Friday, March 25, 2016

Marriage... it's a commitment.

Marriage is the joining of two people in a bond that is to last until death. It is a life long commitment made to each other, typically in the presence of close friends and family. "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part" means just that. 

Sure, those vows seem "dated" and unrealistic considering the current divorce rate in the United States is between 40-50% however unless there is a commitment to work through life circumstances together, the divorce rate will continue to steadily increase. 

Keeping a promise has little or nothing to do with the person to whom the promise was made. A commitment is the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action. When seen from this perspective, you are more likely to keep your word/promise which is also known as integrity. 

Integrity - an unreduced or unbroken completeness. This unbroken completeness confirms outside forces are not a factor. Because a commitment is made at will, what the other does/says is not part of the equation. Over time however stipulations, prenuptial agreements, and the like have been incorporated into the marriage agreement as protection for the one who was wronged and able end the marriage with "just" cause, hence the divorce rate. 

Seen from this perspective, there is no accountability for the offender considering divorce terminates  the agreement yet does nothing to rectify the offense and/or repair the damage because nothing good comes as a result of divorce.

A life long commitment on the other hand does not mean being a doormat and accepting abuse in any form. It is a decision to communicate from a place of Love where both parties are safe to  just be their authentic self. Free of criticism and judgments. Free from comparisons, neglect, dishonesty, disrespect and hostility.  

Marriage is a life long commitment. Only when LOVE (God) is the common denominator will the "deal breakers" and/or "breaking points" be seen for what they are, tests. And because LOVE (God) is the solution to all problems, divorce is not part of the equation. Peace 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Compassion, got any??

According to Miriam-Webster, the definition of compassion is the feeling of wanting to help someone who is sick, hungry, poor, hurt, in trouble, etc. Because the feeling  of wanting to help is just that, a feeling, it has little to no value primarily because feelings change according to circumstances. Although the intention may be for good, feelings hold little to no value because what is not constant/consistent is not reliable, stable, trustworthy.

Considering nothing on earth lasts forever, the saying "this too shall pass" is to remind us to Be still which does not mean resign and do nothing. On the contrary, when a moment (or two) is taken, rather than going off emotion and reacting, the answer to what the next step should be is more likely to be one that doesn't leave regret and shame in its wake. So True compassion is knowing and understanding it is the responsibility of each and everyone of us to see all forms of pain and suffering for what they are, temporary

True compassion is in sharing what we know and understand which has the potential to heal where focusing on the problem by wanting  to help does little to improve the situation which may even intensify the pain and suffering. This is because the circumstance itself is never the problem but depending on how it is "seen" and/or accepted is where the solution is found or overlooked.

Since the body is a reflection of what's going on in the mind, stress, anxiety, anger, depression, etc., are clear indicators of the mind which has lost "sight" of what is real and what isn't. "Live by faith not by sight" points to Peace of mind however because it is only a sign post so to speak, which only points to Peace, believing in the saying it is not enough to bring Peace.

Peace is a state of Being which comes from a state of mind and the only way it can  be experienced. This explains why it can't be bought for all the money in the world. Money and other forms of fortune may provide happiness and comfort but because these too are temporary, they do not offer Peace of mind which has nothing to do with material things. Because Peace can only be experienced, you can't fight for it considering Peace is the result of the absence of conflict /war  and not a reward  for "winning" and/or "defeating" another. Peace is eternal meaning it is not of this world which is why it can't be offered or taken away. It is an experience that comes from within never without which is why it can't be found, won, achieved, etc.

True compassion is to, 1. know and understanding this then 2. share it with those who forgot and suffer as a result. This is what heals and improves the conditions, not of circumstances, but of the mind where Peace is experienced.  Compassion, got any?? Peace