Sunday, November 28, 2021


Because Time, a man made concept of two periods (Past/Future) does not exist, it is pointless to expect progress and/or evolution at any point in Time, if the mind has not changed. This is why history continues to repeat itself. 

There is a lesson to learn and Life is the teacher. Take matters personally and the point of Life will have been missed. 

The fact that Life is a blessing, challenges/tests are more likely to be seen for the gifts they are as “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” 

Because ego is most successful in the dark quiet shadows of the mind, it is best to keep ego in check otherwise Life has a way of humbling the most egotistical with a Reality check, aka Karma, that often comes with humiliation. That is to be expected whenever ego is on the scene. 

Choose to appreciate the value in the mere breath of Life. No breath. No Life. 

Choose to see, value and respect the Life in every living BEing. Life is priceless and can end (as we know it) at any moment. Death is that constant reminder of what is inevitable. What is born will die however the True essence of our core BEing (LOVE) is Timeless. 

While here, BE Present. BE YOU. BE LOVE. Peace. 

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