Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Real" Food

What is "real" food? Simply put, it is what's naturally harvested from the ground and/or picked from trees and vines. When left to do what it was created to do  (without the interference of pesticides,  hormones, additives, etc.,) the rate of those diagnosed with Cancer may be significantly reduced. You should know, if bugs don't want it, you shouldn't either! 

Now let's get into the "processed" foods. They are not real food. These food like products are produced in labs by chemists which include artificial food coloring, artificial flavoring, high-fructose corn syrup, etc. Feel free to check out a list of the top 15 chemical additives in your food ( This information may be difficult to accept however knowledge is Power and with knowledge you're better equipped to make wiser choices for you and your loved ones. 

Just recently the FDA (Food And Drug Administration) finally admitted that nearly 70% of U.S. chickens contain Roxarsone, a cancer causing arsenic. It's safe to say the same for beef and pork as well. Still not convinced, do your own research by starting here at

Many have waved off this information by saying things like "Tell me what doesn't have cancer causing chemicals or whatever on them? They're going to find out soon that carrots cause cancer because of the polluted soil." Or "Well I buy only Organic meats, fruits and vegetables." Please know if you're shopping at your local grocery store and not a local farm, the "Organic" sticker is just slapped on to give you some comfort while being charged more for what is exactly the same as the meats which are most likely than not contaminated with Roxarsone.

Now is the time to get serious about your overall health and well being. This entails your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional state. You only have one life. Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life. Get up and make positive changes for yourself because no one or nothing will do it for you. You can't control the actions of others but you do control yours. 

Start by loving and being kind to yourself by reducing articifial foods and cancer causing meats and chicken. Peace

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Relationships, not Religion.

Religion: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods. Religion, being man-made, is the cause behind many misinterpretations of what it means to live in Peace. The commitment to a particular belief system over the commitment to develop, reestablish and/or repair relationships is one of the primary reasons there is so much conflict in the world today. History is a perfect example of how one group mistreat (and even kill others) all in the name of religion. 

When one (any one) is treated as an equal and respected as a fellow human being, despite any/all external differences, is when a relationship is either formed or healed. It's from this point true positive change takes form. It's from this point age, gender, class, sexuality, ethnicity, political preference, level of education, fame, fortune, or lack thereof, is seen as meaningless considering none of these "labels" define you or anyone else for that matter. Please understand, the belief in something does not 
make it factual. Many come to this realization when faced with a crisis or tragic situation or better yet, their own mortality. 

The fact that we are ALL one and the same does not depend on whether or not it's believed to be true. That is what brings Peace, not how many bible verses are memorized, how many times a day a prayer is prayed, how many hours are set aside for studying a particular book or practice, the decision to live a celibate life, the decision to identify with a group of people and or their belief system, etc., (the list goes on and on.) Those are all a preferences of one (or several) for another or others and ought not continue to be confused with reality. Peace

Thursday, October 8, 2015

I AM...

These two little words "I AM" carry a great deal of Power yet too many fail to realize it. You will understand the significance of these words when you accept the fact that we (man kind) are really Spirit, temporarily in a body having a human experience and not a body having an occasional spiritual experience. 

As you know, Life itself is eternal while your human experience here on earth is impermanent and has an end date. Some how along the way, we seem to have forgotten that or intentionally choose to not accept it. This explains why/how Life, God's most precious gift, has been diminished to one taking an other's in the blink of an eye without even a second thought about it. The right to carry arms seems to hold more value than Life itself and that's the reason why there are so many "senseless" deaths. 

When Life is lived on purpose you will know that is your purpose and not to achieve a certain goal or acquire certain thing. You will know this for sure when your end date is upon you. You'll know because you'll realize the fact that you won't be able to take it with you means it's not really worth all of the time you spent fighting to get it and keep it. You see, when Life is lived on purpose, you never have to fight for what you want or need because God provides for ALL. The notion you have to fight for what you want and continue fighting in order to keep it comes from the mentality of scarcity and lack.

What's imperative to know (and remember) is that Life is an energy force and as a Spirit being, you attract into your life what you entertain in your mind by the thoughts you allow to enter into your inner space. This means you are in control of your destiny. If you want Peace, you have to BE Peace. One example of how this is done is by carefully selecting the words you choose after the words "I AM."

Instead of "I am broke," choose rather, "I am grateful for what I do have right now." Instead of "I am stressed," choose a positive alternative like "I am aware that because nothing on earth lasts forever, this too shall pass!" Instead of "I am sick," say "I am well" and your energy will manifest itself according to what you proclaim for yourself. You see, your words have power and must be chosen wisely and with intention if you want to see and experience positive change in your life. Know this, Peace doesn't mean roses and rainbows and sunshine, Peace means stillness/calm in the midst of the storm!

When asked "who are you," God's response was "I AM that I AM meaning there is no label you can use to limit God. One can never understand God however understanding comes from God. God is everywhere at ALL times and knows ALL considering to know anything is to know God which is where Power comes from - knowledge is Power.

Now that you know, choose wisely and begin to live your life in Love, Peace and Joy. There is no way to Love, Peace and Joy for they are the way to Heaven on Earth. Peace

Monday, October 5, 2015

And the answer is......

Love is the answer to ALL questions as God is the solution to ALL problems considering God is Love and Love is the only UNIVERSAL language which ALWAYS brings Peace. Peace