thinking it’s a daunting task because we’ve been conditioned by fear when in fact the only place ego does not and can not exist, is in the state and/or Presence of LOVE.
Fear needs the shadows of darkness and confusion to maintain its illusion of Power. It is rendered powerless in the light of Truth (Reality).
Choose to remember Truth. There is nothing to fear considering fear is made up in the mind by ego.
Knowing this releases it’s grip once the vail of lies have been dropped “like a ton of bricks” and Truth/Reality can be accepted once fear is no longer in the picture.
It is at this point that Peace (of mind) is experienced specifically because there are no questions, no worries, no doubts, no concerns, no regrets, etc., which all come from fear - ego’s magical wand of two states that do not exist. Past and Future - except for in the mind.
The only Time that matters is Now. 1. There is no other time like the Present one. Change happens in the Now, no other time. Peace is experienced in the Now, no other time.
LOVE on the other hand is Timeless which means it is never ending so when the physical body expires, so does it’s experiences. Get it??