Whenever you're conflicted about something/anything (because you've forgotten who you are), and you need discernment about what to do, check your body language.
Because the body listens to and obeys only the mind, that is when and where you'll find the truth about what's going on up there. No matter what the mouth says (which is clearly in conflict with the mind), you'll find truth in body language because the body doesn't lie - the mouth does!
Because the tongue is a two edged sword, you can't depend on it because of its ability to be dishonest. The body, which is what God uses as his instrument, is available for use only if/when the mind is free from worry, fear, anger, envy, jealousy, anxiety, etc.
These emotions do not last long in the present moment because the Ego has to either drag the mind back to the past and keep it there to rehash what it refuses to let you forget or it continuously makes up grim scenarios of the future to keep you in fear. It also shows you a past that would've been but wasn't, to keep you in denial or it has you believe your treasure is in some far away place (in the sky) to prevent you from being grateful for what/who you have in your life now.
The body doesn't speak but can and does communicate. Only in the present moment are you able to stop and "listen" to your body because if you don't, your body will stop you (emergency room or worse!) Not convinced? What is the body's first sign of communication when the mind is stressed out? A headache. If that sign is ignored, the headache may get worse and/or the body will send another (stronger) signal, i.e., chest pains, high blood pressure, heart attack, etc.
Because the body was created for God's purpose, anything other than His purpose brings pain and suffering - "All things work for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose." God created man (not just Adam and Eve) and because man doesn't remember their purpose, greed, selfishness, envy, malice, revenge, jealousy, hate. etc., is what will continue to bring pain and suffering.
Only in the present moment are you able to feel God's presence. You won't find Him in the past because the past is gone and you won't find Him in the future because the future doesn't exist. There is no coincidence this moment is called the PRESENT. Accept it from God, be grateful for it and use it to honor Him.
Because we are ALL created in HIS image (a spiritual being), don't let the body be the determining factor of how you live. The body is God's instrument to be used for HIS purpose (never yours) and when that purpose has been accomplished, the body returns to the ground - ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Your (God given) purpose is UNIVERSAL and that is to honor God by seeing Him in everyone so everyone can see Him in you. Peace
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