Friday, June 3, 2016

The lights are on.

What is kept in the mind as secret (aka denial) somehow always finds a way out, typically out on display. This explains "Truth always comes out." The secret associates with Shame and Guilt and they all reside in the dark behind whispers. Truth on the other hand sheds light on every situation allowing you the opportunity to see clearly what is, no longer what you would prefer it to be.
Too many walk blindly in the dark, with the exception of an occasional flash/beam of light (Truth,) of which is not typically understood and/or recognized until disaster strikes. Reports of these disasters are reported on the news every morning, noon and evening but received instantly through mobile devises. That sounds like such a dinosaur term, I digress. The point is to bring to awareness every thought you think in order to no longer be tricked into Ego's foolish games.
Because Truth never changes, it takes Time for some to recognize it. You see, the contrast of its Light in comparison to the darkness where secrets are kept, lies are hidden and tucked away, is what blinds the eyes and shocks the system. There are things human beings are not meant to see but because we have the Power to create whatever we think about, what you see is simply a reflection of what we continue to ask for. "We" is the correct representation here precisely because of the fact that We are One human race different only in what never mattered in the beginning (i.e., appearance, race, faith, gender, sexuality, status, class, transgression, etc.,) and they won't matter in the end.
We are a collective force of energy and when decisions are made in Fear, its energy vibrations are felt by others in the vicinity. When this force is magnified in number, although the Power of its efficacy is unalterable, the damage it causes can be catastrophic and September 11, 2001 is an example we are reminded to never forget. What must first be remembered is the fact that we are One Spiritual being (LOVE) temporarily inhabiting in form, the physical body. The confusion comes from identifying as the body which is where Separation and Conflict come from because bodies are different, We (LOVE) are not. We are One and the Same  and until that is remembered, never forgetting 9/11 will be in vain and have no meaning because its lesson has yet to be learned and understood.
The lights are on, they've always been on. We must choose to wake up and stay aware of the fact that life circumstances are not to be confused with Truth and mistaken for Reality. Because everything on Earth happens for a reason, its meaning/purpose is always to teach a lesson and bring the same message every time. The longer it takes to accept, and understand the lesson, the longer Pain and Suffering rule. The longer it takes to adhere to the message, further guarantees the lesson to come again, often times in the same form just a different circumstance.
The lesson is always to teach that LOVE is the answer to every question, every situation, every problem, every hurt, every disappointment, every betrayal, etc. The message is always to choose LOVE over Fear and you will see Truth beaming in the light of Peace and will experience Heaven on Earth. Peace 

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