Tuesday, May 31, 2016

It's ALL taken care of.

To understand the meaning of Surrender is to actually render complete control of everything you think you have control over, to what is considered and believed to be the most Powerful in the Universe and beyond. The name you choose to label this force of Power is irrelevant here. Its the notion that this Power is not only the most Powerful, it, in fact is the only Power that produces Real change and therefore the only One in control. 

Because the Power itself can not be seen with the physical eye, Ego uses Fear to distract and keep you from Truth. Although the results of this Power is seen and displayed by demonstration, from those that choose to tap into that Power [we'll get into how to do that later on,] Ego continues to keep you focused on the problem so you forget Truth. 

The fact that this Power is always the One left standing (history has proven it time and again) ought to be the reason we Surrender to its will but Ego has a way of using the eyes, the five senses to convince you otherwise. 

This is typically when Trouble appears. Not accepting Reality for what it is by seeing only what should be, what should've been or what must be, is certainly a call for Trouble. Reality is what is, not what is made up,  makes no sense, yet believed to be True. Reality is where the answer to ALL the questions are found because there is only One answer. 

Life is a gift to be cherished and appreciated which is to live in the moment and completely Surrender ALL cares, worries, anxieties, impatience, resentment, anger, unforgiveness, guilt, shame, regret, etc. to this Power that you can't see. It is from this point the life you've always imagined will begin to take form. 

You are hard wired to this Universal Power and whenever you forget that, listen to Ego and as a result, disturb the energy flow, the damage caused is by you because this Power never changes. It was in the beginning, It is Now, and will forever be....LOVE

It's denied to no one. It's available and for ALL of mankind. It is Special to on one because its Power is accessible to anyone and everyone. Remember Who You are (Love) and you be gently guided back to what you forgot but could never lose, Truth.

Be grateful for right now, no matter how challenging that may be. "This too shall pass" means it is
already done. You'll realize that when you just let go...completely! Peace


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Get out of the center.

To Know Who you are is to know your Center, your central location where solutions to ALL problems are solved. To Know yourself is to accept and understand you are not in control. "To be  centered" is to recognize your life situations as "that which will pass" because there are no situations that lasts forever!

It is from this point, the purpose for your life here, is shown to you. Because we (human beings) are ONE and the Same, we ALL have the same ONE purpose. Considering the purpose for your being here can not be earned because it can't be sold, you must Know your purpose is to BE in your Power (Love) in ALL situations as they pass through. To be centered is where you see, clearly, what is Real and what is made up. 

To be centered is to be completely unattached to everything and anything. It is from the center life is allowed to flow effortlessly as it is intended. Attachment to what should be or what should've been is to go against what is and disrupt the flow of energy. Although you have the Power (mind) to decide which way you would have it, its your call, you do not have the Power to alter its efficacy and so the magnitude of what you call for is always the same. 

The tension displayed on the news daily is simply the effect of what's going on a collective energy level. Because Ego demands to be center of attention, conflict soon follows. And that is always what Ego is on the prowl for. Ego lives for conflict because it can not survive in conflict free zones where Love is given and Peace is experienced.

The basic concept of "strength is in unity" has yet to be fully understood. Ego's job is to convince you over and over again that you have to compete to survive. The prime error here is because we are ONE and the Same, there is no competition. The physical eye is limited to physical things which explains the confusion. 

Vision is clearest in the center and blurred in the periphery. The further away you go from the center, the more confusing things become. This is how things are made up yet taken to be the Real world. It's called madness, that which is senseless! 

Choose to not be tricked (again) by Ego's enticing calls for what leaves only Shame and Regret in the end. Because the center is from where True vision is, you must understand confusion, feeling unsettled, anxiety, worry, anger, resentment, feeling offended, etc., are all examples of what happens when you've gone too far and left your center. The center holds what's True never what is made up and illogical.

Ego needs you to get out of the center, where Truth is. Ego's needs are met by being the center of attention but doesn't know that when attention/energy is focused in the center, there are no needs. Come back to center, breathe and that alone will guide you gently back to center every single time! Peace

Friday, May 27, 2016

Nothing is impossible.

It's been said, "the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe that it is possible" however a more accurate version of Truth is to first Know Who you are. Only in the True essence of your being are you able to recognise Truth and be able to decifer what is Real from what is made up and makes no sense. 

The first misleading concept in the above phrase speaks from a place of scarcity and lack. The "only
way to achieve..." Who you Really are is a PERFECT creation of Love. The Power within can not be lost, it is the very essence of your being, however it is often, if not predominately, covered up and disguised as something else called Fear. This explains and confirms why too many prefer to dream than to face what is believed to be Reality (but is the complete opposite of Reality/Truth) - it's called madness!

The second discrepancy is "...to achieve the impossible is to believe..." Clarification is called for here considering because of Who you Really are, Love, nothing is impossible. And to believe anything is to believe in nothing because belief is not fact. When you remember Who you Really are, Love, you will KNOW, the capabilities accomplished (with the mind completely in the Present moment) are endless

Lastly "...to believe it is possible..." suggests a positive outcome but no guarantees. When in the full embodiment of Who you Really are, you will remember your purpose (Love) of which offers nothing but guaranteed Peace...every single time

It is here, at this point of recognition, that Truth is accepted and madness laid aside. Take your place, everywhere and every time, by remembering Who you Really are and KNOW nothing is impossible. And because of Who you Really are, you get to decide to go back to madness or use your Power, Love, to accomplish what is not only possible but absolute. Peace

Feeling Good.

Because the thinking of this world is so backwards and twisted, it's believed to feel good when someone who hurt/offended you gets hurt/offended. "Serves them right!" is the typical thought response. 

Even the idea of feeling good about hurting/offending others makes perfect sense because if it didn't feel good, you wouldn't continue to do it. What must be addressed here is the "who" that feels good when bad things happen to anyone

Because of Who you Really are, we'll get into that later, you will feel good about whatever it is you do, only when it is to heal and not harm another. That kind of "feel good" expands beyond you because the what, in particular, is not as important as from whom is it coming? Here is an example of how to distinguish the two (You and Ego.) Whenever there is an expectation of any kind, know this is of Ego and not the Real you. Whenever the end result is no better and even worse off than it was before your input, that too, is Ego. 

For Ego to feel good, it must make others feel bad. This explains Ego's definition of  "justice" because pain feels good to Ego. Where the pain comes from is not important to Ego considering Ego needs pain to exist. Think about it for a moment, it's not until you let go of pain by understanding Who you Really are and knowing that specifically because of Who you are, no thing and no one can hurt the Real you. You see, Pain and Suffering come hand in hand but that's only when you refuse to let go of what is made up and not Real.

What is Real (Love) can not be threatened, herein lies the Peace of God. Know Who you are, a Spiritual being of PERFECT Love, not all of what your story has convinced you of what you are - a sinner, and you will understand you are by no means more special, superior or inferior to anyone because we (The human race) are One and the Same. It is here the wall Ego has built for your "protection" will crumble because what isn't Real, crumbles from the light of Truth. And nothing feels better than that! Peace

You mustn't care about what people say!

The only way one gets to the point, of "not caring about what people say," is by 1. Remembering Who You are, a PERFECT creation of Love. The confusion comes as a result of being told, your whole life, what doesn't make sense. That "you are a sinner and its human nature to sin." And to add more confusion, you are demanded to go against your humanness and not sin, which is impossible simply because nothing on earth has the Power to stop nature from doing what it is meant/here to do. 

2. Because you have forgotten Who you are, Love, you seek outwardly for the only Power (Love) that works, and wonders at that! Here is the catch! It will NEVER be found outside of you because what is Real can not be bought/sold, manipulated, or even lost. You don't remember your Truth which explains why you're willing to defend what you know makes no sense to you in hopes of "making it" to Heaven some day by not sinning. Yet because you do sin "it's human nature," you pray God will have mercy on your Soul and let you "in." Conclusion to that problem is listed below! 

The third and final piece to getting to the place where you don't care about what people say, is by realizing your ONE and only purpose for being here. That purpose is not special because that would signify separation which is always the problem. The Truth is everyone was sent here to BE him/herself, the True self. That Truth in you may not have been nourished growing up and/or Truth is covered up by your story (everyone has a story.) Now that you remember Who you Really are, a Spiritual being (Love,) temporarily in the form of a physical body, you will find within, the Power which answers all the questions to your problems (Love.)

For it is within, will you find Peace of mind, of which, you won't find or get anyplace else. Once you recognize yourself for Who you Really are (Love,) you will stop caring about what other people say because your One and only purpose here is to remind others of Who they Really are (Love.) Then the world will know and live in Peace. Peace

Thursday, May 26, 2016

You mustn't lose Hope.

Despair is a very dark and lonely please to be. The thought of starting war against another country is disheartening. Tension will rise in the home because that energy is brought in from work, reported on the news, displayed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., and this is where the difference is made.

Only when Present (in the mind) will the fuckery be recognized for exactly that. If not, nothing will change for the better. Choose rather to "teach them (the next generation and the one after that) how to fish" by demonstrating the Peace you want to see in the world. Lead by example and show how all creativity comes from the mind, but only when it is stress and drama free. It is from this point that "miracles" occur. Considering the fact that whatever is focused on is what you get more of, choose to focus on that which is Real and therefore worth your Time, your Attention and your Patience/Understanding.

We've spent far too long in the dark, grasping at whatever seemed real. If you focus long and hard enough, anything will begin to look like how you want it to because that is how the Power of the mind works. The critical point here, is if/when you're not in your right mind (Reality,) what is made up and makes no sense will begin to take on the shape you focus on. That is when illusion, the key manipulator, comes in to play. Whenever you're not Present but lost in the Past or stressed out about the Future, Fear takes over and comes out in many different forms.

The answer is always within because anything/everything else is made up and not trustworthy. Because Hope is in and for the Future, choose to spend more Time in this moment and every moment. No one is guaranteed the same amount of Time so spend yours doing what you love and that is how Hope is restored! Peace

Don't clip them!

We are born into this world hence why we, mankind, are not of this world. Babies come into this world already with their wings. As they grow and learn the ways of this world, their wings are slowly and unnoticeably clipped at little at a time. 

"Study hard!", "Get that degree!", "You must secure a future for yourself so go for that job/career.", "Work hard now so you can live good later!", are examples of how (even with the best intentions) their wings are being clipped. " 'We' are, fill in the blank (Christian, Atheist, Vegan, Straight, Educated, Wealthy, etc.) is another example of wings being clipped because they're being taught to believe in what is not True. Because "We" are different from "them," there has to be conflict, says Ego. 

Choose rather to take them to new heights and show them by example how to live life Now. This means shedding the madness that has clipped your wings and remember Who you are, a perfect creation of Love, not a sinner that is hell bound because of your past. 

You can't give them wings, they are born with them, but you can teach them how to fly! Flight takes off in the mind through creativity. Welcome and encourage that from one another and some AMAZING stuff will come through. Stuff like teaching yourself how to play guitar, taking up yoga, learning how to swim, letting go of the Fear of flying, becoming a volunteer firefighter, opening that bakery you've always dreamed of, starting over by moving cross country - and it being a FANTASTIC thing!!

When the madness is seen for what it is, complete nonsense, because it is all made up, our wings will burst open in freedom. Freedom of self expression. Freedom to love whom you love. Freedom to pray to whom you wish. Freedom to walk the streets feeling safe particularly because of "your" race, gender, sexuality, etc. Freedom to choose where you want to live/travel in the world. Freedom to recognize yourself in one another. For it is there our wings will embrace and we will return to BEing One and the Same. Peace

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Oh! Get ready because HERE WE GO!!!

Ego, fully disguised as Fear, is pushed to violence when its breaking point has been reached. The issue (Fear) is the breaking point and of no significant value when Peace or Death are on the line. It is there Truth is either recognized for what it is, Love, which brings Peace or the issue, Fear, becomes magnified and lives are taken/lost as a result.

To burn a country flag is a call for war. This is precisely where Ego is in its full glory, at war, because of FEAR. Fear is the most dangerous place to make life altering decisions because there is no logic in Fear leaving Shame and Regret as companions. Fear comes in the form of Anger, Hostility, Arrogance, Rudeness, Aggression, and Fear comes in the form of Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Bulimia, Anorexia, Obesity, Unsafe sex, etc. Fear also takes the shape of  racism, extremism, sexism, terrorism, etc.
What fails to be remembered is, the examples listed above have no Real/True value because the foundation of Fear is based on Lies. Very little has been learned from the lessons of Past wars because the basic concept of being of One Human race has yet to be accepted and realized to be Truth - that which always was and always will be.
This election year seems to be a major breaking point for many because Fear is running the show. Peace or Death are on the line which looks like a call for war right here in the United States, as the rest of the world watches, by the way. The breaking point is where the choice for either Peace or War is made. War is never the solution because it never solved any problems. Unless Peace is made, there will always remain a residue of resentment and/or unforgivingness.
Choose to not feed Fear in believing what you know are Lies because they make no sense in the light of Truth. Choose to remain in Peace and remember Fear is always the cause for conflict. Remember Who You are, a perfect creation of Love and you will see Reality for what it is, Truth. It is there you will recognize Fear when it comes in the form of an invitation to a fight/argument. It is there you will decline because you know Truth and to engage foolish behavior is to take part in it and be part of the performance.     
Remember Who You are (LOVE) and share this message so the disaster we are headed for will dissolve so we can live in Peace. This is an opportunity to BE the Peace you want to see in the world. Pass it on! Peace


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Just watch.

These days have been particularly stressful for many because this is an election year.  The significance of this year lies in who the next President of the United States will be. "The idea of  so-and-so becoming the next President is enough make me think about moving to Canada!!" , "I don't trust so-and-so.", "He/She" will bring us back to war!! and "So-and-so already made a mess of things and we can't afford for them to get worse" etc., are some examples of what many have said and/or thought.
Evidence of the stress load many carry around with them day and night, everyday, week after week is being displayed outwardly in the form of attack through abuse, (verbal, virtual, physical, psychological, etc.,)  particularly in this election year.
Because we have lost touch with Who  we are, ONE HUMAN RACE, we cast labels, make and believe in groups then put them in a class, we judge by what our eyes tell us; race, gender, religion, political "party" - what a party! etc., then decide which is superior/inferior to the next and BOOM!, you have conflict.

When, not if the madness is seen for what it really is, NONSENSE, concepts like "fighting for Peace," "Peace protests," "war on drugs," "fight for cancer", "political warfare " war on health", even battle of the bulge" will be recognized as part of the problem.
Because Truth has been disguised with what is made up and called madness, it (the  madness) is believed to be True because it provides a sense of security. It is believed to be True because you've been convinced, by Ego, the Truth hurts. The term "the Truth hurts" comes from  being face to face with Truth once the madness is exposed for what it is, Lies. It is believed to be True because Truth is unrecognizable and blinded by  Fear, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Arrogance, Hostility, Aggression, etc.  Meanwhile Truth says "don't blame me, I was always here, I never change". Denial is what causes pain but Acceptance is where Truth is recognized for what it really is, LOVE and  grace is extended, forgiveness is offered and progression (for ALL) is made.

Truth is remembered when the layers of lies that were believed to be True are stripped away. This typically happens through pain. Because the pain (Lies) is too much/scary to deal with, Denial often sets in and becomes Suffering. When neglected long enough, Depression  becomes an issue and the problem (NONSENSE/Lies) is treated with, drugs, food, unsafe sex, alcohol, etc. When not treated, murder and/or suicide is often the last resort because Hope has been lost.
Take a moment to consider what you've just read. There is always a choice in every situation. Remember Who you are, a perfect creation of LOVE, and live life in your Power (LOVE) because there is no other solution to the madness. Choose LOVE, every time, despite what you read in the papers (for those of you who still do that  - wink!) see on the news, hear in conversation, etc., and the results will show you that Heaven is lived here on earth because you will experience Peace, JUST WATCH. Peace


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sight but no vision.

Your life situation is merely a reflection of what you see. Because you have forgotten Who You are, you believe what your eyes report to you. Because you have forgotten the Power You have within, this world, ruled by Ego and therefore completely insane, is the cause of all the confusion. Because You have lost your way, Fear absolutely blinds You with whatever makes  no sense. 

What doesn't make sense (Fear) gives rise to frustration, impatience and/or in extreme cases attack, in the form of violence, i.e., emotional, verbal, physical, etc. Evidence of this fact is reported daily in the news and often escalated by reacting to it. 

From Ego's point of view, "protection" makes perfect sense yet the need for protection is where the error lies. What you must remember is what is Real can not be threatened which is why the need for protection is the problem. 

Because your sight has been obscured by Fear, although your eyes are wide open, they see only what's made up and foreign to You. Trying to make sense of what doesn't make sense never offers a solution but just adds more confusion, anger, frustration and aggravation to the problem - the perfect recipe for conflict and chaos. This recipe does nothing but ends is disaster which is exactly what your prediction is because your eyes see the mess it causes.

There is only one solution (LOVE) however until it is recognized by remembering Who You are, a perfect creation of LOVE, it's vision will continue to be lost by sight. As a Spiritual being having a temporary human experience You must remember, although You live in this world, You are not of this world. Meaning, because You (LOVE - your True essence) was not born, it will not die. You (LOVE) are eternal. You've been tricked, by Ego, into believing the physical form (body - which was born and will die,) is who You are. You've been tricked, by Ego, into believing the physical form (body - which was born and will die,) is what needs protection. 

You must not continue to be fooled, by Ego. Close your eyes to the nonsense your eyes show you and the vision of LOVE will reveal its Truth which is simple. We, human beings, are ONE and the SAME. It is here You will experience Peace because the vision of LOVE leads to and knows only Peace. Peace

Thursday, May 19, 2016

You must go deeper.

Because things of the world are made up (by Ego,) they do not last long, have little to no value and   make no sense. They do not last because what is made up is not Real. Only what is Real has value because it is priceless and can not be bought or sold. Only what is Real makes sense because only what is Real is True.

Physical appearance, social status, charisma, wealth, reputation, etc., are all matters of the Ego. So too are race, religion, political party, cultural background, ethnic heritage, sexuality, gender, etc. One if not several of these labels are how many identify themselves. This is precisely how one gets lost in what makes no sense, has no value and as a result, will not last.

To identify with something or someone is to regard or treat something or someone as the same or identical. To identify with/as something or someone is to first see or believe you are separate from another. Separation is the first trick Ego uses to introduce Fear. Confusion and chaos are expected to follow Fear considering they go hand in hand.

Because You have forgotten Who You are, a PERFECT creation of Love, the need to identify with/as, anything or anyone is the first mistake. Because You have forgotten Who You are, a Spiritual being having a temporary human experience, not a human being having an occasional spiritual experience, you've been convinced (by Ego,) the shallow made up labels of the world is Who You are.  This explains, for example, the pride that comes with identifying with/as the country of your birth. This makes no sense because where You were born had nothing to do with You. It just happened to be where your mother was at the time of your birth. This goes for all the other layers of labels that are acquired and adapted as life goes on. This also explains the need to defend "your" country, "your" sexuality, "your" religion, "your" background, etc. The belief in something does not make it True.

Because You have forgotten Who You are, you've been convinced (by Ego,) that you are your body, hence the need to protect yourself. Please remember, your self is merely the shell that embodies your Spirit.

You must go deeper into your conscious to understand Spirit is energy. It is there Truth is recognized for what it is, Reality. Don't wait until trauma, and/or the threat of Death to accept what always was and will always be. You must go deeper into your being (Spirit) to see how shallow and meaningless labels are and because You are Love,  its Power is all that's needed to experience Peace on earth. Peace


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"It" is not "out there."

"It" is not our there because there is nothing "out there." This fact has been forgotten which is why it may seem unknown but when Truth is recognized for what it is, Peace is experienced.

"The truth hurts," is a concept been made up (by Ego) to justify the unjustifiable. This belief holds true for those that are confused and have lost their way. Because Truth has been confused with and replaced by what "hurts" another in protection of you, it is deemed "justified" by believing hurt/pain is how truth rectifies an unfair situation. This, in simple terms, is called revenge. What is considered  justification is really not because the situation has not been rectified when the experience of Peace is not the end result.

Do not continue to be confused (by Ego) into believing Peace comes as a result of justification when the very meaning of justification is a reason, fact, circumstance or explanation that defends or upholds as warranted or well-grounded. It is only in the state of confusion, of Who You are, that brings about fear and the need for protection. For when in the state of Peace, there is no conflict and therefore no need for protection or the need to defend. Because Truth is Truth (not my truth or your truth which must include an explanation,) it stands on its own and never needs defending.

Do not continue to be confused (by Ego) into believing Peace comes from anything or anyone. When you remember Who You are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE, you will Know by accepting and understanding completely the following: 1. Because we (human beings) are One and the SAME, competitor, inferiority/superiority, enemy, foreigner, stranger, impostor, offender, victim, master, slave, etc., are all concepts made up of and by Ego. 2. You are a Spiritual being having a temporary human experience not a human being having an occasional Spiritual experience. 3. No weapon forged against You (LOVE) will prevail because what is Real (LOVE) can not be threatened. 4. What is Real (LOVE) does not die because only what is born, dies and LOVE never dies.

Do not continue to be confused (by Ego) that LOVE must be earned, that LOVE hurts, that LOVE changes, that LOVE depends on this or that. If/when you pay attention and are aware, You will notice Ego's definition of love comes with conditions, is not stable and is revengeful. All of which are made up and are conditions that happen "out there."

Remember Who You are and You will "see" by recognizing Truth and that it is not "out there."  All of what you need, you already have because You are PERFECT and lack nothing. All of what you want is given You when LOVE is accepted for what is really is: Truth. For it is only from this place will Peace be experienced in Heaven on Earth. Peace

Monday, May 16, 2016

It's ALL in your mind.

Both healing and destruction originates in the mind. Realizing and COMPLETELY understanding this fact is where any/all change begins. Because the body and as a result, the world, is a reflection of the mind, it is only there that change is found.

Healing is the act or process of gaining health. For this act or process to take place, the need for this must first be recognized. If not, confusion, depression, chaos, suffering and the like, will not only continue but intensify in strength, rate/speed and severity.

To look for healing and/or a cure where it is not found is impractical which does nothing but cause frustration where Hope is lost and is replaced by fear. Decisions made, and life lived in fear breeds  isolation and desperation, the perfect recipe for destruction.

Destruction of the mind presents itself in the form of illness and/or disease in the body. The body is merely a reflection of the mind and so when the mind is in a healthy state, thoughts formed and held there call for decisions that bring forth actions to nourish and not harm the body. For this to happen, the fact that you are not your body must first be accepted and clearly understood. If not, the need to defend/protect "yourself" will be the first reaction which is only of Ego, the root cause of confusion and chaos, where shame and guilt is left as its gift of appreciation. The gift is always because of your absence (of the mind,) since its not possible to get taken advantage of when you're present and aware of Ego and its mind games. It is here its results are spilled out onto those around, near and far in the form of attack. For only those that believe they are under attack feel the need to defend and/or attack back. If/when negative thoughts enter and are allowed to fester in the mind, destruction is guaranteed.

You must remember Who You are, a PERFECT creation of Love. This realization will allow you to see the Truth of which can not be seen with the physical eyes. Despite what you see on the news, experience and/or witness on a day to day basis, the fact that you are a Spiritual being having a temporary human experience is how the Power within (LOVE) Heals. This Power (LOVE) is the only solution because it alone Heals, the mind. Only when the mind is healed by recognizing Truth, that we (human beings) are ONE and the SAME, will confusion which brings separation, conflict and attack, eliminate war first in the mind then in the body and as a result the world. It is here the world will know Peace on earth. Remember, its ALL in the mind. Peace

Thursday, May 12, 2016

When you don't know...

Only when and until Truth is recognized for what it is (Reality,) disappointment, resentment, pain and suffering will be the end result. The fact that everything else is smoke and mirrors, denial of Truth guarantees its result.

What is True is that which does not change; it is not born and so will never die. This is precisely why its foundation is certain, firm, dependable and trustworthy. Fear is irrelevant here because Fear is of the unknown and what is certain is Fearless.
What is True can not be bought or sold because it is not tangible and its value is priceless. Its Power is limitless and its efficacy is not effected by circumstances and so its results are guaranteed.
What is True is not of this world which eliminates "my truth and/or your truth" because there is only One Truth. The quality of the relationship, with yourself and others, is a clear indication solely on the degree of  your understanding this.
What is True never hurts. The exact opposite, on the other hand does hurt because its replaced by Truth and believed to be what it's not.

As layer after layer of the false self is introduced and taught to some as young as a year or two years old, there is no wonder Truth is unrecognized by the time most are old enough to make decisions for themselves. Decisions made based on Fear (uncertainty or the unknown) increases instability and nothing good comes from shaky ground.

The false self is often accepted and identified with in the form of personal history,  race, religion, sexuality, gender, culture, occupation, political party, etc. Because these labels are taught, they must be unlearned for Truth to be effective. They must be unlearned because Truth is consistent and everything else is not and so the only way to avoid  disappointment, resentment, pain and suffering, etc. is to not confuse the two.

The fact that Truth is not withheld from anyone is good news! You're born with "It",  because "It" (LOVE) IS You, you just forgot.

Please understand, smoke and mirrors can be confusing because its purpose is to confuse and what is confusing makes little to no sense. Truth however is of Knowledge and because Knowledge is Power the only Power that has the ability to heal, correct, restore, connect, etc., is LOVE. It is here Peace is experienced and Joy is made Known when Life is lived in Truth (LOVE.) Peace    

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What you do comes from what you think!

Despite what the majority believe to be true, what you do comes from what you think and not the other way around. "What were you thinking?!?" is often the first question asked when someone has done/said something foolish. The act itself is the answer to that question considering senseless acts come from senseless thinking.

The body is useless without the mind as its sole purpose is to follow the commands given it. The body is simply a reflection of the mind and so when the mind is in Peace, the body reflects that. Please do not take Peace to mean free of pain, illness, disease, etc., for Peace is a state of BEing undeterred by outside circumstances.

You see, Ego is selfish and uses Fear to convince the lost and confused that the only way to survive in this world is to act first and think later or the opportunity to "win," "get ahead," "make it," "become someone," "make a name/life for yourself" is to protect yourself by any means necessary. It is precisely from this victim mentality that leaves  the question "What were you thinking?!? where shame, guilt and regret awaits. This explains "forgive them for they know not what they do."

Peace of mind allows and offers clear vision where wise decisions are made. True Knowledge is Power (Love,) and decisions made here will leave only those that do not Know Who they are to question your decision. Peace of mind comes from stillness and is free of mind chatter, it is here the body has the best probability for healing. It is here miracles happen for it is here Ego does not exist.

Remember Who you are, a perfect creation of Love, having a temporary human experience in physical form. You see, your body, race, religion, culture, disability, sexuality, gender, profession, achievements, etc., is not Who you are. They are labels you wear. They are all shed as one gets close to and/or meets Death. Disidentify yourself from them and Know that You on the other hand are a Spiritual being given a precious gift called Life. Your Life experience here on earth may be considered short because birth is the opposite of death, not Life. Life is eternal so Live it well, Now by living in Peace and the Power within (Love) will reflect in everything you do. It is here we will experience Peace on earth. Peace      

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Karma is NOT a Bitch.

Because Grace is not of this world, its True meaning is often misconstrued and considered to be something one must pray and hope for. It is believed to be something that is granted and only to a chosen few. It is believed to mean to be given something that is not deserved; unmerited favor. Because the True meaning of Grace has been lost, it is not recognized for what it really is, and so its benefits are not received which explains the reason for the belief and/or need to pray for it.

Karma, on the other hand, is of this world and explains why it is often referred to in negative terms, i.e., "Karma is a Bitch!", "You get what you deserve," etc.  This form of thinking comes from Fear which is of Ego, never from God/Love. It is from the belief that one's actions or lack thereof will result in their fortune or misfortune that keeps Fear in control.

What has been forgotten here is the fact that because we are really Spiritual BEings having a temporary human experience on earth, our experiences are a result of the energy we carry in the body which houses our Spirit. Choose to remember Who you are, a perfect creation of Love, and Know the thoughts you allow to enter and take up residence in your mind is what affects your experience(s.) Then choose to use the Power within (Love) to take you from Fear to Peace for it is here, in Peace of mind, you will no longer be concerned with Karma because this is called Grace. Grace is offered to any/everyone that is willing to look past the distraction in the form of an offense and because it is not of this world, no one is excluded from accessing and sharing it. 

Now that you've been reminded, share it with everyone you encounter and you will see Karma is Not a Bitch, just another one of Ego's tricks to keep you trapped in what doesn't matter considering what is Real can not be threatened.  Peace


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mercy, please!

Mercy - compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.

Please know, this is the world's definition of mercy. Ego rules the world and because you have forgotten Who you are, you've been convinced that to show mercy and/or to have mercy on someone is a noble cause. According to Ego, the situation now places you in an elevated position which is always where Ego prefers to be. The infraction made (whether intentional or not)  had a negative effect on you and that is the reason you now have reason to either react in revenge or respond by showing mercy. Sounds fair? Sure, because Truth has been hidden from you and because you think you have to protect yourself, you believe you can be hurt.

The first error is in believing what someone does and/or says to you can disturb you in any way, shape or form, primarily because the Power you have within is changeless and its efficacy depends not on outside forces and/or circumstances. In other words, the only way you can be hurt and/or offended by someone or something is to believe what you see/feel and accept it as Truth and that is where suffering begins. The Power you have within (Love) which is experienced through Peace is not of this world which is why nothing on earth can affect it. It can't be taken from you because it wasn't given to you. What you've forgotten is the fact that it IS you.  

The second error is in believing you are the body you were born into. This explains why you feel you have to protect it (yourself.) What you've forgotten is the Real you is a Spiritual being having a temporary Human experience while here on earth. You see, you are an immortal being meaning because death is the opposite of birth (not Life,) your Spirit lives on, for Life has no end. Life is eternal. It is Ego that is on borrowed Time (not you) and this is why it must maintain drama and conflict in order to exist.

This by no means suggests you are to accept inappropriate behavior and/or abuse however when you remember Who you are (Love,) not only will you Know what is Real can not be threatened, you will no longer feel the need to respond to the insane behavior of another. You will on the other hand see infractions (intentional or not) as the request for help that they really are. It is then you will understand that True Mercy doesn't mean the "victim" now has more "power" than the offender. 

Remember Who you are (Love) and you will Know True Mercy is in reminding the offender of Who she/he is (Love.) The infraction will then be a thing of the Past and both parties are returned to Peace. BE the Peace you want to see in the world, by choosing only Love and nothing else because there is nothing else! Peace 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Inside Out, Upside Down and Backwards!

Confused, afraid, delusional and suspicious; this is the state of mind where Ego lives yet performs at its best! It is here the veil of lies, disguised as truth, is used to divide and conquer. The only thing needed to create this scenario is distraction.         

Distraction is precisely what magicians use to keep their audience from recognizing and identifying their tricks. To obscure vision, the room must be kept dark (ignorance.) Confusion comes from the use of smoke and mirrors because they make the perfect illusion of  reality.

Ego's best audience are the distracted for without an audience, there is no performance. Ego's act is always to control to disrupt. Disruption causes conflict which leads to separation and that is the beginning of weakness. Ego's greatest power is weakness and the only way its power is effective is by keeping its victim(s) in Fear.  Because Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) is really nothing, what it takes to "see" Truth is to Know Truth.  

To Know Truth is accept and understand the fact that what is True can not be threatened. What is True doesn't ever change. What is True is not of this world. What is True is deep within You.  To Know Truth is to Know Who you are (a PERFECT creation of Love) for only by accepting and understanding this will the veil of lies  fall away! 

The lies of one being either superior or inferior to another as a result of their sexuality, gender, race, religious/ethnic background, education, financial and/or celebrity status, physical appearance, successes/failures, etc., are what Ego uses to distract, conquer and divide. The lies    in believing what one does or says to or about you can offend and/or affect you is how Ego weakens and ultimately kills its victims.

Choose instead to remember Who you are and use the only Power (Love) within you to make real change. Love is not confused or confusing because ALL (True) knowledge is found only in Love.  everything else is made up, makes no sense and causes nothing but problems because its all inside out, upside down and backwards - foolishness!

Turn on the lights! Open your eyes and you will see clearly all of what you thought was real is really nothing at all! Peace

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

It's already done

The fact that thoughts (positive and negative) become things, what you think about comes about. What materialized in form began in the mind. This explains "as a man thinketh, so is he." Because we (human beings) are creative beings, we have the Power to create whatever we decide. Some believe the only block to creation is Fear however because the Power within is not of this world, its efficacy is not affected by this or that.  

What has been forgotten here (Who you are) is exactly what brings Fear. Any decision made in Fear will most likely end in regret and/or shame considering Fear leaves little to no Time for rational thinking. Ego knows the solutions to Peace (of mind) comes from stillness/silence and they are in complete opposition of Ego which is always the first to speak as well as the loudest.  
"Peace. Be still!" means just that, considering all sound answers are found in complete silence
(free of mind chatter.)

If/when you are not sure of something, it is always wise to take a moment (or two) whenever possible, rather than rush blindly into uncertainty, where carelessness awaits. It is always in stillness/silence where your answer is found. It is called Knowing. In Knowing, there is no question, no doubt and no hesitation. Knowing never leaves you with resentment, shame and/or regret, for Knowing is not of this world. Of this world is speculation, assumptions, allegations, etc., and they are derivatives of Fear. 

Choose to remember Who you are, a perfect creation of Love then use your gift, the Power of the mind (LOVE) to bring positive change and all  decisions made in this space will bring Peace. In Love there are no problems because Love is always the solution. In Love there are no doubts which causes tension and conflict - they are of Ego, never Love. So Breathe, Be Still and Know that with Love, what you put your mind to is already done, now just wait in Silence for it to manifest! Peace

Monday, May 2, 2016

Open your eyes!!!

Because you believe what you witness with your physical eyes, you accept it for reality and that's the reason you suffer. You've forgotten your place/purpose in the world, your value, your Power and that explains the Fear which brings Confusion, Doubt and Worry.

You see others as a threat, because you've been convinced by Ego that you're on your own and no one is to be trusted 100% of the time. Ego has tricked you into believing you can't even trust yourself from becoming a doormat and or sabotaging your future which is why it has taken over. You wear masks to hide your inner thoughts and feelings  believing, in one hand,  they protect you from judgment, criticism and  persecution and in the other, they provide you with the ability to put your "best false face" forward. 

To be genuine, vulnerable and authentic is to dive, head first, past Fear, into Faith which is how superficial walls are immediately crumbled. That's too risky for Ego primarily because "to divide and conquer " is its main and most important goal yet  it works every time because you've forgotten Who you are and believe what your eyes show you.

What you don't realize is the insane behavior of another is a request for a blessing. This is by no means a reason to excuse insane/inappropriate behavior however unless it is seen for what it really is, you will give your Power away by either attacking back or believe what that person did or said is the reason you are offended and/or hurt. You hurt yourself when the opportunity for the blessing (by you) is passed up and you choose to seek protection (from Ego) instead. Please know, because of Who you are, you are never upset or hurt for the reason you think. Because the Power within is not of this world, no one or no thing can take it from you, you just forgot that!

Choose to end the inner conflict (Fear) which causes outer conflict (attack) by using your Spiritual gifts, i.e., the breath of Life, to bless others and remind them of what has been forgotten, Who they are. It is here Ego is a thing of the Past because it is here where decisions are made in LOVE (not Fear) which always ends in PEACE. Peace

Sunday, May 1, 2016

WILL don't wish!

Because you have forgotten Who you are, a perfect creation of LOVE, you have forgotten the Power within, LOVE. And because you wake up every morning and begin your day not remembering the Power within, Fear arrives as your companion. Because Fear brings Confusion, you've been mistakenly convinced, by Ego, that Fear is healthy because it protects you from the unknown however Ego will now have to take over because you're confused and need help.

Yes, this seems absurd but this way of life is the norm for far too many and the state of the Western world is a clear indication of this insane way of thinking. Not knowing Who you are is frightening and nothing good comes from Fear. Because you're unaware of the Power within, you think you have to fight for what you want (justice, a cure for cancer, better health care, a better educational system, freedom of speech, women's rights, lower taxes, equal pay, a raise, immigration reform, Peace, etc.,) and fight against what you don't want (crime, illegal drugs, war, climate change, corruption, obesity, diabetes, ISIL, etc.) 

To wish for anything is absurd solely because to wish is to declare and believe in scarcity and lack which by the way is precisely how Ego traps and imprisons the mind. Considering what materializes  begins in the mind, what is believed is already doomed. For a belief in anyone/thing is just that, a belief. To Know, on the other hand, is beyond belief. First off, to Know is without question. To Know is the absence of Confusion. To Know is not of this world, keeping in mind, the world is ruled by Ego of whom Knows nothing but speculates and projects everything as negative and never positive which is the result of the belief in scarcity and lack! 

To Will however is to Know the following: (listed in no specific order)1. Will is created in the mind. 2. Choice is yours and 3. There are no limits to what the mind Wills. 

Limitations are of Ego from which come Fear, Lack, Confusion, Anxiety, Worry, Greed, etc., and because you've forgotten the Power within, you wish for this or that in hopes of some good luck, coincidence and/or favor.  

You are a perfect creation of LOVE and by realizing and remembering this fact is when you will understand the following (again, in no specific order) 1. Love is the solution to any/all situations 
2. We (human beings) are One and the same 3. Love is not selfish and Knows that BEing only Love is how to manifest the Power within. It is here that what you Will (manifested in LOVE for one another) is brought into fruition. It is here, Knowing Who you are (LOVE) that Fear, Lack, Confusion, Anxiety, Worry, Greed, etc., will vanish considering it was made up in the mind and will be abolished also in the mind. 

"Thy Will be done" is a guarantee of what is Willed because it is asking for a blessing for another which will always bless you in return. There are no limits to what you Will because BEing Love is the only Healing Power, for what is healed is returned to Sanity. What is Sane is void of conflict, which breeds insecurities, superiority/inferiority, guilt, shame, lack, etc.

Return to your place (LOVE,) Will (don't wish) and Know it is done. Peace