Tuesday, August 13, 2024

There is NOTHING to fear.

Because WE (Human BEings) were born into a made up system to benefit a very small group, it is inevitable that system will fail the moment the majority wake up and take action. 

NOT by repeating history through war for tyranny but by collectively choosing to go within, tap into the Power (LOVE) that is innate where the BEST solution for ALL is found. 

Because NOTHING on earth lasts forever, it is through detachment and releasing the hold of what was, that Peace is not only possible, it is restored and experienced

There must be a decision made between the fear of what’s to come and Knowing EVERYTHING is in Divine Timing as it is ALL for our benefit…or it wouldn’t be. 

“YOU create your reality” lends to “energy flows where attention goes”. As part of society, one still has to maintain a lifestyle that fits within this environment and getting the bare minimum is a struggle for too many . 

The current focus/energy is around the next election which puts the Power within in the background inviting the power without (fear/lack), in, as the new guide/protector, causing nothing but chaos, confusion and conflict. The precise order of history repeating its lessons through war. 

Choose to remember who YOU are, LOVE, so no matter what happens, Peace is not compromised because Life is worth living! 

LOVE is all around. BE YOU, LOVE and LOVE will be everywhere you look. 
