Thursday, February 11, 2021

Fear is simply the absence of LOVE.

What is being witnessed is fear on display. When the mind has lost control, whatever actions take place will make no sense. When left in this state long enough chaos and confusion take over. 

Decisions made in fear, promote hostility and often lead to violence. This is ego’s form of communication which explains why there is never a solution!

It takes a sound mind to see matters for what they are which then makes room for being able to accept Reality for what it is. Denial is what imprisons the mind and causes suffering. 

Remember, nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. 

Choose to remember the nature of your True spirit (LOVE) and fear will dissipate. Fear only exists in the mind and in the absence of LOVE. 

Courage comes from LOVE and because cowardliness comes from ego, it could never stand in LOVE’s presence and not cower!  

BE still. There is nothing to fear. Time here is temporary so spend it wisely, only on what it’s worth - this moment right now! 

Start by being grateful for the breath of Life - that too is temporary. Peace.

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