Wednesday, November 11, 2020

This GAME is NO joke!

The game of Life is played well when the ONE rule to Life is remembered - YOU are not in control. 

Because WE (human BEings) are not of this world but just passing through it, what must be remembered is the fact that everything happens for a reason.

What happened isn’t as important as what is learned from what happened. If/when the lesson hasn’t been learned, it will reappear, just in another form. This, aka history, will continue until it is no longer necessary. 

YOU determine that but only when Present enough to make that decision. Otherwise Suffering will continue to be an unnecessary factor. Considering Pain is a part of Life, Suffering on the other hand is the result prolonged subconscious decisions. 

Stay awake in order to not engage in what makes no sense. A helpful tip is to know whenever ego is involved, chaos and conflict are soon to follow. 

Choose rather to remember what is important - Time here on earth is a precious, priceless gift that is guaranteed to no one.

Get your head in the game but keep your mind in check or ego will take over and try to destroy the mind with fear. The very thing that doesn’t exist (except for in the mind). 

BE Still. LET GO. And enjoy the ride! Peace

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