Thursday, July 16, 2020

Clarity and Peace in the midst of Confusion and Chaos

Because Reality is what it is, (NOW) - only this present moment, perspective is the key to what makes all the difference in Reality being either accepted or denied. Needless to say Suffering comes from denial which explains the current state of affairs. 

The moment Life is taken for what it is, a game - not a joke, navigating through challenging times will be seen for what they are, Tests and less likely to be taken personally. Which by the way is what causes Suffering. Just know, Life happens for you, not to you. Remembering this increases the chances of passing each test every time. This happens when the lesson - live Life NOW - has been learned otherwise History will repeat itself and life will continue to give free back what is put out, aka KARMA.

Choose to remember, because everything in Life is temporary, this too shall pass. Choose to live in the NOW. Be present; physically, mentally, emotionally to experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Peace