Saturday, September 5, 2015

What does it all mean?!?

Vibrational frequencies -  the rate at which the atoms and sub-particles of a being or object vibrate. The higher this vibrational frequency is, the closer it is to the frequency of Light. 

Because an object is not capable of changing/improving its vibrational frequency at its own volition, it will always be as it is (ex. a chair, table, rock etc.) unless changed by a source other than itself. 

We, the human race, on the other hand, are the only species that has the capability to change/improve our vibrational frequency by changing the way we think or view life situations however because we've forgotten the most critical part of this fact, we continue to suffer unnecessarily. Suffering is always unnecessary because when the Power of thought (vibrational frequency) is fully understood, that is when the beginning of transformation happens which transmutes pain and suffering into the state of being through the experience of  Joy and Peace.

Acceptance of what is at the present moment is the first requirement for the possibility of being and thus experiencing that of which is always available to you Now (Peace, Love, Joy,) it's a choice. Please do not confuse acceptance of what is for inaction. On the contrary, acceptance of what is allows for mental clarity where rational decisions are more likely to be an option which leaves One with a better chances of Peace. Denial of what is, in contrast, and/or acting on emotion tends to leave shame and regret in its wake and if the lesson has not been learned (through experience - Life's best teacher) the same is likely to be repeated which just makes matters worse.

Because, We, the human race, are more than just our physical body/form, the energy (vibrational frequency) we hold in the body created by the thoughts formed in the mind, determines the outcome of any given situation. One does not have to believe this for it to be true considering We, the human race, are made of energy, not matter.

Simply put, You control the outcome of your destiny by how you view Life. See life situations as a test of your ability to live by Faith (not by sight which is easily and too often misinterpreted) through the medium of changing the way you think and you will begin to notice positive change in your life.

"Change your thoughts, change your life" means just that! Thoughts hold either positive or negative energy which attracts more of the same and because only You control what thoughts come in or are made up in your mind, only You can determine the quality of your Life. Again, please do not confuse life situations (mere tests of your Faith) for Reality. Reality is what is it, acceptance of what is, is where the beginning of real positive change is obtainable. You decide! Peace

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