Monday, January 3, 2022

It’s just a nightmare. It’s not Real!

Awakening happens when the illusion of what Life is meant to be becomes so intolerable whatever circumstance cracks/shatters what was once lived as a dream that turned into a nightmare.

It is at this point of seeing things clearly for what they are (Reality) that positive change is not only possible but likely. 

It is the decision to accept Reality for what it is, that opens the doors for “miracles” to occur. Miracles happen naturally however WE (human BEings) too often get in the way because of fear.  Fear of the unknown. 

Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember the True nature of our core BEingness - LOVE - ego will continue to use fear as it’s only yet most effective  form of “control”. 

Choose to remember because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up which explains why it makes no sense. Rather than question what doesn’t seem right, WE (human BEings) tend to “go with the flow” because that’s the way it’s always been. 

Truth is what is True isn’t taught because Truth doesn’t change. WE (human BEings) are told lies from birth and taught to believe it to be True. 

Choose to wake up to the fact that Life in this physical form is simply a moment in “Time” where we get to experience Life and all of what it entails. 

The “golden nugget” is to: 

1. Not take Life personally. It’s a game but not a joke!

2. BE  and stay in a state of gratitude for everything because there is a lesson in it. 

3. When being “tested”, remember it’s a test and you’re less likely to take it personally which is precisely how the test is failed

4. Trust Life’s process and Know by taking a moment to reflect and respond rather than react is how lessons are learned. 

5. Lastly, choose to not let Death be the reminder of how precious the breath of Life really is. 

Stay awake. BE Grateful. BE still and you will experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Peace


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