Tuesday, August 13, 2024

There is NOTHING to fear.

Because WE (Human BEings) were born into a made up system to benefit a very small group, it is inevitable that system will fail the moment the majority wake up and take action. 

NOT by repeating history through war for tyranny but by collectively choosing to go within, tap into the Power (LOVE) that is innate where the BEST solution for ALL is found. 

Because NOTHING on earth lasts forever, it is through detachment and releasing the hold of what was, that Peace is not only possible, it is restored and experienced

There must be a decision made between the fear of what’s to come and Knowing EVERYTHING is in Divine Timing as it is ALL for our benefit…or it wouldn’t be. 

“YOU create your reality” lends to “energy flows where attention goes”. As part of society, one still has to maintain a lifestyle that fits within this environment and getting the bare minimum is a struggle for too many . 

The current focus/energy is around the next election which puts the Power within in the background inviting the power without (fear/lack), in, as the new guide/protector, causing nothing but chaos, confusion and conflict. The precise order of history repeating its lessons through war. 

Choose to remember who YOU are, LOVE, so no matter what happens, Peace is not compromised because Life is worth living! 

LOVE is all around. BE YOU, LOVE and LOVE will be everywhere you look. 


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Why search for what’s hidden in plain sight.

Because miracles happen naturally, Presence is the only requirement necessary to experience them. Being alert/awake and in the state of Gratitude particularly during challenging/difficult circumstances is how to not miss them!

WE (Human BEings) are here, in the physical realm, but for a moment before transitioning back to our True essence; SPIRIT/LOVE. So to pause, as often as necessary, and focus on the breath - “of Life” is the beginning of reconnecting with Source (LOVE). Its effects are calming and grounding, otherwise known as PEACE…that surpasses ALL understanding. 

Life and ALL of it’s challenges is a blessing, at times in disguise, and precisely why it is imperative to remain alert/awake in order to grow through each and every situation (good/bad/indifferent).

Pay attention to what matters, this moment, NOW and choose to rest in the comfort of Knowing it is Clarity/Truth that brings light to the darkness and confusion. 

BE Still. Trust the process. Pause. Breathe…deeply and slowly. This first miracle is right under your nose! Be Grateful for it by taking Time to contemplate the fact that without it (the Breath) there is no Life…in this physical realm. Then witness all the others that are “hidden” in plain sight! 


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Don’t try, just BE.

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten the True essence of our BEingness (LOVE), a façade, ego, has been adopted as a form of “protection” from imaginary danger. Imaginary considering it all begins in the mind. 

It’s not until the dust (nothingness) settles from the chaos and confusion, caused by ego, that allows Clarity the space to reveal Truth/Reality which was hidden in plain sight. 

Denial is precisely what blocks one’s ability to see and accept what already is. There is no growth in the state of Denial, just stagnation and suffering. 

Choose to remember Life, in the physical form, is a game to be played. When viewed from this perspective, the hand dealt will not be taken personally which is how the whole point is missed. THIS is a “sin” in the sport of archery because the point/target/bullseye was missed

Because Time is guaranteed to no one, Life is best lived in the moment and in a state of Gratitude; specifically during challenging times. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. The point/purpose of each and every test/challenge is for one’s growth and evolution. To view it any other way is a call for further suffering. 

The breath of Life is a gift. What happens from the very first to the very last is simply for the experience and the enjoyment of it…good, bad and ugly. Otherwise the very purpose of one's BEing will be questioned, by ego, and may even think of ending it from the pressure/ tests/Life lessons. Which by the way, are never personal.  

Life is a game that is not to be taken personally. Instead, be Grateful for the opportunity to play another day. Stay awake/alert in order to see the signs that are there to guide you through uncharted territory and difficult situations.

Remember who YOU are at the core essence of your BEing (LOVE) so you can continue to be the blessing that YOU are here to BE. 

Life lived in the state of LOVE/authenticity is one that is fearless considering Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists, herein lies the Peace of GOD…in YOU.



Wednesday, September 13, 2023

JOY comes with understanding.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) accept Reality for what it is, LIFE, the whole point of living is missed,which in the term of archery is a SIN

Truth is, because GOD is LOVE, and WE (human BEings) are made in “His” image, WE too are LOVE. In this context, LOVE is not referring to the emotion for emotions/feelings change. Real (AGAPE) LOVE does not, this LOVE is unconditional. 

It is our responsibility to tap into the Power/Strength, within, wake up to Reality and Know everything in Life is for one’s growth/evolution. 

Living life from this perspective offers room for positive change. Otherwise Life’s lessons are missed and History will repeat itself…until the lesson is learned. 

Because Time is guaranteed to no one, choose to BE Present in this moment by going within and BE Still to experience Peace…that surpasses all understanding. 

The right solution to every situation (Peace) is always and only found within so stop searching for it on the outside.

Truth is not taught, it is forgotten and just need to be remembered. What has been forgotten is “Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of GOD.”

ENJOY Life! 



Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Power of Awareness

Because WE (Human BEings) are, at the core essence of our BEing, LOVE, what is there to fear? Nothing. Why? Because only LOVE is Real, fear is made up in the mind, by ego. 

Unless/until WE (Human BEings) are aware of what is entertained by the mind, ego will continue using its most effective tool, fear, to distract, confuse, cause chaos and destruction through self sabotage. 

Truth is, fear can not sustain the NOW/Present moment for very long. Fear needs distractions/illusions (Past/Future) to sell the worst case scenario.  Because fear is not Real, three deep cleansing breaths is what brings the mind back to a state of awareness where there is Clarity and Peace…of mind. 

The Present moment/NOW offers Peace through Clarity however acceptance of Reality is necessary to experience the Joy of Peace. Otherwise denial will continue being the cause for stagnation and suffering. 

BEing alert/aware allows One the wherewithal to avoid the “snares/booby traps” aka Life's lessons by seeing them for what they are, opportunities for growth/evolution rather than taking matters personally and missing the whole point…of Life. In the sport of Archery, missing the point/target/bullseye is called a SIN.     

BEing alert/aware offers the space for creativity,  miracles, the “ impossible“ and the like. It is in this space LOVE is expressed, received, and experienced. authentically as YOU…in the absence of fear.   

Breathe. BE Still. BE YOU (LOVE).

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Get with the program!

Because WE (Human BEings) have forgotten Truth; only LOVE is Real, fear has been introduced by ego which poses as the protector from an imaginary enemy. 

Because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up in the mind, by ego, which explains why it makes no sense yet causes nothing but chaos, confusion and stress. 

Truth is what it is (Life/Reality) whether accepted or not. Acceptance is for one’s own benefit in the experience of Peace. Otherwise Denial, of what already is, is where and how Suffering takes place. 

Because everything in Life happens for a reason; to learn, grow and evolve, problems begin when this fact is forgotten, matters are taken personally and the whole point/target/bullseye is missed. In the term of archery, “to miss the mark/point/target/bullseye” is a sin.

Life is a game and is only played well in the Present moment (Consciousness). It is in the Present moment only that one can experience Life. Yet too often Time is  lost in the Past unable to accept what happened that “shouldn’t have”, what didn’t happen but “could, would or should have” or worried about the Future. If or how things will turn out. 

Growth comes from continuing to move forward in spite of whatever circumstance, Knowing things always work out in the end. Challenges are what  bring forth growth. Accepting whatever challenge as an opportunity for growth brings forth self evolvement

Self awareness comes from remembering Truth; only Love is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.

Because WE (Human BEings) are not this physical body but the Spirit (LOVE) within, Peace of mind is resumed as a gift, both given and received in the experience of allowing/accepting what already is, to BE.

BE Still. Breathe. Life happens. Accept was is. Be grateful for this moment….it is someone’s last! 


Monday, October 17, 2022

Death…the ultimate reminder of Truth.

Death is not to be feared, it is to be respected because it reminds US (human BEings) of Truth - our time here is temporary

Death is a part of Life, it’s not the end of Life. Death is the end of birth. We’ve been conditioned to celebrate birth and do so every year yet death is not to be discussed until it approaches and/or poses a “threat”. 

Suffering comes from the inability to accept what is, Reality. Reality is what is, in spite of everything else. made up by ego. This explains why when Reality “hits”, ego is no where to be found. 

Nothing “hits” like a Reality check from Death! Accepting the fact that WE (Human BEings) ALL have an unknown expiration date is one way to focus   energy on what matters; your time here, NOW. 

The NOW is what matters considering it’s the only “Time” Real change/growth/evolution happens…within. One must BE Still/Silent to remember what is Known, just forgotten; there is nothing to fear…not even Death. 

Death is a part of Life and Life will begin to seem a bit more valuable…particularly to those dealing with a terminal illness. It doesn’t have to take a near Death experience to respect and value Life yet it does the trick every time. 

Know this, the point of Life is for the experience of it! Nothing more, nothing less, which is why “you can’t take it with you!” 

The True value/worth is what can’t be bought or sold…Life. Choose to see the value in it NOW…tomorrow is not guaranteed because it’s not Real. Only LOVE is Real. 

