Friday, June 12, 2015

Don't Lie To Me!

Because you have forgotten who you are, a Spiritual being, you are confused by what Ego made up and so you identify yourself (and others) by gender, race, religion, etc. This explains your resistance to those whom do not fit your description of what is "normal" (according to what society deems acceptable.) Because Ego rules what society does, please know all of it is pointless yet because it's Ego that runs the show, chaos and conflict is to be expected. For this very reason, lives are being taken at the hands of another at an unimaginable rate, and for what?!? What makes no sense at all, Sad.

Because you have forgotten Who God is, you take matters into your own hands. Not convinced? Take an assessment of the relationships in your life, all of them (Parent/Child, Sibling, Spousal, Professional, Neighbors/Community, Friendships, etc.,) and ask yourself "do I have Peace in these relationships?" Take an assessment of the state of this country, our world. Does this seem like the results you would get if it were left up to Him? Let's be honest here, the evidence is what it is.

Rather than spend another minute trying to understand what the problem is and/or where it came from, (another one of Ego's tactics to distract you by keeping you in the Past to waste more time) allow the Holy Spirit to remind you the Present moment is the only thing that matters in this world. How so? The Present moment is the only place you will ever find these life changing experiences;

Love. Because it's an action, one must be Present to offer Love and the other must also be there to accept Love from you. Any other form may be confused for Love but will never replace Love - it can't be replaced because God is Love!

Peace. Because it's found in Silence, one must be Present to have and live in Peace. It is often mistaken for what money can buy however because Peace is of God, it is priceless and no one or nothing on earth can take it from you! (You just forgot).

Joy. Because it's a state of being, one must be Present in order to experience Joy. Too many settle for what makes them happy in that moment not realizing the sacrifice Ego will demand as payment later. For because happiness is only temporary, Pain and Suffering are soon to take its place.   

Do not continue to be fooled! Do not spend another minute holding on to what will never change, Past. Letting go (Forgiveness) is the key that unlocks the prison Ego keeps you enslaved in. Do not worry yourself about how things are going to work out (Future). Because God is the One in control, and He holds the Future in His hands, there is nothing to worry about! (You forgot that too).

Because you are a Spiritual being, you already know the Truth. Don't look for it and you'll never have to say "Don't lie to me!" Peace.

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