Sunday, July 2, 2017

If fear masters the mind, who or what is the master of fear?

Because Truth doesn't change, ever, what is required to recognize Truth is the willingness to remember what is Known but has been forgotten.

Fear, in the forms of anger, resentment, jealousy, complacency, intimidation, superiority/inferiority, greed, intolerance, bullying, etc., are precisely what prevents the mind from recognizing and accepting Truth. Fear controls every situation with the help of its buddy, Denial.

Denial entertains all of what doesn't matter, i.e., details, in order to confuse, distract, and even defend its poor state. The sole purpose of Denial is to prevent the recognition of Truth.

Truth is, LOVE doesn't change, ever, which explains why details never matter. When the "dust," aka  BS settles, LOVE is always there. Details may delay the inevitable however because LOVE is not of this world, acceptance of Truth, aka LOVE, is simply a matter of Time.

Because ego lives in the Past, which doesn't exists, it depends on what never matters (details) to buy more Time. What WE, (human beings) have forgotten is the fact that NOW is all there really is. The Past is gone and the Future doesn't exist yet the Present is lost in reliving the Past while worrying about the Future.

Choose to regain control of your mind by staying aware of the thoughts ego entertains. At the end of the day and even at the end of Time, only LOVE is Real. Remember,  LOVE is fearless because nothing Real can be threatened.

Allow LOVE to guide the way because YOU ARE LOVE. Peace

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