Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Harmony and Peace

Because Peace is a state of BEing, is doesn't require anything from anyone. Peace is, in spite of everything and everyone. In order to Know Peace, One has to experience Peace, otherwise it will continue to be "something," a cause to fight and/or kill for. 

The misconception of Peace must first be clarified in order to embody its state which is impossible without Truth. This explains why fighting and/or killing never worked and will never work. Unless and until Truth is accepted, denial will continue to delay the experience of Peace. Because Truth is Known, yet forgotten by too many, whatever is "taught" about what Truth is, is yet another misconception,  made up by ego.

When Truth is accepted for what it is rather than what it ought to be, Peace is experienced because the misconception has been brought to light and made clear for what it really is, nonsense! Anything other than Truth is nonsense considering all sense (Knowing) comes from Truth. Because Truth doesn't change, ever, there is nothing to teach which explains why it can't be taught however it  must be accepted in order to experience its gift.

Harmony, being an agreement, takes at least two and whenever there are two (or more), there is a chance of ego getting involved. This explains the difference between the two. One is temporary because it requires another while the other is eternal because it comes from within and requires nothing - so much so that it is in spite of everything.

Peace is reestablished and experienced only when ego is absent because Peace is a state of BEing and awareness is required for its reestablishment. Ego can not exist in the presence of Peace, at least not for long because its sole purpose is to cause and maintain chaos and conflict which secures its existence.

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real and You are LOVE. Everything else is made up by ego which is why it makes no sense. You don't have to believe it to be True because Truth doesn't require your belief - it requires nothing.  Peace

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