Monday, July 25, 2016

Its results are immediate and has long lasting effects.

From one aspect, its viewed as something to be protected against yet from the only other perspective where vision is crystal clear, its seen as the only Real solution because everything else is simply different forms of the same nothingness and the same nonsense

What makes no sense because it lacks that which stands the tests of time is too often mistakenly chosen for what is Real. Because Truth brings with it a light that penetrates through the most convincing yet absurd ways of thinking, fear is immediately exposed as it cowers under its  insidious    disguises like anger, resentment, unforgiveness, worry, anxiety, etc.

Because what is left to face seems foreign, it is feared and cautioned against. It is advised/warned about and the advice often comes with instructions to turn around and about face because what is "seen" is viewed as sneaky at best and deadly at its worst. This advice and its instructions typically come as a result of past experiences.

And because these experiences were either not properly addressed or not dealt with at all, advice given from here will not be sound because vision is impaired and obstructed when lost yet focused on the Past about what is gone, useless and makes no sense. The only solution found in the past is the lesson learned by choosing differently (without fear.)

Take the blindfolds off and recognize fear for nothing other than the cry for LOVE that it Really is and Hope will be the gift which guarantees Peace. Peace

Remember LOVE. Live LOVE. Share LOVE.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Now is not the time to go backwards!

"Hindsight is 20/20" signifies the clarity (clear vision) that comes once an event has already passed. This phrase is typically used when the reason of why this or that happened is made known and understanding (clarity) replaces confusion and unanswered questions.

Clarity is the gift of being able to decipher what's Real from what's not. The fact there is confusion in the first place confirms the gift of choice was misused the last time a cry for Truth rang throughout the world in the form Death. Take your pick, there are mass shootings, mistaken identities, cover ups, setups,  suicide bombings, racial targeting, etc.

The choice was misused because the lesson (presented in the form of injustice for example) was not learned from the lesson before that. Because actions are but a reflection of the mind, when "an eye for an eye" is deemed the sensible way to live, particularly in a hostile environment like the one here in the US, madness makes sense because it mirrors the fear that grips this country and enslaves the mind into what makes absolutely no sense.

Fear does the most damage yet goes unnoticed by slipping and transitioning into other feelings and emotions. When confusion and fear get together, they form a very dangerous combination because decisions made from this state of mind are never good and most likely end in shame and regret. Because everything happens for a reason, the reason/cause is found and recognized where the light of Truth (clarity) is accepted for what it is and not what it should be.

Truth always reveals the nothingness that fear uses so masterfully to embellish. Choose to use your gift wisely and not be fooled by Ego into using the same energy used against you. It is imperative to remember only Love is the answer to all questions, misunderstandings, conflict, etc., which by the way, are all different forms of confusion. Because fear and confusion go hand in hand, it must be known, where there is no logic, there is bound to be conflict considering order is not of confusion but of Peace. 

Here is a cheat sheet; Love offers Forgiveness which brings Peace. Learn it. Use it. Share it. Peace

Saturday, July 23, 2016

It doesn't take much but its return is out of this world!

Love does not depend on actions in order to have Peace. Actions however depend on Love in order for Peace to be the desired experience. And because Love is always the only sensible solution to every situation, when the will to choose is chosen wisely "not my will but Thy will be done," not only will the problem be solved, the result will be that of which you could never have imagined possible. 

This is because the Power of Love is not of this world which explains why the brain can not comprehend its efficacy. Because Ego rules this world and has tricked you into believing it's story of scarcity and lack, you live by its definition of love which always entails "what's in it for me?" 

Because you forgot Who you are, you live in a world where Love is not understood because fear is constantly shouting things in your mind but its messages make no sense. You don't have to look far to see this world is in a state of shear madness. What's happening now, again, is because the focus is on the problem rather than the solution, matters escalate which only guarantees revenge and retaliation and this how the cycle continues to repeat itself. 

There is a reason for everything yet unless and until the underlying lesson these current situations bring to the surface are learned and completely understood, fear will continue to enslave and rule the world. The ironic thing however is one step toward fear in the direction and expectation of Love is how Ego's veil of "protection" falls away and Peace is left standing as Love's gift of appreciation for your Faith in its Power. 

The amount is not significant because that (Faith) the size of a mustard seed is enough to move mountains. What's being reported on social media and the daily/nightly news is such an immense and extremely sensitive issue primarily because lives are being targeted and killed and secondly because this is an issue that has gone on unaddressed for far too long, lives are being taken as pay back for the sacrifice made in the first place. 

Although it may seem clear the life rule "an eye for an eye" is not the solution in this or any case, until Love is the main ingredient, Peace will not come because Love must be the only ingredient in order for Peace to be the change we all want to experience. If this message has blessed you, pay it forward by blessing others in sharing this message. Peace

Monday, July 18, 2016

Let's not get distracted and lose the message!!!

Light shines away darkness the way Truth exposes lies. Because we have forgotten the essence  of Who we really are, Truth is not recognized and as a result, life is lived in Fear. Fear feeds off of Fear which explains the crisis America faces today.

What has yet to be realized and completely understood is unless and until the message is received, more of the same and worse is to be expected. What seems to be the problem is not the message itself but its delivery, which is where the message gets lost. Because this message is considered a matter of life or death, and has been for longer than we would like to admit, every time we get distracted by Ego from Truth to Fear, the message is once again overlooked and why more lives are lost and even more taken in retaliation. Because revenge through violence and ultimately death is still considered to be a solution - we all know it's not The solution, the lesson has not yet been learned. Prepare for Pain and Suffering as the consequence(s) due for making the wrong choice and not learning the lesson from the last situation. This happens because the message was either misunderstood, misinterpreted and/or not received at all.
When the message (Truth) is offered and delivered with LOVE instead of Fear, it (Truth) will be recognized for what it really is rather than what it used to be and/or how it should be Now. Only through acceptance of what is can the only solution to every problem be accepted as the gift that is because only this can bring Peace. There is no Peace without LOVE because they go together hand in hand so to speak. This is where miracles happen because forgiveness is offered by letting go of the Past which releases the Future from its curse so healing can begin. 

Choose to stand for a cause rather than fight for it. Choose to be for a cause rather than against  another. Remember, where there is no Ego, there is no Fear and so, no conflict. Where there is no conflict, Peace is experienced as the greatest gift of LOVE and the world will live as ONE. Peace

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The madness stops (only) when You decide it does.

When the gift within is realized for what it really is, the effect of its Power will always be positive because the affect of its use is taken from fear to Love. This is most often remembered during highly intense situations and/or Death is on the scene.

Because we have forgotten Who we really are, the value of Life is not only under appreciated, it's worth has become meaningless altogether. The notion that one could come up with their own value system and decide the worth of a life is where the first problem lies. This made up system as well as all other systems, when based on fear, will bring nothing but Pain and Suffering considering there is no logic in Fear. Details do not change that which is mad, they just add more chaos to the insanity. Only what is left standing, Truth, will prevail because only Love mends all wounds and dissolves what makes no sense to begin with.

Focus not on what you think is the problem which in fact is really the result of not wanting to look at and face the problem. Denial is a bitch with no mercy and will keep its prisoner locked in ignorance who suffers the consequences of a life lived according to what should be rather than what is.

Only by facing that which seems impossible to accept is Hope offered and Love seen as the only real alternative to any/all situations and the solution to any/all problems. It is at this point that Peace is experienced because it is offered. Whether or not the offer is excepted has little or nothing to do with the capability to maintain Peace which is always accessible to anyone at any time. The decision to engage in madness is when/how Peace is replaced by Fear disguised in all forms of Pain and Suffering.

You're worth is not determined by anything here on earth because the essence of Who You are is not of this world. You are a perfect creation of LOVE yet unless and until life is lived by BEing Love, life as we know it will continue to be a living Hell or Heaven on Earth. Both are the reflection of the state of mind. When Fear runs your life, Death is your worst enemy and what a hell to pay because you've been tricked into believing Death is the end of life when in fact Death is the end of Birth. Life on the other hand is eternal, Death is just the shedding of physical form; however because most identify themselves with with/as their body, the value of Life itself is lost in what was really meant to be just an instrument to use in order to experience and enjoy Life while temporarily here on earth in human form. 

Ego on the other hand has to have its say and it's way by consistently causing chaos and drama through fear of what poses no threat. It uses bodies to compete for this or that when in fact you already have all you could ever need, you just don't remember.  Yet Ego demands we use our eyes to determine what truth is rather than the inner voice that keeps telling you what you already know but just forgot. Now that you're aware again, take your place in the cause for Peace and not the war against anything or the fight for such and such considering that would just be Ego again sliding in through the back door.

When LOVE is the compass/guide, Peace is the final destination. Please know Peace depends not on your life circumstance(s,) it is offered and available to whom ever whenever they are ready to get off the crazy train! Peace

Saturday, July 16, 2016


To be considered "The greatest country in the world" is an accomplishment Ego thrives off of which explains the state of this "great" country today. Ego uses this label, "the greatest," along with all other labels, always to its advantage only. It may seem like good intentions are there but that is the trick Ego uses to ultimately get what it needs to maintain its existence. Good intentions mean nothing if the action/behaviour doesn't deliver and may even cause more damage.

One of the qualities that we, Americans pride ourselves about is our leadership to and for the rest of world. The Statue of Liberty signifies something so profound yet too often not recognized for the message it represents  and therefore goes unnoticed and/or misunderstood by Ego. 

The torch is a symbol of enlightenment, a higher state of mind and a deeper way of living. The Statue of Liberty's torch lights the way to freedom (of the mind) showing us the path to liberty. It also represents friendship among nations and freedom from oppression. This message has been lost and as a result, another message has been made up by Ego representing the complete opposite of Love and brotherhood to one of Fear in the form of discrimination, the primary cause of separation and conflict. 

The ultimate goal of a leader is unity. That will never be as long as Ego is on the scene because opposition is Ego's ultimate goal. So things like putting up walls, testing all Muslims on the belief in Sharia law, using excessive force in calm/peaceful situations, etc., are not what brings unity through Peace, only more of what brings Pain and Suffering. 

All eyes are on us, the "privileged" yet what's being conveyed through most forms of media is Fear  disguised as sexism, racism, religious intolerance, etc., the complete opposite of what the Statue of Liberty stands for. Our children are watching us, both individually and collectively and mental notes are being taken both intentionally and subconsciously. The chain of lies and deception must be broken Now because there is no other Time like the Present to end what we all know is wrong because lives are being taken and lost over what is completely illogical and insane.

If the "American" label is to be worn with pride, it is Time to lead by demonstrating to everyone what  Liberty and justice for ALL means. We have the stage, what's it gonna be? More of the same or Real positive change that can only come from Love which always brings Peace. The choice is always yours. Just remember, you're being watched so choose wisely so your decision will reflect that and  not more disappointment. Peace

Friday, July 15, 2016

Let it not be in vain.

The pressing issue here, death by excessive force, suicide bombing and other forms of violence, will continue to remain as such, always with the potential and expectation for even worse unless and until Truth is recognized and accepted for what it is not what it's believed to be.  

Truth is most easily recognized in the midst of calamity because that's where the value of Life is really able to be appreciated, ironically because that of another was taken/lost. Death is usually a touchy subject primarily because the fact that Death is the end of Birth, not the end of Life, is forgotten which is where denial comes from and eventually causes Pain and Suffering. 

The idea that taking a life in retaliation of one lost is where the solution is found is as senseless as taking a life. "Thou shall not kill" means because you did not give or create life, no one has a right to take a life because there is nothing right in that. This commandment is applied to ALL of mankind and there is no one, no group, no organization, no tribe, no country, no religion or political party that is the exception to this rule. 

Do not continue to be fooled by what seems like the obvious because of its disguise as racism, terrorism, sexism, etc. These are all different forms of the same thing but because life is lived on the surface of the five senses, the root cause is not recognized. You see, one must go (and stay/live there)  deep within where Truth is found and Real change is offered with Love as the one and only solution. 

Let us not allow the lives of those lost due to the senseless acts of Fear go in vain. Once Truth is recognized for what it Really is, Fear will be a thing of the Past. Fear is always of the unknown, that which hasn't happened, yet because Fear comes from judging a Present situation by Past experiences, Fear comes about because the expectation is never a good one. For if there were, what would be the reason for Fear? You're right, there is never a reason for Fear considering nothing good comes from it and there are never solutions found or offered in Fear however there are limitless problems up for grabs!

There seems to be a general consensus that there is a fundamental problem here (FEAR) yet any blame, excuses and/or retaliation will further add to the problem where the solution will never be found. Only when the lesson of Life is learned, that LOVE is all we need and the value of Life is appreciated for the preciouspriceless gift it is, is when the lives that were taken and the lives that were lost will not have been in vain.  

Do we need more of what is guaranteed to no one (Time)? The decision is yours, wake up! Peace

Thursday, July 14, 2016

More Time is not what's needed here, willingness to see things differently on the other hand, is!

The idea of more Time is what's need in order for the process of healing to begin is primarily where the problem lies. Because Time is an instrument seen and used by far too many, if not the majority here in the Western part of the world,  as simply a means to an end, its value is not appreciated for what it Really is.
First off, Time itself is really thought in movement considering Past is a recollection of experiences, both physically and emotionally while Future is the anticipation of this or that. What is often missed and thus "lost," but not Really, is the Present moment. Simply because the Present moment, also known as the Now, is all one ever Really has.
Because Past is gone, it can never be undone and for that reason alone, it is unwise to believe more Time spent there (Past) will bring any solution to the issues at hand today. If anything, the more Time spent in the Past than the Present moment determines what is to be expected for the Future. The Past is to be learned from not lived in.
Because Hope is for the Future, positive change can only be accessed Now, in the Present moment where the miracle of LOVE is accessed by remembering the Truth about Who we (the entire human race) are. Unless and until the notion of more Time is what we need in order to heal and progress is corrected by/with "LOVE is ALL we need," the instrument of Time, although guaranteed to no one, is what will be used to continue to teach the one lesson that has yet to be learned.
That lesson comes in every single situation because everything happens for a reason and that reason is always a reminder that we are One and the Same and despite our life circumstance(s) where Peace or Hell is experienced  according to your reaction.
Remember that life circumstances have little or nothing to do with Who you are (LOVE) which is where Peace of mind is enjoyed. Your mere willingness to see things differently is where any possibility of Hope and positive change is found and put to good use. Peace


One planet - two different worlds.

There is the world of Reality and the world of Insanity and both are lived and experienced here on this planet called Earth. Some refer to and/or know these worlds to be Heaven and Hell. The only difference is the label because the state of mind is what reflects both Heaven and Hell and/or Reality and Insanity.  

The mind, when in its right place (Reality,) produces incredibly amazing pieces of artwork. infrastructure, celestial music (the kind that touches your soul,) programs to help and heal communities, etc., because it's from this place (Reality) that miracles happen. 

When the mind is full of fearful thoughts however decisions made in this frame of mind brings nothing but regret at best and shear disaster at worst where lives are taken and lives are lost. This world is insane because it makes no sense yet dispite past records showing no positive results and because the mind set hasn't changed back to Reality where Truth is recognized for what it is, Pain and Suffering will continue to be the only experience the world of Insanity offers. 

You see, it's the frame of mind that determines the experience. When in the world of Reality, the circumstance has little or nothing to do with the experience because it's only by acceptance of what is that Reality offers positive change. In the world of Insanity, denial is where insight is lost to Fear and vision is lost because there is no goal in sight, only doom and gloom also known as Hell.

Again, because these two worlds are the result of the state of mind, one can live with a life sentence in prison and experience freedom (of the mind) which depends not on the circumstance(s.) Just as well another can live in a palace with not one need/want and still be miserable because Peace of mind depends not on your circumstance but on your reaction to it. 

When Reality is experienced through understanding the Power within, LOVE, and the ability to access it at any point in Time by offering it to yourself and others, life on earth is lived in LOVE and experienced in Peace and the world can live as One. Peace

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Truth doesn't hurt...lies do!

"Truth hurts," "beauty is pain," Love hurts," etc., are all lies we're taught at a very young age. These as well as other beliefs are passed down from generation to generation which explains the turmoil we find ourselves in today. The ironic thing is we were at this very point fifty years ago hence the generational "curse." 

These lies have been passed down and believed to be true because Truth itself was unrecognizable after layers and layers of what's been made up and makes no sense but thought of as protection. To believe Truth hurts clearly means there is a lack of Knowledge. Knowledge is Power because only Truth can set you free. Please understand, freedom does not depend on your circumstance. Freedom is the result of your state of mind, not the condition of your situation. Peace is a state of being which comes only by way of Surrender and that comes from recognizing and accepting Truth for what is Really is, that which never changes.

To believe "Love hurts" is precisely what causes and maintains conflict which brings the need for distance and barriers/walls. What's been forgotten here is there strength in unity not conflict and war which are the result of Fear not Love. 

When we ALL remember Who we Really are rather than what society, media, our parents and their parents and so on, etc., taught us to be true, is when the guns will be put down and the killing will cease because the lesson history has been repeating has been learned. We are ALL One and the Same despite what we gather from our five senses which are superficial because they won't matter when   Death has come to claim what's his. When Death is remembered for what it is, simply the end of birth and not the end of Life, fear of Death will be no longer which is where the fundamental problem lies. 

Understand and take your place in this world as the PERFECT creation of Love that you are. Know you are a Spiritual being temporarily experiencing life in human/physical form. When Death comes and the physical form has expired, the essence of Who you are, Spirit, continues because that which was never born, Spirit, is eternal Life and never dies. Remember this Truth and you will be set free from what you were taught. Here Truth/Knowlege will replace all the lies and Peace will be the experience of God's gift which is Love that heals but never hurts...Peace

Monday, July 11, 2016

Everyone has a story...but it doesn't define Who you are.

Because you have forgotten Who you Really are, a PERFECT creation of Love, you take what you've been taught all your life to be true along with past negative experiences and carry them around to where they shape and form your identity, or so you think!

You see, the reaction to any given situation is what brings about more of the same. So, for example,  if history shows a pattern of racism and police brutality primarily and specifically in the poor black communities, despite countless marches, arrests, beatings and even deaths, with no solution to date, something has to break the pattern in order for Real change to take place. 

The kind of change that doesn't dissolve once all the hype is gone. A change that is once and for ALL particularly black people, whom are the ones being targeted and killed for no reason other than Fear of believing we are different because we look different. That is where is fundamental problem lies. Unless and until the issue of Fear is addressed by practicing patience, understanding and forgiveness, not only will the pattern of shear madness continue in more lives lost to what makes no sense, but once it is all said and done, Truth will be realized for what it is and will always be. 

As Spiritual creative beings, We (the entire human race) have the Power to create with the mind whatever is in the mind. When in Fear, nothing good is to be expected however because Fear is just an illusion, once light is shed on what is causing the Fear, it is no longer an issue. Fear can not exist for long in the light of Truth - that We are ALL One and the Same

Choose to remember Who you Really are, despite your beliefs or lack thereof as well as those of others. It is from remembering Truth that Hope is offered through Love and Peace is experienced as its gift to man. You are not your circumstance(s.) Use them as the tools they're here for to learn from the Past,  grow and progress together as One in Love and Peace. Peace

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Marching/Protesting is not the solution.

Marching/protesting is not the solution because it has yet to solve one problem. To march and protest in itself is not the problem. Quite frankly when it has come down to it, a march was mostly likely due to all the other failed forms of communication. And when lives are the issue at hand, black lives in particular, it is wise to prepare for a march but to expect a riot! 

This is the result of a very sensitive, raw, painful past that, to date has not been openly and honestly addressed by 1. Recognising there was and still is a problem in the United States with respect to how black people in general are treated by police officers.  2. Admitting to the unfair and unjust treatment  by first being able to recognise there is an issue that needs serious and immediate attention along with serious and immediate action. 3. What goes hand in hand with admitting there is a problem, rather than finding the need to place blame, is to ask for forgiveness. 

One could only get to this point by willingly coming face to face with what has been swept under the rug for hundreds of years. It doesn't have to be this way however unless there is a shift in the way we think as a collective whole, not only will race relations not improve, things will only continue to get worse. 

Truth on the other hand has nothing to do with any of this because the essence of Who we, the entire human race, are is not this physical body and so the make up of how much melanin or lack there of is irrelevant yet lives are being taken and lost over this very issue. You see, because racism is a learned behaviour, the idea that one race is superior/inferior to another depending on this or that is completely made up yet taught, literally (society,) subliminally (media,) and believed to be true. 

Truth is revealed when Death comes on the scene because everything and everyone is blind, deaf and dumb - lost is the everyday humdrum while racism continues to boil like lava until it explodes and two innocent men become the sacrifice of Fear. This is nothing new, what is new are the cameras that are capturing and playing what most refuse to acknowledge. Because they are being played in real time (Now) there is no other time to address this issue. 

Do not be confused, the only issue here is the fact that we, human beings, have forgotten who we Really are, Spiritual beings of LOVE, made whole and Perfect temporarily in physical form as ONE human race. This alone is all it will take to shift our thinking to heal the wound that needs closure Now. Share this message and let's live the miracle of healing we so desperately pray for. Protesting has shed light on the problem and got the world's attention (again) now let's ALL answer the call to action and solve the problem with LOVE because there is no other answer to this madness. The solution is there is only ONE answer, LOVE, because there is only ONE race, Human and that includes black people. Peace

Thursday, July 7, 2016

What happens from this point is completely up to you!

Unless and until Truth is recognised for what it is, rather than what it is perceived to be, the direction in which we're headed will continue to have nothing but more pain and suffering. For the same exact  incident to happen again within hours of the first incident, recorded and viewed around the world, is a demand to look at what too many refuse to face and accept (Truth) for what it Really is.  

Unless and until Truth is recognised for what it Really is, what is seen with the physical eye will continue to be  mistakenly adopted as Truth. No matter how real and/or close to Truth it may seem or come to, the fact that Truth is universal means there is never conflict. Conflict arises when something else is attempting to be passed off as Truth, in an attempt to sweep Truth "under the rug." 

You see, the whole purpose of why this is, and keeps happening right now, is because there are some issues that present themselves at every opportunity available because they demand to be addressed. The lesson to learn from this is long over due and because the lesson will be learned, it's up to us, the entire human race, regarding how long it will take for history to repeat itself...that part it's completely up to the human race. 

What has yet to be fully understood and accepted is the fact that we are One human race. The fundamental problem lies in mistaking the physical form for who man Really is which explains the conflict continuously displayed on the daily and nightly news. It is apparent this lesson has not been learned and comments like "we've taken great strides," or "we've come a long way from where we were," is no different from drinking poison expecting your enemy to die. 

The fact that we are One and the Same, One Spiritual force, One Loving Spirit seems too much like airy fairy stuff and most choose to continue to use their eyes for direction although the results are that of the blind leading the blind. "This is no time to be luke warm..." We, the entire human race must come to the realisation that we are here but for a short time. Life lived in Hell is just as much a choice as is Heaven. Please know they are not some far away place up in the sky with pearly gates and streets paved with gold or a firey pit in the center of earth somewhere. Rather both Hell and Heaven are a state of mind which is manifested in form. 

Just turn on the 6pm News. The reports are a reflection of our state of mind both on an individual as well as a collective level. Nothing has changed because nothing has changed. We will begin to see positive change happen when the Power of Love in response to everything and everyone is used in replace of Fear. Fear of getting shot and killed for no reason other than skin color, fear of not being able to support your family, fear of losing a loved one, fear of losing a job and not finding another, etc. The stress on a collective level is very high right now yet unless and until the demand to address the issue at hand is dealt with once and for all by facing and accepting the Truth for what it Really is, 
LOVE, prepare for more of the same. 

Let's give LOVE a chance. What do you say, huh? Peace

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

There is a reason for everything...why do you think this is happening?

There is a lesson to be learned in every situation and unless the questions "What is the reason for this?" and "What am I to learn from this?" are asked, the reaction to what are seen as negative situations will end in an even worse state because that which is focused on, magnifies.  
In the case of what most would clearly agree is considered unjust, for those unwilling to see Truth for what it Really is, there is always a reason to justify the unjustifiable. Because Truth has been buried under layers and layers of lies, since the beginning of Time, the Reality of the fact that we are ALL One and the Same despite what our physical eyes tell us, is what needs to be recognized and accepted for what it is, Truth, otherwise we will continue to experience what is being displayed on the daily and nightly news. History repeats itself for as long as it takes the lesson in that particular situation to  be learned what it was brought to teach.  
If/when Truth is disregarded, as it usually is, the result of what brought on the negative situation is where the focus will be which customarily follows up with some sort of retaliation if not a down right a call for war. In this case many decisions will be made which will end in regret because nothing good comes from where Truth is not involved. Please know that some truth is not Truth. Because Truth never changes, and because everything else does as it goes along, what is left standing in the end will always be Truth because there is nothing else.
What is made up and believed to be true is typically recognized when tragedy hits however if the lesson this tragedy brings as its blessing (Truth) is not recognized for what it is, not only will further pain and suffering come, the lesson will come again in another form.  
As Spiritual beings temporarily here in physical form, we are here but for a moment and as creative beings, we have the capacity to use our God given Power, Love, to manifest in our lives what it is we would like to see. Unless and until Truth is recognized for what it Really is, the Power of God (LOVE) will continue to be misused, otherwise known as Fear, and history will continue to repeat its lessons because they have yet to be learned. The point is not to "remember, never forget" because deciding to never forget is the same as drinking poison and expecting the offender to die.
The point of the situation is to learn from it so it doesn't happen again because clearly remembering/never forgetting what happened does little to nothing from it happening again.
Unless and until We, the entire human race, begin to realize Truth in one another, the fact that we are actually One as well as part of the Whole, We will continue to suffer in Pain yet this fact will always be the answer to all conflict and war among man. Remember this by maintaining Peace within yourself and share what you now remember, but just forgot, and the world as you know it will begin to change for the better right before your very eyes. Peace

You have "It"...if only you knew that!

What has the capability of bringing awareness to "It," that which you are born with by the way, is trauma, catastrophe, birth, death, etc. Too often however because most of the day is spent in what should've happened, denial of what actually happened, fear of what could possibly happen next, etc., "It" is being used and "It's" manifestations are being brought into fruition at every angle. 

You see, precisely because of Who You really are, a Spiritual creative being, the gift of choice allows for whatever you're offered. When you remember Who You really are, you will Know because you already have "It," there is nothing to ask for and nothing to choose from. When life is lived in the Present moment by Being grateful for the mere breath of Life which in itself is priceless, the "miracles,"  "coincidences," "opportunities," etc., will be noticed and therefore experienced more frequently. 

Understanding Who You really are is when you begin to spend less time in the Past about what can never change, because it's done and gone. Every moment spent open and willing to whatever will bring Peace in all forms is the first step to your release from hell. If you work matters out with your brother and continue to fester inside you are fooling no one but yourself. Understanding Who You really are is Knowing your circumstance does not define You. Your circumstance may or may not be the result of any direct negligence on your part however your reaction to your circumstance is what will make the difference.  

Understanding Who You really are, means Knowing because there is an ultimate source of Power (I believe we can all agree on that, regardless of what name you use to choose for reference) we, the entire human race has access to that source. "It" is the ultimate cure. "It" is the ultimate solution to any/all problems and situations. This is because "It" is not of this world and explains why "It" never changes and lasts forever. Life situations and circumstances no matter how difficult, challenging and/or horrific even, are temporary and so too shall pass. "It" on the other hand remains the same, yesterday, today and forever.

Choose to use "It" to your benefit by living a life of "not my will by Thy Will be done" by using "It" to bless and uplift others. For blessings are found in giving but not for the reason of receiving. Remember you already have "It" and for that reason alone you need nothing else. When life is lived and viewed from this perspective, you will find even your wants become a thing of the Past.

Use your Power for what it was intended, to heal and to help uplift others and you'll begin to see and experience all that life has to offer!! Don't be afraid to use "It" aka really works! Peace