Thursday, March 10, 2022

It doesn’t matter.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) recognize the True essence of our BEingness (LOVE,) ego will continue to use fear to distract and destroy. 

What is to be remembered, because you already Know this, is because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up in the mind (by ego) and made to seem Real. 

When Life is lived from the perspective of the Third eye, where Calm and Clarity provide the space for Knowledge, there is nothing to fear. 

This state of BEing is only accessible in complete Stillness where there are no doubts, worries, questions, concerns, hesitation, reservations, conditions, stipulations, demands, obligations, ultimatums, etc. 

This Knowing offers the Peace (of mind) that surpasses all understanding specifically because it comes from within. This explains why nothing on this planet is worth the cost of One’s Peace (of mind)… it is priceless!

Choose to remember, Presence (NOW/HERE) is where/how magic, aka miracles happen. One must be Present (in the mind) in order to manifest and/or receive “blessings”.

It’s in the doing (Service -  a helpful act) that blessings are shared by all parties. When ego is not on the scene, meaning expecting nothing in return, is where/how LOVE is expressed

Because only LOVE is Real, nothing else matters. Choose to not get caught up in ego’s traps; misunderstandings, misconceptions, personal agendas, personal vendettas, assuming, projecting, etc., of which all stem from fear. It’s not Real and so it doesn’t matter unless/until it’s given meaning.

What is given meaning is not Real - it’s made up, by ego. What is Real, (LOVE) doesn’t need meaning. Nothing means anything (nonsense) without LOVE! 


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