Monday, November 30, 2015


Grace - the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God. 

Free, signifies no strings attached; no "price" to pay, no debt incurred, no action needed.

Unmerited, indicates its generosity albeit the recipient is undeserving and/or unworthy. 

Allow this to clarify any notion you may have of something someone can do (or not do) to attain the Grace of God. Ego, on the other hand offers "grace" according to whether or not it is earned/merited and/or deserved. And despite your "good" efforts, a record is kept for later when it will have to be repaid, because Ego does nothing for free and everything for show. 

"God is good all the time" confirms the fact that He doesn't need you to pay Him back because what He's given you is not of this world of which you wouldn't have if not for Him anyway. God doesn't keep a tally of what He gives or to whom He gives it because all the money in the world couldn't buy it or even come close to its value in what it's worth. 

Ego would prefer you to continue to believe you are undeserving and/or unworthy of God's Grace because if you remembered His promise, "My Grace is sufficient for you, for My Power is made perfect in weakness" you would know His Grace is freely given to ALL. This realization ought to correct your believe in thinking God's Grace has to be earned or there is something you must sacrifice in order to receive it. And because His Grace is sufficient, let it by what settles your mind from what Ego tortures you with in anger, regret, fear, shame, worry, confusion, etc. 

You see, it's already been given. Acknowledge and appreciate Him by living in His Grace. This is done by BEing grateful for Life and you will also experience all His other gifts (Peace, Love, Joy, etc.,) Peace

Saturday, November 28, 2015

It doesn't change anything for the better yet your response is "I know, but I just can't help it!"

Free will, freedom of choice is a precious gift however when its value is not appreciated and treated with care, the consequence is more often than not, one of pain, regret and shame.

You see, Ego, disingenuous and perfectly disguised, is well situated in Society/World which explains  the term "be in the world but not of the world." The meaning behind this statement is to keep you from the Pain and Suffering Ego so cunningly masks in what you believe is due you but unattainable unless it (Ego) is acknowledged as the provider/protector. Only those that are lost and confused could accept what makes no sense, for absolute truth - even to the point where life itself (both yours and/or others') is worth taking!      

You've been convinced by (non other than) Ego to "have it your way", "it's your {right}" , "the choice is your's", etc., when in fact, putting yourself before others is one of the main components of creating and maintaining separation and conflict. This is the starting point of where Fear is born and how Ego secures its position as protector/provider. Ego is so slick, it has you defending it by saying "this is a  dog eat dog world, how else am I to protect myself?" and/or "how else am I to get what I need in this crazy world?" 

Because you've lost sight of the Truth, you worry about everything. Nothing seems to make sense which explains the stress that presents itself in the form of migraines, ulcers, panic attacks, etc. The Truth is worrying doesn't change anything for the better yet your response is "I know but I just can't help it!"

Remember the precious gift you've been given by, non other than God Himself, and use it wisely by giving it back to God in exchange for His Will. Doing this will guarantee a life of Peace because you will then be guided by the Holy Spirit Who makes no errors. When led by the Holy Spirit, Pain and Suffering are known no more because those are gifts of Ego. When led by the Holy Spirit, worry is a thing of the Past because the Future and all of what it entails is left in the hands of God whom alone knows and controls it. Because you say "Not my will, but Thy Will be done", It Is Well  with my Soul. 

Only when this concept is accepted and understood as Truth will your Faith (even the size of a mustard seed) manifest in your life what God has willed for you since the beginning of Time which is Peace on Earth as it is in Heaven. Peace.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hope - to expect and/or wish.

To expect and wish for something indicates the anticipation of something that has not yet taken place. Because the mind has the power of creating what it envisions, it is often said "be careful of what you wish for."

If/when in a state other than Peace, what you expect and/or wish for will mirror your state of mind. The word mind is emphasized here because Peace is a state of BEing and in order to experience Peace, you must be fully present in the moment and not lost in your mind/thoughts. 

When trapped in the mind, distracted by thoughts of worry, fear, etc., the Now becomes a missed opportunity for Peace because it can only be experienced in the Now (the present moment.) 

When fully engaged in the present moment, the state of Peace is free all of needs/wants because Peace is the absence of mental stress or anxiety. It is only in this state that Love and Joy are then recognized and welcomed. 

Choose to stay in the moment and live in Peace and you'll soon find when you're in a state absent of needs/wants, there is no better place to be! Peace

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Imagine - to form a mental imagine of something that is not present or is not the case.

Grief is the result of action taken because the Truth of the matter has been forgotten. Years and years of being misled, by Ego, in the form of Fear has left an opaque layer of deceit so thick, Truth is  unrecognizable at first glance. 

We, the human race, have been under a spell/deep trance for so long even the concept of Truth is foreign. Ego is so clever, an explanation followed by "but" covers up and yet again dismisses Truth as if it's irrelevant or worse, doesn't make sense. An example of this is - Truth: "We are One and the Same." Ego: "Yes, but there are people in the world that are full of hate and don't care about the lives of innocent people - they will never change."

If you look closely, you will notice Truth just states the fact, Ego however has once again performed magic/deception by 1. disregarding the fact which is "We are one and the same 2. Introduces separation which brings Fear, "They" as opposed to We. And 3. Confirms the future is doomed "they will never change." which is cause for whatever it takes to protect yourself. 

Ego is "clever" in a sense that it brainwashes the opposing side with the exact same formula which causes and maintains conflict and drama. These two components are precisely what keeps Ego alive and well in a world of confusion and grief.

Do not continue to be discouraged because all of what you once believed to be true was made up in the mind and is not True. What Ego needs to keep you blind to is this - LOVE is the (only) answer. Ego must keep this from you because where LOVE is, Ego is not and where Ego is not, so goes conflict and drama. 

This is where Peace is experienced. And the wonderful thing about Peace is, to imagine Peace is to BE in Peace. Peace can not be imagined when in a hostile state. Close your eyes and imagine Peace and you're already in Peace for Peace is an experience that derives from within and not some far away place you need to work hard or pray hard to get to. 

just IMAGINE...Peace

Friday, November 13, 2015

To NOT the question.

When you lost sight of who you really are, Fear in the form of doubt was introduced which brought confusion along with it. It was at this point that you began to know struggle. Every decision you've made since then came from hesitation because you've lost sight of your purpose. 

You've been convinced, by Ego, that Life begins when things are acquired and these things are the evidence you need to prove that "you've made it!" Being that Ego rules the world, not you, it uses money to control every move you make. This explains why those with little or no money take what they can't afford to buy in order to live the lifestyle they envy in others. 

You've forgotten who you really are which is why you suffer in silence. And when it becomes to much to bare, you strike out at others. It's at the point of no return that you take your own life or the life of another believing you'll find the solution to your misery there. 

What you must know is very simply yet it seems insane because you've been lost and disoriented for so long that you believe all the delusions Ego made up to be true. What's insane is the fact that Truth has never left you because Truth doesn't change but your confused mind is what chooses the delusion.  

Because you, a Spiritual Being, are created by God to live in Peace on earth, ALL that you could ever want/need in order to live in the state of Peace is already within you. There is no thing and no one that can give you what you don't already have. 

Open your eyes and wake up to this realization by stop trying to acquire what won't matter in the end because if it won't matter then, it doesn't matter Now, considering Now is all one ever really has. 

In order to know your life purpose, you must first know who you really are, a Spiritual Being, having a temporary human experience on earth. It's only at this point will you come to know Peace. You see, Peace is a state of BEing and in order to experience Peace and so live in Peace, the only requirement is silence. This silence comes with a knowing, that surpasses all understanding. This is because knowledge (of things of the world/Ego) is not recognized and so does not matter because they have no real value.  

So to be is not the question, to BE is the answer. Peace

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Desires - A strong feeling of wanting something or wishing for something to happen. 

Somewhere along the way, you've lost the Truth of who you really are which calls for correction in order to appreciate this message. Somehow you've become identified with your physical form and have mistaken who you are, a Spiritual Being, with where your Spirit is housed, in the body.  

This misconception is the main reason Death seems so "unnatural," yet because nothing on earth lasts forever, Death is as much a part of Life as Birth. When this fact is pointed out, it seems to make sense logically however accepting Death is too often rejected because of the Pain that's associated with it. 

We are really Spiritual Beings having a Human experience while occupying this place, earth, in temporary form (body.) When the body expires, Spirit (which is Eternal and never dies) is to be seen as just moving from one room to another or taking off its outer shell/garment. When Death is looked upon from this perspective, it is then seen as nothing to Fear.

Now that you have a better understanding of who you really are, Spirit, lets clarify the meaning of Life. It was created by God to be experienced in the Here and Now. The Now is where Life is experienced because experience can not happen in the Past which is done and gone. Experience can not be felt in the Future because it does not yet exist. 

God created man, (perfect - whole - lacking nothing) "in His image" Spirit, however somewhere along the way, you've become confused and have mistakenly identified yourself with the physical form (body.) Because all forms are temporary, you, a Spirit Being created perfect by God, are eternal life. Your physical form on the other hand was made for the experience of Life on earth. 

When you can sit with this reality and accept it for the Truth that it is, desires will be of no use to you because you will come to know you already have everything you need Now. Enjoy it, cherish it, be grateful for it because it's priceless and beats any desire one could ever have...BREATH and wake up to you gift - it's called Life. Peace

Monday, November 9, 2015

Pleasure... is but for a moment!

Pleasure is often masked in Disappointment because the feeling it brings is one that seems like it could last forever. The feeling that comes with Pleasure is intense by nature and heightens your sense of awareness and they are synonymous to bliss, thrill, glee, delight, etc. These feelings are a more intense version of happiness and the like.

Disappointment is masked in Pleasure because the feeling of Pleasure is what most desire. Being that feelings change according to your state of mind, Pleasure is often replaced by Disappointment the moment the condition that brought you Pleasure is gone. Considering the feeling of Pleasure is what most desire, it is lost and/or short lived simply because nothing on earth lasts forever. Pleasure is an emotion that is formed in the mind and experienced/felt in the body and that is why Disappointment follows.

Joy on the other hand is a state of BEing and doesn't depend on a condition to be experienced. It is consistent whether your life circumstance seems uncomfortable at best or a complete disaster at worst. Joy is not an emotion which explains why the benefit of living in that state does last forever. You see, because Joy is not of this world nothing and no one can take it from you. Joy is a gift from God and offered to ALL who are will to surrender to His Will. God's Will is always for your good and for that reason alone you can rest assured it comes with Peace beyond understanding. Meaning, your life situation may seem to others as something they wouldn't wish on their worst enemy however they can't explain how it is that you not only make it from day to day, but you thrive. Please know this is of no credit or doing on your part but solely because you acknowledge the benefits and take full advantage of  living in the Grace of God.

Living in God's Grace has absolutely nothing to do with your life circumstance. On the contrary, Ego would have you believe your life circumstance is the very reason you aren't living in His Grace. Feelings are fleeting and they are the dominion of Ego because feelings change according to your  life situation which is why they last for but a moment. 

Choose rather to live by Faith not by sight  and you too will experience Joy and Peace beyond understanding. Peace


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Suffering is a WONDERFUL Teacher!

Those (students) who showed up, who were ready and willing to learn the lesson are the ones who will agree to Suffering being a wonderful teacher. 

In order to be ready, you must first acknowledge the fact that Suffering is a teacher. You are ready when you understand Pain is always the matter/subject of its lesson. 

You are willing to learn the lesson Suffering teaches when you accept the fact that Pain is a part of Life. You are willing when you can accept this concept as Truth/Reality which is one of the first requirements. 

You see, Life is a test and Pain are experiences we (human beings) have throughout our time here on earth. The sole purpose of Suffering is to teach one lesson which is Pain is temporary. "Weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning" speaks to this lesson. 

The question "what am I to learn from this Pain?" is primarily to be answered "This too shall pass," meaning whatever it is you're dealing with in the form of Pain will pass because nothing on earth lasts forever! 

When this is realized, you'll experience Pain less often considering Suffering comes from holding on to Pain. This happens because you've forgotten that Joy comes only when you've let go of Pain. Because Pain is temporary, you are in control of how long it lasts. 

History repeats itself and often comes in the form of Pain because the lesson it is there to teach has either been forgotten or has not been learned to begin with which is what brings Suffering. Please do not confuse Pain with Suffering for one is a part of Life and Suffering on the other hand is not. It is merely there to teach Pain is temporary. The moment that lesson is learned, Suffering is no longer.  

A fundamental way to minimize Pain is to know it doesn't last always. The body knows how to heal it's self of physical pain and that often takes Time. To eliminate Suffering however is to stay in the Present moment which doesn't ever call for Time - it requires a decision and because decisions are made in the mind, it takes no Time at all. 

Holding on to Pain is done in the mind of which Ego demands authority. Ego lives in Past and it prefers to keep you trapped in the Past where it controls your thoughts. It's by being trapped in the Past that causes the Future to look bleak which is where Suffering comes from. 

Let go and surrender to what is by reminding yourself "This too, shall pass," and you will recover unscathed. Peace

Thursday, November 5, 2015

It's all we need because that's all there is!

When we (human beings) come to realize and accept the fact that Love is all we need, it is then (and only then) will it be understood that anything and everything apart from Love is made up, is an illusion, which is the root cause of all pain and suffering. 

Before we go any further, the definition of Love must be clearly defined before this message will connect and make sense. Please know, the world's understanding of Love is what Ego has defined as an emotion. Because emotions change according to actions shown and/or withheld by another, Ego's version of Love depends on action in order to be recognized. How ridiculous!

We (human beings) have been brainwashed by Ego, into believing actions/behaviors of others (as well as your own) ought to be used to judge whether it is good or evil. The outcome of that judgment is then what determines whether or not Love is the answer. Ego has convinced you one's word is not to be trusted and this explains "Actions speak louder than words."

What has been mistaken and needs correction here is the understanding that 1. Love is a state of BEing, not an emotion. 2. Love never changes. 3. Love doesn't hurt. 4. Because Love doesn't change, it doesn't depend on anything or anyone to be expressed, recognized or experienced. On the contrary, Love is the only effective answer to any/all questions, doubt, conflict, pain, etc. It's in knowing and understanding what Love really is, by BEing Love that the "wall," Ego convinced you is for your protection, finally collapses. 

We (human beings) have forgotten the Power of Love because the fundamental meaning of Love is misunderstood. Too many see Love as a threat, as a sign of weakness, as something to be guarded against which explains why it is "tested" first to see if it's safe to approach, to see if it's authentic, stable, reciprocal. Yet without Love, there is no safety. Without Love every foundation is compromised. Without Love, Fear is the dominating factor.

One doesn't need to look far to find evidence of Fear (as the dominating factor) particularly in the Western culture where Ego is the master controller of the mind.  The daily and nightly News reports this with gruesome evidence. Just about everywhere human beings have taken up residence reflects this fact. Too much of what human beings manufacture is a result of Fear and a lack of Love.

If you're offended by this, once again, Ego is at work telling you this is something you should feel bad or hurt about, when in fact, Ego's sole purpose is to continue to mask the Truth in order to maintain its path of destruction through further manipulation. 

One of the most effective ways to make and witness positive change in your life is to first remember who you are, a Loving Spiritual Being having a temporary human experience while on earth and not just a physical body having an occasional spiritual experience. This Reality can only be experienced by BEing Love while in the human physical (temporary) body. To BE Love means to recognize ALL living creatures as worthy of Love, in spite of their actions. Until this way of living  is adapted as the way God intended for us to live, Peace on earth will continue to be something to hope and wish for rather than enjoy and experience NOW. Peace