Monday, May 18, 2015

It's a Game, not a Joke.

The fact that we, human beings, have forgotten Who controls the Universe, is the reason Fear shows up. Because you have forgotten who you are, everything you see (from Ego's perspective) seems negative because there is nothing positive about Ego. You've been fooled into believing Ego is there to protect you, when in fact, Ego stirs up nothing but drama and conflict which always leaves you worst off than you were; where is the protection in that?!?

When it's all said and done, shame and regret is what you'll be left to deal with because Ego never stops to think about if/how it may affect someone/anyone or if/how it may effect something/anything.  Everything to Ego is a joke because everything Ego makes up is not real. Because you have lost your way, when you took your focus off God, you are confused about what is real and what is not.

Stay in the moment, the One real thing you really ever have, and be grateful for it, for that is how the game of Life is played and you'll be certain to win the prize that people are killing each other over, Peace. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you the difference between how to play the game and how not to believe what is made up to be True so the joke won't be on you!  

Insecurity comes from not remembering who you are, which explains the confusion between what you see with your physical eyes and the fact that they are simply a Test to determine with whom you place your Faith. Denial of what is real does not change its reality, it just creates another reality which you prefer to believe is True. What's sad is the joke is always on you because when God gave you His Will to choose, the Power of its efficacy hasn't change. You can see that by looking at the damage we've done to one another and the planet itself.

Rather than waste another minute on what doesn't make sense (race, religion, politics, gender, etc.,) choose to recognize what you know is True, but forgot, we are One. Remember, this is a game, not a joke! Peace

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