Wednesday, November 11, 2020

This GAME is NO joke!

The game of Life is played well when the ONE rule to Life is remembered - YOU are not in control. 

Because WE (human BEings) are not of this world but just passing through it, what must be remembered is the fact that everything happens for a reason.

What happened isn’t as important as what is learned from what happened. If/when the lesson hasn’t been learned, it will reappear, just in another form. This, aka history, will continue until it is no longer necessary. 

YOU determine that but only when Present enough to make that decision. Otherwise Suffering will continue to be an unnecessary factor. Considering Pain is a part of Life, Suffering on the other hand is the result prolonged subconscious decisions. 

Stay awake in order to not engage in what makes no sense. A helpful tip is to know whenever ego is involved, chaos and conflict are soon to follow. 

Choose rather to remember what is important - Time here on earth is a precious, priceless gift that is guaranteed to no one.

Get your head in the game but keep your mind in check or ego will take over and try to destroy the mind with fear. The very thing that doesn’t exist (except for in the mind). 

BE Still. LET GO. And enjoy the ride! Peace

Friday, November 6, 2020

Do NOT be fooled (again)!

The moment Vision is lost, the mind becomes confused and views negative circumstances as something to commit to memory. Somehow keeping record of past events is believed to be what protects one from it happening again. That is clearly the wrong answer! 

What must be remembered - you know this, you just forgot - is everything in Life happens for a reason or it wouldn’t happen. 

What has been forgotten is, WE (human BEings) are not in control. Nature is a constant reminder. WE (human BEings,) particularly the Western world, have lost sight of Reality and so a more convenient one is ceaselessly in the works. 

The evidence is now so severe, the planet is in crisis mode. Prime example,  climate change - more frequent wild fires, longer periods of droughts and the increase in number, duration and intensity of life threatening storms.

“There is nothing new under the sun” means just that.  However whenever ego is involved there’s always something new because it’s made up as time goes by. This is simply in order to be and stay relevant. 

WE (human BEings) must get back to Truth and that is the nature of one’s essence - LOVE. Because LOVE, aka human BEings, are not of this world, there is nothing to fear. 

Clarity is the missing piece to experiencing the Joy of Life in Peace, despite all its challenges which is a part of Life. Suffering on the other hand, isn’t. 

Suffering is a result of a subconscious decision to not accept Reality for what it is.  

The lesson is to stay the course by remembering Time here on earth is a precious yet temporary gift which is guaranteed to no one

Choose to live in gratitude and begin by recognizing and appreciating the fact that breathing (effortlessly) is only a matter of Time; especially during this time!

The wise thing to do is: 

1. Not get caught up in the crazy.

2. Go back inside. That is always where the right answer is. 

3. BE still. This too shall pass. 

And remember, History continues to repeat itself because the lesson has not been learned. Stay awake. Choose wisely. Peace

Sunday, October 18, 2020

BE still and trust the process.

The moment WE (human BEings) get back to Truth/Reality, is when Peace “beyond understanding” is experienced

Because WE (human BEings) have become distracted and as a result, misled (by ego through fear,) our belief system, justice system and our level of understanding - or lack there of, displays the state of humanity at this point. 

In order to make Real change, progress must be made. And because progress requires attention, one’s Presence (awareness) is imperative. Otherwise ego is in the midst with its own agenda (fear) which is always and only through chaos and confusion. 

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real. Everything else is made up (by ego,) disguised as whatever will distract one from Truth in order to “divide and conquer.“

Remember, nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists (except for in the mind). 

Remember the True essence of your core BEing which is not the physical body but in fact the very spirit/energy called LOVE/GOD. 

Get back to Truth. You are LOVE, temporarily manifested in physical form. Once the body expires, the spirit lives  on, hence the term “eternal” life. 

Fear became an issue once Truth was forgotten. It was at this point, death came to be known as the end of life when in fact, death is the end of birth. There is no end to life. 

Life is eternal because life is not of this world. Life is timeless, endless - no beginning, no end. So enjoy your time while here because all matters (things) are temporary. Yes, even human BEings, hence the term “this too, shall pass.” 

BE still. Trust the process. And remember, any/all difficult situations are simply to test your will and your patience. Stay Present specifically during those times. There, you will find those difficult situations will not only seem manageable but the best solution will present itself without your assistance! 

This is referred to as miracles to some and coincidences to others. Either way, it’s the end result that matters so choose wisely. To get this result (Peace,) fear must not be a factor in this equation, remember that (always). 

Remember, life here on earth is a game meant to challenge you not to make you happy. Allow Truth/LOVE to guide your every decision which will never leave you in shame and regret. 

Fear will no longer be an issue at this point, considering where the light of Truth resides (within) ego can not. Humility resides in Truth (LOVE,) not ego. 

Remember, you are LOVE. Begin to live life from this perspective and enjoy all the experiences life has to offer (good, bad, indifferent). Do not take matters personally - that’s ego’s job - and you’ll regain the Power of freedom (from judgement and rejection) which is priceless!

You’ve only got this one shot so make the best of it by making positive change within. Peace 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Circumstances change. The Test is the same.

Because we (human BEings) have been tricked by ego into believing we are helpless and hopeless on our own,  BEing vulnerable is considered not only dangerous but also not smart, for fear of judgment and/or rejection.

What WE (human BEings) must remember is we are not this physical body but are in fact the Spirit/Energy of LOVE temporarily manifested in physical form while on this planet.

Because Truth is what it is, memory, belief and denial, even, has never, does not now, and can never do anything to change Truth (Reality) from what it is

Once Truth/Reality is accepted for what it is, rather than what one thinks it should/could be, Clarity will provide the ability to make the correct decision(s) which never end in regret or shame. 

In order to do this however one’s perspective must change so to fully understand that challenges are a part of Life. Suffering on the other hand isn’t. Suffering is the result of ego sliding in (the mind) and choosing unconsciously.  

Choose to not take anything personally. Remember everything in Life happens for a reason or it wouldn’t happen. The point is to LEARN the lesson so to not repeat it. Otherwise History will continue to repeat itself using the same Test but different circumstances. 

Once the lesson is learned, not memorized, what seem to be “unfortunate” circumstances or a “string of bad luck” can be accepted for what it is, Reality - nothing personal. It is from this point (only) that clear, conscience decisions are made because ego is not involved. 

LOVE/Truth responds to energy hence the term “actions speak louder than words” which explains why words are not necessary. Truth/LOVE resonates from within because that is who WE (human BEings) are

BE Still. BE LOVE then experience Peace. Peace 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Clarity and Peace in the midst of Confusion and Chaos

Because Reality is what it is, (NOW) - only this present moment, perspective is the key to what makes all the difference in Reality being either accepted or denied. Needless to say Suffering comes from denial which explains the current state of affairs. 

The moment Life is taken for what it is, a game - not a joke, navigating through challenging times will be seen for what they are, Tests and less likely to be taken personally. Which by the way is what causes Suffering. Just know, Life happens for you, not to you. Remembering this increases the chances of passing each test every time. This happens when the lesson - live Life NOW - has been learned otherwise History will repeat itself and life will continue to give free back what is put out, aka KARMA.

Choose to remember, because everything in Life is temporary, this too shall pass. Choose to live in the NOW. Be present; physically, mentally, emotionally to experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Peace

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Truth has nothing to do with Time. Time is an illusion. Truth is Reality.

Because WE (mankind) have forgotten the True essence of our BEing (LOVE,) ego has taken complete control through fear which explains the chaos and confusion we see around the world. 

This is a result of :
1. Not remembering Truth. Truth is, WE (mankind) are LOVE; not the physical body which is temporary, complete with an expiration date. WE (mankind) are the Spirit/Energy of LOVE manifested in physical form. We forgot that because we’re taught fear which is the opposite of LOVE. 

2. Truth is, all that is born has an expiration date yet it’s date/time is revealed to no one. The fact that LOVE is both expressed and received through energy, Truth/Reality must be accepted  in order to see and experience Real positive change. Otherwise ego will continue to use fear to not only defend its position (HATE) through ignorance but justify its delusion with chaos and confusion. The current state of affairs we’re faced with - on a global level, is a testament.

3. Truth is, this change happens in the mind which produces Real positive action. This state of mind, when consistent and collective is where Real positive change is both witnessed and experienced. It’s called PEACE.  

4. Truth is in the mirror. Look inside yourself and you’ll always remember Truth and there you will  experience Peace. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Gratitude comes from within.

Because Time is a precious gift too often taken for granted, the meaning (point) of Life - to BE in the moment, is missed entirely. Considering NOW is always and only where “magic/miracles” happen, the point is to be Present in order to experience the effects of its Power because they do not happen in the Past or Future. Always and only in the NOW. 

What we are experiencing, on a global level, can be seen as a sign or lesson that requires our attention. Fear however has taken over and rather than make clear what is obvious (Reality), confusion and panic is what makes matters worse. 

What WE (human BEings) have forgotten is the fact that we are not in control (of outside circumstances). What is important to remember is WE do have the ability to control how we navigate  through Life’s challenges. 

When WE remember the True essence of our BEing (LOVE), Gratitude replaces fear because Time is once again recognized for the precious gift it is. Which by the way is guaranteed to no one

Choose to remember Life here on earth is an experience and our Time here has an unknown expiration date. When Life is lived in a state of Gratitude, breathing can be seen for the miracle it is! Ask an asthmatic.  Start there. 

BE Grateful. BE Humble. BE Present. BE Still. And begin to watch the “magic/miracles” happen right before your very eyes. Peace

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Do NOT lose focus!

When fear enters the mind, vision becomes cloudy and any decision made in this state is left with regret and shame because judgement was made in error. What is obvious, when in the right state of mind, is considered illogical when fear has taken over. At this point, anything goes. One does not  have to go far to witness this fact.

Precisely when Life seems to make no sense whatsoever, because of all the senselessness that is happening currently, choose to remember Truth. Nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. 

It ALL begins in the mind, and is then projected outward. This is the case whether or not there is intent. The mind is a beautiful and powerful tool yet when Truth is remembered, the mind is not called upon because there is nothing to “think” about. 

When operating in Truth, there is simply a Knowing which has nothing to do with intent, shame or regret. Truth is what it is, and because this is so, acceptance  of Truth “sets you free”. Because Time is guaranteed to no one, do not waste it on what does not matter (fear). 

Truth is, only LOVE is Real. Everything else is made up by ego. You know this, you just forgot. We (human BEings) have been tricked into believing what the eye reports is real. Truth is, You are, LOVE, expressed in a temporary physical human form. You know this too, you just forgot

Remember Truth (LOVE) by reconnecting with your inner BEing and 1. Know there is nothing to fear (ever). It’s ALL made up in the mind by ego. 2. Know Time here on earth is precious yet limited with an unknown expiration date so choose wisely and BE You (LOVE) fearless! 3. Be Present (NOW,) and allow LOVE to be your guide. 

Choose LOVE and the vision of Life’s purpose will be crystal clear. Remember Truth and fear will no longer be an issue. BREATHE. BE still (NOW) to experience Peace beyond understanding. Peace

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

This is it!

Because everything in Life happens for a reason, the reason is to learn from the lesson that comes with each and every situation or 1. it would not have happened to begin with and 2. it will continue to happen unless/until the lesson is learned. This is known as history.

We’ve been tricked by ego into believing one must “forgive but never forget” in order to learn from experience. History continues to come in different forms because the lesson is in learning from the experience not in keeping track of offenses. That’s ego’s job, not yours!

We, mankind, need this Time (NOW) to go back inside (within) to recognize Truth. Because Truth is innate, it is not taught. Which explains why Peace is experienced the moment Truth is accepted for what it is, Reality

What is taught are lies made to believe is Truth. This is done by none other than ego. Truth being what it is, it; defies the tests of Time, has nothing to do with whether it is believed or not, has never and will never change, sets you free and finally, comes with Joy and Peace (of mind) which is experienced within

Because WE, human BEings have forgotten the essence of our core BEingness (aka LOVE,) we’ve been tricked by ego’s most effective tool, fear. Fear causes the most damage because when the dust settles and the vision is clear, decisions made in the state of fear always come with shame and regret in the end.

Choose rather to remember there is nothing to fear. The whole point of Life is to live it to its fullest (NOW) considering these undeniable factors; 1. WE are here for a higher purpose hence why everything happens for a reason. 2. Nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unReal exists. Only LOVE is Real - everything else is made up. 3. WE (every living creature) are here in physical form temporarily. All forms are temporary. Nothing on earth lasts forever. 

Make no mistake where you are at this moment in Time. BREATHE. You’ve come this far because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Use this Time (NOW) to accept Reality for what it is, a wake up call. Allow the walls that ego built - which imprisons not protects - to fall away which bring instant healing. Otherwise Denial will continue to be the cause of Suffering. 

The choice is yours. Use it wisely because Time is guaranteed to no one. Accept Reality for what it is and allow Truth to set you free. Truth is you are LOVE and there is nothing to fear. BE Still. Peace.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Do not waste precious Time.

The moment one comes to recognize the Truth, guilt instantly becomes part of the Past - where it belongs because it serves no Real purpose other than to keep imprisoned by not forgiving. 

The Past is where all records are kept and the mind works like elephants who never forget when it comes to ego. Hence the saying “forgive but do not forget”. This formula was made up by ego which is why Peace is never the result. The formula is wrong but you’d have to remember Truth to see that error. You know Truth, You just forgot

Only Truth stands the tests of Time because Truth was/is before Time and will still be when there is no more Time. Truth does not change over Time which explains why Truth is not taught. Truth is innate

What is taught are lies! Ego comes in to play the moment Truth is forgotten. It can’t be lost because Truth is within however when forgotten, the damage can be devastating. This is precisely where the error in ego’s formula is found. 

The solution (Peace of mind) is only experienced when Truth is recognized and accepted  for what it is (Reality) and not what it would, should, could’ve been. This can only be done when the formula - to playing the game of Life well,  is corrected.

Here is the solution. Remove ego from the equation and there is no longer a problem. Otherwise you will continue to believe, not forgetting is what protects one from another when in fact, the complete opposite is true. 

Let’s set the record clear. Lies hurt, not Truth. Truth holds no records because Truth is timeless! Truth is always Present (NOW) and that is why only “Truth sets you free ” where ego keeps you imprisoned in the Past with guilt.

BE Still. Remember who You are (LOVE) so to experience Peace of mind and the Joy of (finally) letting go. It can not be done for you. It’s a choice. The Time it takes is completely up to you. Just remember Time is guaranteed to no one so use it wisely. Peace

Monday, April 6, 2020

Somewhere along the way WE forgot the fact that we’re just visitors here.

Because WE (mankind) have lost our way, Truth has been forgotten which explains the mess we’re in now - and have been in for far too long.

WE (human BEings) are not the physical body; form. WE, at the core essence of our BEingness, are Spirit (LOVE). WE know this, we just forgot!

Fortunately, because LOVE is not of this world, it alone stands the tests of Time. Unless/until WE get back to this principal of Life, chaos, confusion and suffering will continue to be a torment. Because there is Birth, Death is inevitable however chaos, confusion and suffering is an unnecessary (temporary) state which is a result of fear. The Time spent in that state is up to you (alone). 

The word LOVE mentioned here is not to be confused with the emotion. Emotions/feelings do not stand the tests of Time because they change depending on the state of mind in that moment with respect to perspective of outside circumstances )which also change).

Fear is dominating on a global scale right now because WE have lost our way and have forgotten LOVE. The good news is this doesn’t impact its efficacy in any way specifically because LOVE is not of this world. 

Choose to remember what WE have simply forgotten but is factual none the less. WE are LOVE manifested into this temporary, fragile physical form (body). Enjoy Life NOW by going back inside to reconnect with Spirit/LOVE. 

Time is guaranteed to no one. WE are visitors on this planet earthWE were not meant to live (here) forever. Regain your Peace of mind by remembering Truth; only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. 

Choose to release fear to experience the Joy of having Peace of mind - in spite of any/all outside circumstances. Peace

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The time to “go inside” is NOW.

Inner strength is where the Power (LOVE) is found to continue past fatigue, stress, hunger, etc. Because this Power (LOVE) is not of this world, its effects are limitless and often regarded as miraculous. Yet, because of who WE, mankind, are at the essence of our core BEing (LOVE,) and are here only for moment in Time, miracles are to happen naturally - we just forgot this and lost our way. 

We are now in a GLOBAL crisis and there is no better time than the Present moment (NOW) to ”go inside” to tap into that inner strength. It is accessible no other way. To go within is where Stillness is experienced and Clarity comes in to play. Without Clarity, Chaos and Confusion are the driving force behind fear. 

Choose to remember who YOU are because fear is trying to take complete control through Sickness and Death. The moment you remember Truth, fear will no longer be an issue, in spite of any/all outward condition(s) and/or circumstance(s). 

Because WE, human BEings are not of this world Sickness and Death are not to be feared considering they both are a part of Life, not the end of Life. Life has no end, Birth does. Death is the end of Birth, not Life. What is born must die. 

Go inside long enough to remember what you already know (Truth,) but simply forgot, so that  Sickness and Death will no longer be something to fear. Because YOU/WE are LOVE, it’s Power will not only get us through this difficult time, there is no way we will get through this without it.

Wake up. BREATHE (it’s a precious gift, don’t take it for granted). Go inside. BE Still. Know you are not in control. Tap into your inner strength (LOVE). This is how True solutions to any/all problems are solved. Peace