Saturday, November 18, 2017

Just this moment.

When Time (Past/Future) is seen for what it really is, an illusion, what is overlooked by most, Now, can be seen for what it Really is, Reality. The ability to decipher which is Real (Now) and unreal, Time (Past/Future,) comes from the willingness to see and accept Reality for what it is

Because Truth is what it is, acceptance is the only way to Healing. Anything else is a form of Denial which is the root cause of Suffering. To deny what is, is a form of insanity and Suffering is the result of the unwillingness to accept what is.
Because Truth doesn’t change (ever,) history will continue to repeat the same lesson until Truth is accepted for what it is (LOVE). Because only LOVE is Real, nothing else matters. To believe otherwise is ego precisely because Truth is Truth whether it is believed or not.

Choose to remember Truth - You are LOVE. Truth isn’t taught, it is recognized. And the essence of BEing (LOVE) is too often  forgotten but never lost. Allow Truth to shine its light on ALL of what seems to be real but makes absolutely no sense in Reality. 

Let go of Time (Past/Future). One no longer exists and the other does not yet exist. Embrace Now, just this moment, and be willing to accept Truth for what it is. It is from this point LOVE will remind you there is nothing to worry about. Acceptance, just this moment, is where the key to Peace (of mind) is experienced. 

Acceptance offers the room to grow, which happens once the lesson is learned because Truth is remembered. Once the lesson is learned Truth becomes the guiding force and the experience of Peace is restored. 

BE Still. Just this moment. Peace 

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