Saturday, February 28, 2015


Feelings are what most people confuse with Love or lack thereof. Please know, because feelings change and Love never changes, feelings are never to be confused with Love. 

Feelings are the physical expressions of what is going on in the mind. Love is of God and only when led by the Holy Spirit are you able to experience it. Love is a state of being, like Peace and Joy, and because they do not change and can never be taken away from you, Love and feelings of love are two completely different things. 

Feelings is what Ego convinces you is real. Because feelings/emotions are temporary and changes depending on your perspective, they are not to be relied on. Any decision made on emotion will leave you with regret because emotions are from Ego. The fact that Ego makes things up as it goes along, and wants nothing to do with Truth, anything that comes from it makes no sense at all!

Love, on the other hand is the only thing to depend on because it never changes and because it is of God, it only heals which brings Peace and Joy with it. 

The moment you lose focus of God and the fact that He is in control, at all times, you become afraid and so attack is your first and only defense. Fear, not hate, is the opposite of Love and Fear is what brings the need to attack because Ego uses Fear (it's only defense) to distract and confuse you. The Holy Spirit is ready and always willing to show you the Truth while Ego uses feelings to keep you from Truth. 

Feelings, they are merely a reflection of your state of mind. Give them to the Holy Spirit and leave them there! Because Ego is capable of convincing you of what it believes is true, feelings are not to be trusted because Ego is not to be trusted. The Holy Spirit, will show you feelings do not matter because they are fleeting. Do not invest any time in what is fleeting because you will be left with nothing but regret as a result.

Remember, Love is the answer to everything because Love is of God and God is everything. Peace

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Why is it when brought to Truth, the reply is "that's true, but..."? Could it be the Power of the Holy Spirit is so powerful it unveils in seconds what Ego works so hard to convince you is true? Anything that comes from Ego is False but Ego has you convinced it's there to protect you and would never lie to you. 

Because you've invested so much of your time and energy in believing in what Ego convinced you is true, when brought to Truth, it's recognized but then dismissed, ex., "that's true, but this is the real world, this is not la la land."

Is there such a place as "la la land?" Or has Ego created la la land convincing you it's the real world.
Because nothing made on earth lasts forever and you certainly can't take it with you, you must WAKE UP and realize none of it matters because it's all made up. 

Below is a list of things Ego made up (from the beginning of time.) The fact that these have been around since the beginning of time confirms it's existence, not its logic.  
1. Religion 
2. Racism
3. Class ism
4. Discrimination (of any kind)
5. Sexism

The list goes on and on because Ego will continue to make it up as long as it's believed to be True. Now looking at the list above, wouldn't you say that is what Ego made up but has you believing is the real world and not  la la land?!?

WAKE UP!!! Do not waste another minute on what isn't real. Leave fantasy (what's made up) for la la land and allow the Holy Spirit to show you what's True. What's True is the state of this country, this world for that matter, is in its condition because Ego has convinced you this is a "dog eat dog" world. This explains the savage mentally, "kill or get killed." 

WAKE UP!!! Understand, God did not create man to defend Him for any reason, certainly not by killing others, ex. "In the name of Allah!" The list above is how Ego keeps man weak by separation. With God, we are all ONE. With Ego, it's every man for himself!

WAKE UP!!! Recognize Truth for what it is now and save yourself from pain and suffering which is what False leaves in its aftermath. Truth is unveiled by the Holy Spirit Who shows you what Ego has made up is False no matter how long it's been in existence. The length of time doesn't determine its worth/value, it's value determines it's time.

Truth is forever, False is on borrowed time so don't waste anymore time believing this mess built on the belief system of the list above is the real world. It's all made up and means nothing yet devistates in its path through life. WAKE UP!!! Peace

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


There is nothing like it!

Because Silence is given by the Holy Spirit, one must be present in order to use its power. Silence is a gift from God offered through the Holy Spirit. How else can one receive a gift if they're not present for it?

Ego has you confused in thinking Silence is a sign of weakness. It must continue to convince you of this which explains its constant need to be heard and acknowledged. Heard, because Ego needs to convince others that its in control and acknowledged because Ego does not exist unless it's acknowledged in some form. 

The truth is, Ego can not exist in Silence because Silence is of God and Ego does not exist in the presence of God. That is the reason Ego must keep you off the path of God in order to do its work. It does that by convincing you Silence is weak and will eventually destroy you if you don't speak up for yourself. 

What you forgot is, Power is of God. Truth is of God and it needs no defending.  Ego, who wants no part of truth, creates its own truth called FALSE. It's Ego that calls for a defense team because False needs back up in allies not Truth. Silence is of God and only in Silence is one able to recognize Truth.

What Ego knows (but you forgot) is ALL Power is in Silence/Stillness because God moves in Silence never in chaos. Release of past issues and/or fear of what the future holds is how one able to accept the gift of Silence from the Holy Spirit. Choose to remain in Silence during the most difficult times of your life because then and only then will you be able to hear the voice of God and be directed to your next step.

Silence means complete Faith in God confirming the end result of whatever situation you're faced with is not important 1. because of Who God is and 2. because of Who controls it all anyway! In Silence you will find Peace because they come together. You can't have one without the other. 

Silence is how the Holy Spirit connects you to the Voice of God in order to hear His message and share it. Silence IS His message and Hos message can only be shared by living in Peace. You live in Peace by being silent. Remember, Silence - you must be present in order to receive it and you must stay present in order to keep it!

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Healing comes the instant the Holy Spirit shows you, what Ego made up is not real. Reality is the answer to your call for Healing. Negative feelings like anger, sadness, hurt, helplessness, confusion, etc., come from not agreeing with reality and/or not accepting reality for what it is.

Negative feelings come only from Ego yet increase and decrease in intensity however because negative thoughts/feelings are not of God, they do not have the power to change anything.
The fact that change is not produced by Ego, negative thoughts (which produce negative feelings) are nothing more than a waste of time. Denial is the biggest waste of time because you're either trapped in shame and guilt of what you refuse to face or you're a prisoner of anger and depressed about what you refuse to let go of.

Only when you're able to look at reality, square in the eye, and know, because God is Who He is in your life, there is not even one reason to be angry, sad, hurt, helpless, confused, etc., Never! Know this, God would never steer you down the wrong path because God IS the only path. It's accepting that no matter how grave your situation may seem (because your eyes have been clouded by Ego, who's sole purpose is to keep you from truth/reality) that you BE STILL and let God do His work in you. This and only this is how your brothers and sisters will be reminded of who God is. This and only this is how you honor God, for there is no other purpose you were created.

Being still means "Thy Will Be Done." That, my friends, is when Healing comes because once the negative thoughts/feelings are given over to Holy Spirit, they are replaced with Peace and Joy which are eternal because they are a way of living, a state of being. Like the Power of God, because they (Peace and Joy) are of God and from God, no one or no thing can take it from you. Accept Healing into your life by understanding that because what Ego made is temporary, when gone, the only things left are pain and suffering. Do not spend another minute giving meaning to what means nothing at all and instantly you will be Healed of all pain and suffering! Peace

Thursday, February 19, 2015

You'll land on your own two feet!

When Life seems to have you by the throat and is squeezing tighter with every difficult situation, you must remember to do but one thing, nothing. Not until you fully understanding there is nothing you can do, will you consider surrendering your Life to God. The Holy Spirit needs but the faintest whisper in your call for help to show, you were never in control to begin with. Be comforted in knowing this because you are now released and no longer a prisoner of Shame and Guilt. 

Ego, on the other hand, blames you for any and everything but never gives you the chance to choose. The instant you lose focus of Christ, Ego high jacks your mind and takes over. Embarrassment is what Ego uses to keep you from seeing and living in Truth. This is how Ego has you convinced it's needed for your protection from further embarrassment, shame, hurt, etc. Is that not insane? "Yes" you say, all the while never letting go of what you continue to believe, knowing it doesn't make sense and is not True. 

Let this be the reason you not underestimate the Power of God in you. For when used for anything other than the Will of God, you've given it over to Ego. Considering Power is of God given by God, no one and nothing can take it from you. Because you've forgotten who you are, Ego makes demands of you and uses the Power of God in you for its sole purpose which is to destroy you and others.  This explains your depression, which comes from your perspective on Life as what you see and not what you know to be True!

Be simply willing to accept the fact that you need do nothing in order to find Peace and you will be at  Peace. Peace comes only when you realize your doing is what got you needing Peace in the first place because its not found in doing but in being

When Life seems to have chewed you up and spit you out, give it ALL over to the Holy Spirit by being (and staying) in the present moment, for this is the only place you'll find Peace considering its the only place Ego does not exist. Do this by living Life by Faith and not in Fear so the Holy Spirit can show you Ego made it all up and so it means nothing. This is where you'll land on your own two feet. Peace

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


The fact that the mind is where decisions are made should be enough reason to know, when led by the Holy Spirit, Peace will be the result of that decision. The one and only decision that ever matters is your decision to surrender every care, concern, worry, disappointment, conflict, etc., to the Holy Spirit knowing it will not result in pain and suffering. Doing the exact opposite by holding on to what can't ever change (past) and/or stressing out about what you don't control (future) is precisely what causes pain and suffering.

Accepting the fact that you are not in control (and never was or ever will be) is all that's required to make clear your vision of Who God is in your Life. The instant a negative thought enters your mind say "STOP!!!" This happens when you've lost focus for a moment which is how that thought was allowed in but you decide what happens next. 

"STOP!!!" is all that's required to render Ego Powerless. "STOP!!!" signifies you recognize Ego has high jacked your mind and so you take your Power back! This "Spiritual warfare" is made up (not real) because there is nothing and no one that could ever conquer God. Do not bother analyzing  thoughts that Ego uses to blurr your vision. That's exactly what throws you off course, so don't spend another minute with it!

Return to the road that brings Peace - it's called Silence. Silence is the only place you'll be able to hear the Voice of God because it's the Holy Spirit that (quietly and swiftly) leads you back to God.

"STOP!!!" is what eliminates all the mind chatter. It works because you've recognized, what used to seem frightening is no longer a threat but a huge waste of time, leaving nothing but pain and suffering in its wake.

Stay alert so you're able to catch Ego before it continues and say "STOP!!!" Do this so you're not dragged off, striped of integrity and honor, and as a consequence, left with nothing but regret, pain, anger, resentment, blame, etc. STOP!!! Peace

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Brick by Brick

Imagine for a moment, the idea of a negative thought as a brick. Every time one enters the mind, a brick is put in place. Ego believes it protects by recording each negative thought as a positive because it's used to continue building the "wall of protection." 

Please understand this "wall" is exactly what Ego uses to keep you from Truth. This explains why (when led by the Holy Spirit) one is brought to Truth and Truth is recognized. Because of the wall however Truth is recognized but not always accepted hence the response "that's true, but..." Bricks of resentment, disappointment, rejection, attack (in the form of insults, lies, etc.,) are what you've been convinced (by Ego) will save you from further pain and suffering. This is how Ego keeps you from Truth!

You must know there is no other Power than that of the Holy Spirit which shows you what you believe is a brick wall is really nothing at all. Recognizing Truth is enough to present change however accepting Truth on the other hand is precisely what brings the application of change. Your willingness to accept what the Holy Spirit offers in Truth is how the "wall" disappears. 

From this moment on, choose to give each brick (negative thought in forms of worry, fear, anger, jealousy, greed, pain, etc.,) to the Holy Spirit. Do this and you will instantly remember how simple it is to both accept Peace in exchange and live in Heaven by knowing brick walls keep blessings out while keeping pain and suffering in. Peace

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Some believe worship is singing and praising (devotion/admiration of) God.  Some believe worship is studying and memorizing the Bible - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. 

God created Man for one purpose and one purpose only. That sole purpose is to bring honor to God. Because God is not a physical being, there is nothing one can do or say that brings honor to God. Honor comes from being honorable, not in word or by actions but by your willingness to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Living an honorable life is how one worships God. This is done only by 1. Allowing the Holy Spirit to uncover your spiritual eyes to show you its Ego that uses the sight of physical eyes to confuse you. 2. Allowing the Holy Spirit to tell you what the physical ears can not hear - it's a knowing without question and without doubt.  3. Allowing the Holy Spirit to remind you an open heart is all it takes to welcome in Love, Peace and Joy. 4. Allowing the Holy Spirit to remind you abundance comes from sharing goodness - open hands and opens arms are the only way to bless others and so be blessed.

When Ego takes over the mind,  it uses the physical body to display what it thinks honor is. Because Ego cares about nothing and no one, when led by Ego, any/all words and acts of kindness are noted, quietly expecting something in return at some point.

Free yourself by recognizing that everything worth having begins with God and ends with God. There is no "but" or ...(continuation) after God because God is the beginning and the end. Worship is living life according to God plans, not needing to know what His plan is because you know His is better than yours. Be open and willing and you'll be amazed at how easily things begin to flow in your life - that's the Power of God, use it to worship Him. Peace


Patience - good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence. This is a virtue that comes from God, hence the constant need to ask Him for it - "God, please give me Patience!" What's not understood, is asking for Patience requires a situation(s) for Patience to be practiced. Why continue to ask to practice Patience when you can Master it by giving those situation(s) to Whom controls it all anyway. Looked upon from this angle, you may readjust your belief in needing Patience and place the situation (of which your asking Patience for) in God's hands. 

Although Patience is a tool used to deal or cope with an uncomfortable situation, please understand it is not THE solution to the situation. The situation(s) is not the problem either, not placing it in the hands of God however is. God is the solution to ANY/ALL uncomfortable situations and tools used to tolerate the situation prolong the eventual outcome which you control. Either you continue to do the same thing expecting a different result (called INSANITY) and wonder when you'll catch break or you try what may seem difficult (by your strength) and trust God with it. 

Patience comes from God because He waits for you to allow the Holy Spirit to uncover your eyes and open your heart by letting (it all) go. Patience isn't God's tool because He doesn't need it, you on the other hand do, as long as you continue to ask for it! Do not continue to suffer, recognize the Power of God in you and be free from needing to continue to ask for Patience.

When you stop asking for Patience and give over to God all your worries and concerns, in exchange,  you will be given Peace of mind which is like no other because there is no other. Peace comes with Joy, and Joy not only "comes in the morning", Joy comes the instant you're ready to accept it. Be sure to not confuse Happiness with Joy - Happiness is fleeting, because Joy is of God, it's forever - you choose. Peace 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Your vision is what determines your perspective. If led by Ego, Fear will take you over and obscure your vision. Fear causes panic and chaos and it does this the instant you loose focus of God. Because your spiritual eyes are covered, you believe what you see (with your physical eyes) is real. What do you think "Walk by Faith, Not by Sight" means?

It means trusting, and knowing no matter how grave things (like the state of this country) seem to be, God is the answer to it ALL. It means not allowing what you see with your physical eyes to entrap you in Fear of what's to come. The root of ALL problems is Fear which is made up in the mind by Ego. You must remember the future is in the hands of God and because of Who God is, you get an understanding that no matter how terrifying things look now, you don't need to worry about what the outcome is going to be. It means surrendering your worries (completely) and saying "Thy will be done." 

This way of thinking is what some say denial is but that is exactly what happens when you've lost focus of God. You begin to think irrationally (like war is the answer) because you've now taken matters into your own hands. Please know whenever you take matters into your own hands, the outcome must be pain and suffering (disguised as fun and excitement) because Joy and Peace come only from God. 

Denial is simply being unable to see reality for what it is (a hot A$$ mess, again, using the state of this country as an example.) Denial is blaming others for your current situation. Denial is trying to address the situation rather than addressing the root core of the problem that brings about the situation. Denial is not remembering God is always in control (nothing and no one else is.)

Know this, put it ALL in the hands of God and trust that He knows better than you what's better for you. This Life "thing" is a test. A test to see with whom your Faith lies. The Holy Spirit needs but faith the size of a mustard seed to perform powerful miracles in your life and others. Your willingness (to be shown what's real - the truth) is all that's needed to welcome the Holy Spirit into your life to show you the way. Because there is only one way, any/all roads off course will lead to no where. 

Wake up! Peace.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

You had nothing to do with it then but everything to do with it now!

In order to not continue the cycle of pain and struggle, you must recognize the Power of God in you. When you remember the fact that God is with you (and has never left), you'll remember because He'll never leave you, all pain and struggle are temporary.

The hurt you carry with you everyday (and go to bed with each night) is Ego's way of holding you hostage of the Past. It blames you for the condition of your current situation and because you don't remember who you are, you beg God to save you from the mess you're left to deal with.  

Be encouraged by knowing your Past has nothing to do with you and everything to do with Ego. It can't afford to allow you to forget the Past by you letting it go because that is the way you'll find Peace and Ego can not exist in the presence Peace. Its purpose is to keep your mind focused on the Past (while the present moment silently slips by) convincing you the Future will be the same. This seems to make sense to you because all you see reminds you of the Past which explains your constant state of anger, sadness and depression. It's at this point suicidal thoughts begin to form because you worry, the Future will look the same or even worse which would be too much for you to bare. 

You had nothing to do with the Past because it was chosen by Ego for you. You lost control when you lost sight of God and that's why your life situation seems to be in chaos. When you surrender your will to God by allowing the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to what's real and what's not, is when you'll be released from guilt, shame, anger, resentment, sadness, bitterness, etc. You will then remember the Power of God in you and be free from worrying and stressing about what the Future holds. 

You will come to know Love, Joy and Peace come from within because that is where God is. Please do not believe God is a being apart from you. It's that very idea that introduces Fear, Lack, Dishonesty, Mistrust, etc. Remember God created you perfectly in His image. Because God is not a physical form, the spirit of mankind is Who God is.

Use God's Power and cast your cares aside (or better yet, in God's care) in order to bless others. The choices you make from this moment on is what determines how long your welcome of Peace lasts. Choose to let go and know God won't ever let you fall because He's got your Life in His hands (you just forgot.)

Yesterday is gone and Tomorrow is not guaranteed to you so don't spend another minute of Time on what you can't ever change and don't control. Now is what matters because it's here you're able to hear the Voice of God. Stay here and experience the Power of God in your Life. Be grateful for this moment, it's all the Holy Spirit waits on you for. Offer it to Him by acknowledging its Power to Heal and receive Joy and Peace in exchange. Peace 

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Life's tests are believed by some as punishment for wrong doing/living. Others think Life's tests are a means to draw nearer to God. There are some that believe if you do wrong, God will punish you with a hard life (illness, financial struggle, relationship drama, etc.) 

Because the eyes are blurred by Fear, you believe your actions are what will get you in to Heaven. You're confused in believing Fear of going to Hell is what will keep you from going there. And so you do things you believe will secure your place in Heaven although it's not by your works will you get in to Heaven.

Life's tests are whispers from the Holy Spirit as signs that the road you're on leads to danger. If they're ignored, you will continue down the path you're on until you are in danger. At this point (typically when you're staring death in the face) is when you plead with God to give you a second chance. You make all sorts of bargains and promises with God for Him to let you live to tell your story.

Because the path to God brings Peace and Joy, know "trial and tribulations" are Life's test to see with whom your Faith lies. Put your total Faith in God by allowing the Holy Spirit to show you there is nothing to Fear. Don't waste time in Fear of anything because you'll find so solutions there. God is the solution to any/everything and until you put that into practice by walking in Faith and not by sight, you will continue to blame God and others for your current situation.

Let it go by realizing God is in control (not you) and the Holy Spirit will redirect you to the path you veered off of. Be still - it's in the silence that God speaks. You just have to stay long enough to hear the whispers (the voice of God) which will always keep you on the right track. Peace

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Ego has convinced you, because the body needs time to heal, time is what heals the heart and mind as well. 

Healing is of God and God doesn't depend on time. Considering sickness begins in the mind (negative thoughts), Healing of the mind depends not on time but your willingness, rather to accept Healing. 

Being that Holy Spirit is always ready and willing to answer your call for help, Healing is readily available but only obtained by accepting what is. Acceptance is being able to look upon your current situation to see it for what it is and not for what you prefer it to be. 

Surrender to God's Will is where Peace is found yet Peace is the only state where Healing can take place. Because Peace can only be established in God, willingness to be Healed must be your choice. Ego does any/everything in its power to keep you imprisoned in pain, misery and disappointments - all of which come from Past issues made up by Ego.  

Only by Faith in Who God is and what He's capable of (considering He created the universe,) are you   able to lay your heavy burdens down. Healing waits for you, you never have to wait on it. Willingness is all it takes yet Ego will continue to convince you Time (crying, arguing, fighting, hurting, plotting revenge, etc.) is what you still need in order to Heal. This is not so, for the simple fact that Time is not on your side. Because God is, don't waste another minute on what is gone with the Past yet leaves its residue of pain and suffering.

You're either willing to Heal Now or willing to continue suffering in search of an answer to your pain. Insanity is what that is but unless you're willing to accept that, Peace will be what you'll spend the rest of your life searching for. Stop spinning your wheels and know Peace can only ever be found from within.

Don't be fooled in believing Time Heals because Time prolongs pain and suffering. The Present moment on the other hand is God's call for your willingness to experience what we all want, Peace, which comes with Healing. Peace.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

That's not for you to know.

If the future were your business to know, you would! There would be no need for Psychics and the like. Because you haven't accepted the fact that you're not the one in control of life, it seems impossible to "Let Go and Let God." The worst part is not knowing what the outcome is going to be. And for that reason, you worry at best and imagine a scenarios at worst (nightmares.)

God is in control of everything in Heaven however you seem to have forgotten He is in control of everything on Earth as well. You don't remember this because as soon as things begin to take a turn for the worst, you stress out and begin to worry. Because you've lost focus of Who has the last word (in everything), panic sets in. 

God, the Great I Am, knows why He said  "Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." What you become weary of is the constant worry, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, etc., that torment you because you're afraid of what the future looks like. The heavy burdens you carry is Past hurt, pain, disappointment, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, etc.,. 

God knows He is the answer to everything because He is in control of everything. Peace comes from God given though the Holy Spirit who shows you everything you're suffering from will seize the moment you hand it over to God (and leave it there) because you're no longer concerned with how things will turn out. God says "For I know the plans I have for you. To prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you Hope and a Future." 

Hopelessness is of the Ego because when you're at this point, suicide seems to be the only solution.  And we all know there is no solution in suicide because there is no Future in suicide. 

Hope and Future are gifts from God. Considering they're from Him, Faith comes because you trust what God has in store for you is better than you can ever imagine. Peace then follows because you know you're in good hands and it's at this point you "Let Go and Let God." Gratitude is not being concerned with what happens next but being grateful to God Now. How? Leave the Future up to Him and enjoy not needing to worry about a thang! Peace 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Entrenched is the word that comes to mind when describing the Eastern culture. A society established firmly and securely in delusions (what doesn't matter.) Consider an entire industry (Marketing and Advertising) making an obscene amount of money manipulating the mind, through visual content, to believe in what isn't real - fantasy. 

When brought to awareness (truth) of what is made up/not real, you feel uncomfortable and confused. Because you've been disarmed, now left with nothing, you'll defend your belief saying "Yes. I know, you're right but...". As if there is ever a BUT...that trumps God. 

Because you are bound by chains of guilt, anger, jealousy, hurt, disappointments, etc., your vision is obscured and you now believe what's not real/made up (wealth, success, fame, etc.,) is what will bring you Happiness. This explains why you're never satisfied. You're always searching for something more, something more meaningful. You haven't quite figured out that you've  confused Happiness with Joy. Happiness is a temporary state of being which is the reason you feel depressed when Happiness is gone. Being confused, you question God - "Why me?, "How could you let this happen?", "Where were you when I needed you?" 

Joy, on the other hand, is an eternal state of being that will never be found in anything here on earth. It is found only in the present moment. You'll never find it in the past (because the past is gone and will never come back although it will repeat its self until you understand and learn from it.) Its not found in the future because 1. the future doesn't exist and 2. its not something you can request in advance. 

You don't need to be a part of a religious group or cult to recognize Truth. There is no membership requirement and there are certainly no association fees! Holy Spirit doesn't require sacrifice (lose something to gain something.) Its sole purpose is to show you the Truth.   

Being established firmly in nothing doesn't change the fact that its value is worthless! Sure you'll find happiness in whatever you give meaning however please know, whatever you give meaning at some point will cause pain and suffering because any/everything meaningful comes from God and God alone. Any/everything apart from that is temporary which leaves feelings of emptiness, sorrow, shame, depression, regret, resentment, etc.,. 

Firmly establish yourself in THE one true thing and that is Peace and Joy come from God. Because they are a state of BEING, there are no words to describe them. They are to be experienced in order to know what they are. The present moment is the only point at which they're obtained by God but you have to let go of your delusions in order to receive Peace and Joy. 

This is done by seeing what is made up for the nothingness that it is. It's in the eye of the hurricane that the Holy Spirit reminds you what you made up (which turned on you to destroy you) is not real. See them for what they are (tests to determine with whom your faith lies) and you'll see what causes one to drown in misery and eventually take their own life, will be the same things that, when looked upon with clear vision, be what causes you to  "walk on water" during the storm.  Peace

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Only in acceptance of your current situation is when you'll notice opportunities for improvement. Sight is used two different aways. Sight through Ego's eyes will show you physical things are what matter because that is what Ego uses to measure your value, your worth. This explains your association with wanting and needing. 

Sight through the Holy Spirit's eyes will uncover the blind folds Ego confused you with. Your vision  (of God) will become crystal clear because you can now see what is real and what's not. You'll see (by accepting your current situation for what it is) that 1. It is temporary - nothing on earth lasts for ever. And 2. Because it's temporary you ought not stay there. 

Now that you can see things (your life situation) clearly for what they are, you'll remember because they’re a learning device, you were wrong in thinking God forgot about you. They are there to teach you only one thing, to hand it over to God - He's in control here. And trust me, you're better off with it that way. When you forget Who's in control, you will experience shame, anger, guilt, etc., because you've given control over to Ego. You mustn't lose sight of Who God is and what He represents in your life.    

By accepting what is, you put it down by realizing you were holding on to nothing.  Now that your arms are free, open them wide to receive His blessings! Peace.

Monday, February 2, 2015

All Things Are Possible

All things are possible. If you knew this, you would understand why Ego is in a constant state of panic of you remembering that very fact. You see Ego believes in the "each man for himself theory" which is where mistrust, greed, selfishness, worry, etc., comes from. 

Because You don't recognize the power of God from within, you become a victim of Ego and believe you have to take matters into your own hands - look at the state of the world! Because you've lost sight of God, you believe you're on your own. This is where attack in all forms come into play. 

All things are possible because there is nothing the Holy Spirit would ask of you that He knows you aren't capable of. You see, all things are possible with the Holy Spirit. "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"  Where do you think the term "That's impossible!" came from? That's right! Ego. 

All negative thoughts ("I can't...", "We don't have enough...", "I can't afford...", etc.,) come from Ego. In an attempt to make you feel better, Ego convinces you an outside source (drugs, house(s), title, fame, wealth, success, etc.,) is where you will find Peace and Joy. Because Peace and Joy are an eternal state of being, you'll never find them in temporary, make believe nonsense. Sure these things may bring excitement and pleasure to Ego but notice the emptiness you still feel inside. This is because Ego demands of you these things and because you don't remember who you are, you are slave to its commands.

Surrender, completely to God, by joining your will in accordance with His. This is done by showing God in you and seeing God in others (despite Ego's disguises.)  Peace and Joy are found in the Will of God. Know this and you'll see you can do anything you put your mind to because when it's led by the Holy Spirit, there is nothing you can't do!  Peace.