Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Everything has a season (a period of Time).

Unless WE (human BEings) remember the fact that while here in physical form, there will be a point when Time is up (for you,) Time will continue to be wasted toiling on what isn’t worth it while Life itself continues because Life is eternal - never ending. 

Considering the fact that WE (human Beings) are at the core essence of BEingness, energy/LOVE, it is always beneficial to all parties involved when in that frame of mind precisely because ego is not involved.

It takes Presence/awareness to not hold onto what was meant to be for a period of Time. All things come and go and accepting this Reality is how to avoid (further) suffering. It is in the allowance of what already is that brings freedom and Peace (of mind). 

When faced with challenges, it is more beneficial to remember “this too shall pass” and Know everything that happens has a lesson (gift) attached. 

The key is to not take matters personally which is precisely where growth comes from. “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” signifies growth, strength and wisdom - all of which are beneficial to one’s evolvement. 

Choose to allow what is, aka Life, to BE which is just for a season otherwise what was meant for one’s growth will have an adverse effect - all because ego refuses to let go of what it can’t control (Life). 

As a result, ego uses Time (Past/Future - two points in Life that do not exist) to distract the mind by causing chaos and conflict/drama where there was never a problem to begin with. When/if the mind is left unattended for any amount of Time, ego is bound to show up and start a scene.

Remember, Life aka challenges, is a gift! The prize is in learning the lesson each challenge presents itself in is for good and not to be taken personally otherwise the whole point would have been missed. 

Because history has a way of repeating itself, the lesson will present itself in another form, until the lesson is no longer needed. It’s  called Life, nothing personal! 

This fosters humility which never brings shame or regret where ego most certainly does, each and every time! 

Breathe. BE Still. Enjoy this moment in Peace, if only for a moment.


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