Friday, June 30, 2017

Ego talks. LOVE demonstrates through ACTION.

Too many are led to believe that LOVE is "give and take". The pain felt is said to be the result of giving (too much) and not getting (enough) in return. 

The Truth is, because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up (by ego). Because LOVE is not of this world, LOVE does not depend on anything or anyone

Too many believe "Time will tell" when in comes to LOVE however Truth is, because Time is guaranteed to no one, Time is waisted by too many, waiting for the "right time". Because only LOVE Real, NOW is always the only right Time. For this reason, LOVE needs nothing and LOVE takes nothing, LOVE costs nothing because LOVE is priceless. WE (human beings) Know this, WE just forgot this. 

Actions done in LOVE do not need recognition, that's ALL ego because ego does nothing for free. Ego's version of LOVE is "50/50, give and take". Remember Truth. WE (the entire human race) are LOVE. WE are One whole, not half of anything. When WE remember the Truth about Who WE are (LOVE,) ego's little trick (fear) will no longer control the mind.

Choose LOVE, NOW (every time) and You won't regret it. Ego leaves because ego talks first and loudest all the while making no sense because it makes it up as it goes along.

NOW is always the right time because there is no fear/hesitation in LOVE. Nothing and no one can threaten LOVE. It is ego that feels threatened and so shuns LOVE. This is because when LOVE is Present, ego dissipates into the nothingness it Really is. 

 BE Still. BE here NOW. BE YOU. BE LOVE. Peace

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