Sunday, January 15, 2017

Truth applies to one and ALL or not at all!

Because Truth does not change (ever), it stands the test of Time. Lies are passed off as Truth and succeeds only when Truth has been forgotten. Because Truth does not change (ever), it is not taught. What can be taught that is innate? 

On the contrary, Truth is recognized when acceptance of what is, is the choice consciously made by You. Lies are seen for what they really are only in ego's absence considering ego' s sole purpose is to start and maintain drama. How else is this done but with lies?

Truth is the path to Peace, because it is not selective but ALL inclusive and makes no exceptions. However because Truth never imposes itself, it must be first recognized then accepted in order to experience its results - always Peace.

In spite of what ego has convinced too many, Truth does not hurt. As a matter of fact, Truth does quite the opposite! Because Truth and LOVE go "hand in hand" so to speak, you can't have one without the other. Because only LOVE heals what lies intends to destroy, Truth is the one and only solution because the foundation Truth stands on is timeless and priceless. 

This foundation is called LOVE and what You've forgotten about Truth is You are LOVE. LOVE, BEing PERFECT, requires nothing. LOVE is the foundation Truth stands on because only LOVE is Real. LOVE is found in Truth only.

Remember this. Remind others of this. And You will experience Peace. Peace

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