Friday, June 30, 2017

Ego talks. LOVE demonstrates through ACTION.

Too many are led to believe that LOVE is "give and take". The pain felt is said to be the result of giving (too much) and not getting (enough) in return. 

The Truth is, because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up (by ego). Because LOVE is not of this world, LOVE does not depend on anything or anyone

Too many believe "Time will tell" when in comes to LOVE however Truth is, because Time is guaranteed to no one, Time is waisted by too many, waiting for the "right time". Because only LOVE Real, NOW is always the only right Time. For this reason, LOVE needs nothing and LOVE takes nothing, LOVE costs nothing because LOVE is priceless. WE (human beings) Know this, WE just forgot this. 

Actions done in LOVE do not need recognition, that's ALL ego because ego does nothing for free. Ego's version of LOVE is "50/50, give and take". Remember Truth. WE (the entire human race) are LOVE. WE are One whole, not half of anything. When WE remember the Truth about Who WE are (LOVE,) ego's little trick (fear) will no longer control the mind.

Choose LOVE, NOW (every time) and You won't regret it. Ego leaves because ego talks first and loudest all the while making no sense because it makes it up as it goes along.

NOW is always the right time because there is no fear/hesitation in LOVE. Nothing and no one can threaten LOVE. It is ego that feels threatened and so shuns LOVE. This is because when LOVE is Present, ego dissipates into the nothingness it Really is. 

 BE Still. BE here NOW. BE YOU. BE LOVE. Peace

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Worry vs HOPE

Because worry comes from fear (of not being in control,) worry is what far too many do - often times without even realizing it. This is because the Truth of Who WE (human beings) are, has been forgotten. At this point ego has already slid in and took over (the mind). 

Because ego is on borrowed Time, worrying is what makes the most sense. Because ego lives in the Past and will never let go of the Past, the Future doesn't ever look promising. Because ego makes up "Truth"  as it goes along, fear of being exposed is where the worrying comes from.  

Worry is not only useless - it hasn't solved one problem to date -  worry is also harmful as well as a complete waste of Time. 

Choose rather to remember the Truth about Who WE (the entire human race) are, LOVE. Because only LOVE is Real, there is HOPE. Because LOVE is not of this world, LOVE doesn't depend on Time. LOVE is Timeless and only LOVE can offer HOPE for the Future because only LOVE can let go of the Past by BEing LOVE. 

It is LOVE that offers HOPE which brings the experience of Peace. First Peace of mind, then of the body which is merely a reflection of the mind. And the final stage is spiritual Peace and no longer spiritual warfare. Alignment of ALL three (mind, body, spirit) is where HOPE rests and worry dissipates into the nothingness it Really is.

Stop worrying! BE LOVE and choose HOPE. Peace

Just BE.

Because Truth is what it is, irrespective of how things may seem, Acceptance of what is, is first required for positive change to come about. Acceptance offers the possibility of positive change while Denial not only prevents any chance of improvement but causes further damage in delaying what is inevitable; Truth.  

Because Truth is beyond Time and therefore not of this world, Truth alone is the only Real defense. Because nothing Real can be threatened, Truth needs no defense. Because Truth is what it is, Truth needs nothing. Contrary to what too many believe, Truth is not a matter of Time however Truth is always revealed in Time.

Because ego lives in Time, reliving the Past while worrying about the Future, ego will do anything  to "buy" more Time and delay Truth by using its faithful tool, fear. What has been forgotten is the fact that because Time is not of this world, it can not be bought. Time is a gift that is priceless yet guaranteed to no one.  Now that's some Truth for that ass!! 

Remember, there is only One Truth. This you already Know but just forgot. Truth is, because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear.

Remember, WE, (human beings) are LOVE, WE just forgot. BREATHE. LET GO. JUST BE...LOVE. Peace

Friday, June 23, 2017

Truth...its Timeless!

Truth is Timeless because Truth is not of this world. Everything else is. It's ALL made up, by ego, and will be exposed (by the Light of Truth)'s just a matter of Time. Truth on the other hand stands the tests of Time precisely because Truth is what it is, in spite of Life circumstances. 

What has been forgotten is the fact that LOVE is all there is. What has been forgotten is the fact that WE (the entire human race) are LOVE. It's difficult to accept this Truth because our eyes report the complete opposite - fear! This explains "Live by Faith not by sight". Fear comes from ego considering nothing Real can be threatened. Because there is no fear in LOVE, there is nothing to fear. (PERIOD)

Choose to remember Who You are, LOVE, so that Life will continue to reflect back to you what it is you are rather than what it is you fear! Peace

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

LOVE heals while Time goes by!

Because Truth, who WE (human beings) are have been forgotten, chaos and confusion continues to be the problem we ALL face. Contrary to what too many believe, Time is not the answer because Time is guaranteed to no one.

Because Truth has been forgotten, ego continues to step in as the "protector" however because nothing Real can be threatened, there is nothing to fear therefore no need for "protection".

Because ego lives in the Past, ego depends on Time to remain relevant yet constantly worries about the Future (of being exposed). Because Truth has been forgotten, ego tricks too many into believing "it's gonna take Time" to be Truth...the same Time that is guaranteed to no one.

Believing "it's gonna take Time" not only maintains conflict, it maintains division too - exactly what ego needs to remain relevant! Meanwhile Time goes by with no improvements. "Just a little more  Time!!" says ego...the same Time that is guaranteed to no one.

Choose to remember Who You are, LOVE. Choose to remember ego depends on Time to remain relevant. LOVE doesn't operate on Time because LOVE is not of this world, Time is which explains its irrelevance to LOVE.

Because only LOVE is Real, LOVE, not Time is what heals. Always choose LOVE because that is who WE are, WE simply forgot. Peace.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Mercy is shown when there is no trace of ego considering one must ask for pardon to be shown Mercy and ego never asks for anything, ego demands! Because ego needs Conflict and Drama to maintain its existence, Blame and Denial are the tricks used to meet its goal. 

Because only LOVE is Real, Mercy leads to Forgiveness which ends in Peace. Because ego lives in fear, the Past is to never be forgotten which not only prevents Forgiveness but maintains Conflict and Drama by way of Resentment and Unforgiveness which ends in war.

Mercy is given when reminded of Truth - nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.  Because WE (human beings) are LOVE choose to show Mercy, it's a gift of LOVE. Peace