Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Because the Universe is always responding to energy, it is imperative that WE (the entire human race,) remember to be aware of our thoughts. Our thoughts are what affect our energy/mood and when the subconscious mind takes over the conscious mind - because WE are lost in thought - negative energetic emerges. 

For one to BE conscious, Presence is required. It is in Presence that Truth is recognized. Because WE've lost our way by believing what we see and hear with our physical senses, fear has taken over and continues to control the mind. Unless and until this fundamental change is made, which by the way can only be made by BEing conscious, decisions made in fear will continue to bring shame and regret. This is specifically because fear has no logic but only chaos which causes desperation/recklessness, hence the shame and regret

When Present in the moment (NOW) fear begins to subside. And the longer one is able to stay Present, by simply BEing aware of each in and out breath, fear will eventually disappear. This is because fear and total Presence can not coexist. Presence requires total awareness of the Present moment by accepting what is where fear appears when lost in thought - reliving the Past and/or stressed out about the Future, of which neither really exists.  

Choose to remember Truth, WE (human beings) are LOVE. Because LOVE is the answer to ALL, take a DEEP breath, then two or three more and Know because You are LOVE, there is nothing to fear. 

BE still. BE Present. STAY Present. BREATHE. The universe responds to energy. KEEP IT POSITIVE and it will be reciprocated. Peace

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