Saturday, December 2, 2017

Each one of us is greater than the worst thing we’ve ever done.

Because the Truth of who WE (human BEings) are has been forgotten, ego takes over using fear and makes up a false image as a shield of "protection". When Truth is remembered, fear vanishes because what is Real can not be threatened and what is unreal does not exist (except in the mind where ego takes up residence but only when left vacant and unattended). 

Another word for Truth is Reality and for Truth to be accepted, it must first be recognized (previously seen or known) for what it is and not what it should've or could be. One recognizes Truth through Surrender because Surrender is the path to accepting Truth.

Truth, the essence of who WE (human BEings) are, can be denied however Truth is what it is whether it is accepted or not. Contrary to what too many believe, Truth can not be lost because one can not lose who you are. Truth has always been and will always BE and acceptance of what is, is the only way Peace is reestablished. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE. Because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up by ego because of  fear. Yes, WE (human BEings) are greater than the worst thing we’ve ever done which doesn't define who WE are.

We are LOVE in spite of our actions. Actions are a mere reflection of what is happening in the mind. When the mind is returned to its right place by BEing in the moment (Presence), acceptance of Truth (Reality) is what brings Forgiveness for what was done (to you and/or by you) when the mind was left unattended.

Remember Truth. Remember LOVE. BE You. BE LOVE.