Monday, May 2, 2016

Open your eyes!!!

Because you believe what you witness with your physical eyes, you accept it for reality and that's the reason you suffer. You've forgotten your place/purpose in the world, your value, your Power and that explains the Fear which brings Confusion, Doubt and Worry.

You see others as a threat, because you've been convinced by Ego that you're on your own and no one is to be trusted 100% of the time. Ego has tricked you into believing you can't even trust yourself from becoming a doormat and or sabotaging your future which is why it has taken over. You wear masks to hide your inner thoughts and feelings  believing, in one hand,  they protect you from judgment, criticism and  persecution and in the other, they provide you with the ability to put your "best false face" forward. 

To be genuine, vulnerable and authentic is to dive, head first, past Fear, into Faith which is how superficial walls are immediately crumbled. That's too risky for Ego primarily because "to divide and conquer " is its main and most important goal yet  it works every time because you've forgotten Who you are and believe what your eyes show you.

What you don't realize is the insane behavior of another is a request for a blessing. This is by no means a reason to excuse insane/inappropriate behavior however unless it is seen for what it really is, you will give your Power away by either attacking back or believe what that person did or said is the reason you are offended and/or hurt. You hurt yourself when the opportunity for the blessing (by you) is passed up and you choose to seek protection (from Ego) instead. Please know, because of Who you are, you are never upset or hurt for the reason you think. Because the Power within is not of this world, no one or no thing can take it from you, you just forgot that!

Choose to end the inner conflict (Fear) which causes outer conflict (attack) by using your Spiritual gifts, i.e., the breath of Life, to bless others and remind them of what has been forgotten, Who they are. It is here Ego is a thing of the Past because it is here where decisions are made in LOVE (not Fear) which always ends in PEACE. Peace

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