Tuesday, January 25, 2022

You either play or get played.

Life is a game. WE (Human BEings) either play or get played! How to not get played? Do not take matters personally. 

Everything in Life comes with a lesson. If/when seen and taken otherwise, the point would have been missed. And in the term of archery, to miss the point/mark, is a sin

How to not miss the point/mark of Life? Pay attention! Ego requires an empty/unoccupied mind in order to maintain its existence (illusion). It needs to start and/or maintain  problems by making up stories (in fear). 

Presence (consciousness) is required in order to pay attention. Miracles, aka solutions, happen in the NOW, never the Past or Future. Two periods of time that  are merely a man made concept. Not convinced?  A brush with Death is likely to  change one’s perspective on Time. 

Choose to see and take Life (“good/bad”) as it comes - whether you’re prepared for it or not. Why? Because Life happens whether you’re ready or not. 

The Joy of Life is in understanding how it works. You see, Life is a game that is played well by allowing what already is, to BE. 

Surrendering - not quitting - is the key to seeing clearly what is really going on. To surrender, one must be Present (NOW) and accept what is in order to move forward. By surrendering and accepting what is, one will always find/see Truth for what it is, Reality - temporary

Truth is a reminder there is nothing to fear (ever). What will be, will BE. Truth is because of the nature of our core BEingness (LOVE,) there is no threat. Only LOVE is Real, and nothing Real can be threatened. 

BE Still. Pay attention. BE Present. Be grateful for the experience of BEing alive because one day you won’t be. You are NOW, so live life to the fullest, NOW while you still can!

BE YOU (LOVE). Peace

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