Tuesday, January 3, 2017

It's not THE answer but we could use more of it in the mean time!

Tolerance - a permissible difference (one that is accepted or conceded). Although tolerance is a step  in the direction toward the solution, it, itself is not the solution. As long as there is a difference, the solution has not been found. 

Because WE, man kind, have forgotten who we Really are, we've been tricked (by ego) into believing we are the labels we wear so proudly! Because these labels are not assigned until after conception (at the earliest) their meaning has no Real value when it comes to Life itself. This issue becomes a problem when labels are accepted and assumed as a personal form of identity and the priceless value of Life itself is disregarded. To be willing to kill and/or die for any label is a clear indication the mind is confused,  considering nothing or no one can add to the value of Life, it is priceless

Unless and until labels, ex., race, nationality, religion, sexuality, political party, etc., are seen for what they Really are (distractions), they will continue to cause conflict and drama. Unless and until ego continues to run the show, tolerance is as good as it going to get. However, considering ego always looks out for itself first and foremost, the solution has yet to be found because ego is not permitted beyond the point of Truth, where the solution is and  has always been!

The solution is Peace and because only LOVE is what brings Peace, ego is not part of the equation. Ego is the problem! It is ego that will go only as far as tolerance will take it before matters have gone too far and the "bridge" to Peace collapses. This happens because its foundation is built on lies and so collapses in the Presence of Truth.

Choose to remember Who You Really are, LOVE, so all of what is tolerated will be seen for the nothingness it Really is. Tolerance understands and accepts differences because tolerance is part of the world of illusion (lies). Truth is only LOVE knows Truth and in Reality there are no differences,  only LOVE. Peace.

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