Friday, April 29, 2016

You're not poor, you just forgot Who you are.

Because you have lost the True meaning of wealth, you suffer unnecessarily in poverty from lack of knowledge. Please be clear, the knowledge mentioned here is not acquired through books or years of study on any particular subject. True knowledge is not learned because it is innate - you're born with it however its been forgotten over time through learning and adapting the made up ways of the world. True wealth is not attained from things of the world which explains the term "more money more problems."

Money, credentials, material wealth, celebrity status (whether it be in the entertainment, academic, medical or political arena,) etc., has been accepted as the paradigm for success and/or a prosperous life.  Time however (typically through loss and/or devastation)  proves they are but smoke and mirrors. The evidence of lack of True knowledge comes as a result of those witnessing this fact yet choosing to continue to base their identity on what they've worked for believing their fate will be different. A house made of brick, wood or stone is irrelevant if its built on sand (smoke and mirrors.)

The True meaning of wealth is True because what is True can not be  threatened. What is True doesn't change which is why its foundation is reliable. True wealth comes from the understanding that because it can't be earned, it can't be lost. Its only in remembering Who you are, a perfect creation of Love, that the Power within (LOVE) will bring back what you thought you lost, PEACE. It is here  you will remember an abundance or lack of worldly things has absolutely nothing to do with Who you are. It is here you will no longer be a slave to the mind that believes Ego's way of thinking which makes no sense (lack of True knowledge.) It is here that poverty (which is a state of mind) is seen for what it is, Ego's trick which traps you into believing things of the world is what brings things not of this world Peace, Joy, Love. Don't be fooled. You're not poor, you're sitting on a gold just forgot. Peace    

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