Friday, February 2, 2018

The point where it ALL matters.

Because Truth has been forgotten, too many are caught up and lost in the physical plain, distracted by the Past. Reliving it by keeping its memory alive, ex., "We will never forget 911...", "I can forgive but I will never forget", etc. 

Fear of what the Future holds becomes burdensome which causes stress and anxiety, when in fact, the Future does not exist (except in the mind). To come to the realization of Truth requires the willingness to accept what is! From this point anything is possible because it takes Clarity to successfully put forth a plan that makes sense.

Just like an athlete becomes laser focused and gets "in the zone" to perform at his/her best, so too must WE (human BEings) get "in the zone" of BEing. Presence is required in order to BE fully in the moment, NOW. Otherwise one will continue to be tortured by the mind either stressing about the Past (which will never change) or worried about the Future (which will never come - accept as the Present moment, NOW).

The moment Truth is remembered for what it is, Reality, the ability to accept Reality/Truth comes with the experience of Peace that sets you free.  It is the choice to either accept or deny Truth that brings with it either Pain and Suffering or Peace (of mind).  Because Truth is what it is, belief does not apply but acceptance on the other hand makes all the difference considering acceptance, not belief is where the possibility of positive change begins.

Remember Truth, You are LOVE. Because Truth has never and will never change, there is nothing (new) to be taught - yet Truth is too often forgotten. To recognize Truth, first within you, is to heal the mind of incessant thoughts about the Past  and Future. To accept Truth - You are LOVE - is to realize the efficacy of the Power of LOVE. Once realized, fear dissipates because only LOVE eliminates fear.  

BE Present. BE Still. BE Love. BE Peace. Peace

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