Wednesday, March 24, 2021

BE grateful not greedy.

It takes Presence (consciousness) to practice the art of Gratefulness. And actions of Gratitude is how one lives a life BEing Grateful. 

Because of our True nature (LOVE,) WE (human BEings) are blessed specifically for the miracle known as the “breath of Life”. Without that, there is no on earth. 

BEing Grateful for having the ability to breath (effortlessly) is too often taken for granted perhaps because breathing is done instinctively. 

The moment however breathing becomes labored due to respiratory illnesses or otherwise, any amount of relief brings a sense of Gratefulness for the improvement in the most essential thing to on earth. 

Because Gratitude can only be done in the Present moment (NOW,) Presence/Consciousness is required. One can not accomplish an action(s) in the Past, it is gone/done nor can one execute an action(s) in the Future - it doesn’t exist (NOW).

Otherwise ego will take over and not only disregard any/all miracle(s), it will use its most effective tool, fear, to distract and demand either when/how the next challenge/problem will be solved (Future) or  why something didn’t happen that should’ve (Past). Not only are these pointless, they’re extremely damaging considering the lesson was overlooked and not learned. Meaning similar situations will continue until the point of learning from it is understood. 

Because only LOVE is Real, it’s healing powers is the only thing that is effective no matter how grave the situation. 

It’s efficacy is not dependent upon anything yet because ego/fear is not real, everything depends on how grave the situation is. 

And because ego is always and only about drama, it is always willing and ready to create a situation and make it worse by seeking for the next thrill - at the expense of another and that means anybody!

Choose to BE and remain Grateful for Life - in spite of its challenges by accepting the fact that challenges are a part of Life... here on earth. 

Remember, once your expiration date arrives, it’s over on earth so BE you (LOVE) and accept each and every experience as a lesson to learn from and move on. 

Begin/Continue to live in Gratitude - while you can. It makes all the difference in the world. Peace

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