Sunday, April 10, 2022


Because LOVE, not ego’s version, the emotion which changes depending on the circumstance, but the Energy/Spirit, is who WE (human BEings) are, there is nothing that is required or expected. 

Because only LOVE is Real there is nothing to fear - it’s all made up in the mind by ego. LOVE has nothing to prove because everything else is made up which explains why it makes no sense yet continues to cause unnecessary problems/drama…ego’s main and only purpose for existence.

WE (human BEings) however are here temporarily in physical human form to simply experience Life in whatever form it takes. 

Unless and until Truth is remembered, WE (human BEings) are LOVE having a temporary human experience of Life, the point of living will have been missed. And in the term of archery, that - to have missed the point/bullseye, is a sin

Choosing to not take matters personally, no matter how personal they may seem, saves the embarrassment that is the result of ego causing problems and not knowing its place. 

Get back to BEing YOU (LOVE) and Truth will be recognized; Only LOVE is Real. Remembering One’s True essence (LOVE) dissipates fear for where there is LOVE there is no fear because there is nothing to fear. 

One must BE LOVE to recognize LOVE through ego’s disguise (fear). It is at this point where LOVE extends itself, specifically because ego is not involved. Ego would never! That takes humility of which ego knows nothing about. 

BE YOU, LOVE (Whole - no requirements, no expectations, no needs/wants, Present, Conscious, Awake, Alert) and every Life situation will be seen and taken for what it is, a temporary situation that is not meant to be held onto. 

Life has a lesson in each and every situation and the test will always and only be to remember Truth - WE (human BEings) are LOVE. 

One will never fail when it comes to LOVE. 1. Because LOVE never fails, it is in no competition. 2. LOVE has nothing to prove and so needs no validation, ego does. 3. LOVE allows what is to come and go because only LOVE is Real (consistent). 

Be easy. BE LOVE (YOU). 



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