Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Real" Food

What is "real" food? Simply put, it is what's naturally harvested from the ground and/or picked from trees and vines. When left to do what it was created to do  (without the interference of pesticides,  hormones, additives, etc.,) the rate of those diagnosed with Cancer may be significantly reduced. You should know, if bugs don't want it, you shouldn't either! 

Now let's get into the "processed" foods. They are not real food. These food like products are produced in labs by chemists which include artificial food coloring, artificial flavoring, high-fructose corn syrup, etc. Feel free to check out a list of the top 15 chemical additives in your food ( This information may be difficult to accept however knowledge is Power and with knowledge you're better equipped to make wiser choices for you and your loved ones. 

Just recently the FDA (Food And Drug Administration) finally admitted that nearly 70% of U.S. chickens contain Roxarsone, a cancer causing arsenic. It's safe to say the same for beef and pork as well. Still not convinced, do your own research by starting here at

Many have waved off this information by saying things like "Tell me what doesn't have cancer causing chemicals or whatever on them? They're going to find out soon that carrots cause cancer because of the polluted soil." Or "Well I buy only Organic meats, fruits and vegetables." Please know if you're shopping at your local grocery store and not a local farm, the "Organic" sticker is just slapped on to give you some comfort while being charged more for what is exactly the same as the meats which are most likely than not contaminated with Roxarsone.

Now is the time to get serious about your overall health and well being. This entails your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional state. You only have one life. Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life. Get up and make positive changes for yourself because no one or nothing will do it for you. You can't control the actions of others but you do control yours. 

Start by loving and being kind to yourself by reducing articifial foods and cancer causing meats and chicken. Peace

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