Thursday, February 15, 2018

WE have yet to learn the lesson because History continues to repeat itself.

Unless and until Truth is remembered for what it is, WE will continue to suffer as a result. History repeats itself to force US (Human BEings) to face Truth but Denial is what keeps fear locked in place. 

Mental health is a serious issue that must be addressed or WE (Human BEings) will continue to deal with the aftermath - which is never good. Continuing to turn a blind eye to the main problem, fear, expecting Real change is called insanity. Unless and until the mind is changed  - by first recognizing Truth for what it is, then by accepting Truth for what it is - Pain and Suffering is to be expected.

Crisis creates growth for those that have been "cracked  open" to Life by Surrendering to what is because the Pain is too much to bear. It is always at this point of Surrender that Real change is made considering Clarity comes from Surrendering to what is. Continuing to deny what is causes further Suffering because at some point, Truth will be dealt with in that Truth never changes.  

Truth is, WE (Human BEings) are LOVE manifested in the physical, human form. WE forgot this and was taught the complete opposite which explains where fear comes from. The moment Truth is remembered for what it is, Peace is experienced (even for just a brief moment) until fear once again takes its place in the mind and Suffering returns as a result.

Because Truth will never change, there is Hope however because Truth requires acceptance in order to experience the Peace it brings, the mind must first change and let go of fear so Real change can take place. Real change requires Clarity otherwise fear will creep back in to cause and maintain chaos and conflict. WE (Human BEings) must wake up and realize WE are all we have and because WE are LOVE, We are all we need! Peace


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