Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hold On!

Only when you know who you are you able to discern what is real and what is not. This can only be done by the Holy Spirit guiding you through this world of illusions. Illusions are made up by Ego to keep you confused and far from Truth. Because you've lost your way, you believe what your eyes  tell you which explains your constant fear, worry, unhappiness, anger, distress, etc. When your focus is on God (by living in gratitude) the Holy Spirirt will show you (through your spiritual eyes) that "trials and tribulations" are not to be seen as punishment but as opportunities rather, to allow God to have His way in it (pssst! He is the one in control anyway, remember?) 

Hold on to the one and only thing that will sustain you through the storm. Peace. Prolonged periods in the state of Peace threatens Ego's existence which is when it's most desperate and dangerous. Do not bother with that, any acknowledgement is all Ego needs to disturb your Peace and rock your world upside down!

No matter how difficult and/or uncomfortable a situation may seem, remember what you know to be true, "this too shall pass". Put your faith in knowing you are blessed with the precious gift of life and precisely because it's a gift from God, it is priceless! Show your gratitude for being alive by being grateful for every moment for this is how you honor God.  

Let go of what continues to cause you pain and suffering yet no longer matters (the past.) Let go of what you are encouraged to plan for but not worry about (future), considering God is the only one Who knows better than you what is better for you! Hold on, it's only a test! Remember that and you will experience Peace no matter what life keeps throwing your way! Peace  

What's the difference?

Because you have forgotten who you are, you've come to know life by depending on what you see with your physical eyes to guide you to Peace. Wondering through life in search of Peace, desperate and confused, Ego takes over because you're lost and afraid. At this point you belief what Ego conjured up in convincing you you're different. This is another trick Ego uses to cause conflict because where there is a difference there is bound to be conflict. 

You pray to God (The Universe, Jehovah. Allah, Yahweh, Creator, etc.,) for Peace yet you continue to depend on what your eyes tell you in order to determine what your next step toward Peace should be. When you realize you're going in circles you make up your own answers and believe they came from God!

Your eye sight is what Ego uses to trick you into believing your value is measured by what you see.   Because you don't remember, you take what the world has to offer which then becomes your goal of achievement, your life purpose (ex.. fame, wealth, etc.) It's been proven time and again that Peace is not found in anything set and/or achieved by mans standards. Ego will never guide you to Peace because it can not stay in the presence of Peace. It needs to cause and maintain conflict in order to exist, even at your expense!

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of the following: 
  1. You are a creation of God 
  2. You are a Spirit being in physical form
  3. You are here but for a short while
  4. You are no different from your fellow man
  5. You are here only to bring honor to God 
  6. You are not in control (God is)
This is more than enough for you to sit and ponder. You will come to know Peace only by experiencing Peace. Begin here, by sharing the idea of remembering (by living) this one basic concept of life; we are one and the same. Don't be fooled by continuing to fall for Ego's trick in using the physical form (body) as evidence to see yourself separate/different from others. Choose instead to be guided by the Holy Spirit Whom will uncover all of what Ego made up to cause conflict and maintain war but convinced you to believe, despite the fact that it (race, class, politics, religion, etc.) makes no sense! That's the difference!!! Peace

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Breath of Life

Breathing is one of the first signs to check for to see if someone is alive or dead. If breathing has been confirmed, all else are possibilities back to health. The breath of Life (breathing) is the first sign of life however it's consistently taken for granted and totally disrespected!

Because your breath is natural to you, you only acknowledge it when it's about to leave you (ex., chocking, allergy, etc.) It certainly isn't valued for what it is, a gift from God. Take a look at the state of the world to see how easy it is for one to kill another. To add insult to injury, this "inhumane" behavior is often in the name of Allah!!

Why would you expect any different? On one hand, when being challenged to raise the bar for moral responsibility of one another, "we're not perfect, we're only human", I'm not my brother's keeper"etc., is the response. In the same hand, as long as respect for Life itself is not shown to everyone you encounter, inhumane behavior is what's to be expected. What does inhumane mean anyway?!? Is that not another made up term (by Ego) to make sense of what doesn't make sense. 

In the other hand holds the one and only solution which is to understand and accept the fact that Life (your breath) is a gift from God. When you are still and grateful for being able to breath, particularly without medical assistance, is recognizing the value of it, specifically because it's a gift from God Himself. Choose to honor Him by living in gratitude. Living  by Faith despite your life situation is how that's done. That means whenever you're faced with a challenging situation, you take a step back and make sure you're being guided by the Holy Spirit otherwise Ego will do a number on you and send you into severe depression or a nervous breakdown. Do not live by sight in comparing your life to mans standards because you'll never find Peace there. 

Peace comes from God and so does the breath of life. Value it and be grateful for it by recognizing God in everyone you encounter. Do this and the disguises and tricks Ego uses to mask others and confuse you eventually disappears because Ego can not stay long in the presence of Peace. When you can do nothing else....just breath because He's the one in control of this anyway, not you. Peace

Saturday, March 28, 2015

There is ALWAYS more where that came from!

Because you don't remember who you are, scarcity and lack is the reason you worry. Looking at your life situation or the state of this country and the world for that matter explains the Fear that keep you awake at night. Anxiety is so common, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc.. are like candy to too many. Depression is looked upon as sad and unfortunate but far too many are suffering alone. Too ashamed to reach out for help so to not tarnish their image. 

What you forgot is you are created in the image of God and that will never change! God, being Spirit and creator of the universe created you in Spirit. For a short while your Spirit is here on earth in physical form, body. Ego has you confused and believing because the physical body comes in different shapes, colors, and sizes, you are different. This is how Ego is able to cause and maintain conflict. Please remember this, you are a Spiritual being having a human experience and because it's (Life) a gift from God, you ought to be grateful for every experience. Living in gratitude is what keeps you present in the moment because you're thankful in each moment!

Depression and/or Anxiety is not to be taken lightly! If prolonged, suicide is certain to follow. Choose instead to remember Who is in control here (ding! ding! ding! Correct, not you!) The Holy Spirit will show you because God is the mastermind, not Ego, there is no reason to worry. Stay in the moment and be thankful, for it could be worse! See God in others and you will remind them of who they are and Who's they are. That is how Peace is experienced and after you've experienced Peace, you'll never want for anything else in this world! Peace

Friday, March 27, 2015


With Social Media being "the way of the world", you are disconnected from it if you don't have an account with it least one, if not all, of the top four or five media websites. Connecting today is extremely involved with posting pictures, videos, and checking posts all day everyday. It's a great way to keep in touch with and meet new "friends" and relatives! It's also the way to grow your business and become successful. When you stop and  think for a moment what the human mind is capable of just from what has already been accomplished thus far, it's evident (and crazy that) we haven't even scratched the surface. 

To think families oceans apart are able to stay connected via social media is extraordinary! To think families living under the same roof are obsessed with social media yet are so disconnected from one another is tragic. Because you forgot who you are, you walk the earth in fear of things getting worse from what is reported in the News. You begin to worry and have moments of complete fear (panic attacks) because you've lost focus of what is real and what isn't. Because you don't know which is which, you take what you see with your physical eyes as evidence to judge by. This is precisely how Ego tricks you into believing you've been abandoned by God and its there to take over and protect you. Why else would you question God? ("Where were you when...?" or blame Him for your situations ("How could you let this happen?") You don't remember who you are which explains why you're not at Peace. 

Let this be a reminder of what you already know. Because you are here, by no doing of your own, see Life as anything other than a gift from God and you will continue to bring suffering on yourself and the world. God does not make mistakes, humans do but only when is Ego has taken over and holds you hostage in Fear. You forgot who you are and so put your hope and faith in what makes no sense but because you need to be connected, you sacrifice your Peace for what you now believe is your everything.  

Choose instead to value life as priceless. Because Life is God given, you can't put a price tag on it!  Value it in gratitude and honor God by using the tool that connects us, to reconnect us! Catastrophe  is a major eye opener and an instant reminder of what's real and what isn't. When catastrophe strikes, all of what Ego made up is immediately recognized for the worthlessness that it is! Disconnect yourself from what spreads fear, hate, anger, shame, regret, worry, etc., by remembering who you are and the connection you have called Peace is what you can expect! Peace

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Game of Life

The idea of Life being viewed as a game is the first step to changing your view of Life. Because you don't remember who you are, you've fallen victim to believing you have to sacrifice something in order to get something. This explains greed, cheating, dishonesty, jealousy, worry, anxiety, shame, guilt, anger, depression, hypocrisy, hatred, envy, revenge, the list goes on. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of what you already know, but just forgot. Ego doesn't wait for you to allow it to do anything. It knows, in your right mind, you would never allow it or welcome it.  What you must know is Ego doesn't die. It lurks like a lion waiting for the first sign of fear in you and in that instant it takes over! Suffering, Misery and Pain begin the moment you take your spiritual eyes off Christ (Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh, Jesus, Messiah, etc.) by comparing His Power to your life situation(s).

Struggle comes when Ego uses your life situation to have you determine whether or not God cares about you. Sad. Faith is lost to you when you become afraid and begin to worry and as a result,  Ego uses your "trials" and "tribulations" to confuse you into believing God has abandoned you. "Live by FAITH not by sight!" Stressing about what can never be undone (Past) and/or worrying about what is not in your control (Future) is how Ego keeps you confused and stumbling through Life.

Ego, not God, is the one jealous of your Peace in God. Because Ego knows it can never offer you what you already have in God (Peace, Joy, Love) it makes up drama, to cause conflict. Always on guard and always ready to attack, Ego promised you its "protection" because you think you need to be protected. Sick!

Invite the Holy Spirit to remind you, because "this too shall pass" and "this won't last always", "Joy comes in the morning." But please know you never have to wait for Peace, Love or Joy - you already have them, you just forgot! When you surrender your will to the One Who is always in control, Pain, Fear, Misery, Anger, Sickness, Depression, etc., will leave you. See Life for what it is, a TEST and you will begin to experience Peace despite your life situation because Ego will no longer have Power over you.

Now that you know the rules to the game, remember who you are and Who's you are and you'll pass every test! Ego thinks the mess it makes is real because it doesn't know any better. Ego doesn't know Truth because it doesn't know God. You have to experience God (Peace) to know Him and Ego can not exist in the presence (Peace) of God. Know this and you're ahead of the game! Now go play!!! Peace.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


If your morning begins with two or more things that work your nerves within the first 5 minutes of waking, there are two ways the rest of your day will go. If you're not aware, Ego will use anything as a distraction to throw you off course and ruin your day. When you're absent, marinating in pain, anger, resentment, misery, shame, guilt, etc., from Past issues you refuse to let go of, it's impossible to see Ego's tricks for what they are. Distractions!

From Ego's perspective, you will see yourself as a victim, because Ego is in control, not you. You will think you're unlucky, cursed, tormented, lost, etc. You will unconsciously begin to isolate yourself from others because every/anything can set you off and send you into a tizzy! Because misery/Ego loves company and like attracts like, others will seek you out looking to feed off your negativity. The fact that you're not present to notice the physical signs that reflect what is going on in your mind at the time, is an indication your mind is preoccupied. The ironic thing is you never have to invite Ego, it takes up residency in your mind as soon as you're gone, back to the Past or lost in the Future. If the physical signs continue to be ignored, they will get stronger, stay longer, cause more pain and as a result, you ending up in the emergency room or even worse, DEAD! The lump in your throat, the tightness in your chest, the pains in your stomach, the throbbing in your head, etc., are indications for you to check out what's really going on with you.

From Holy Spirit's perspective, you will be shown clearly what is typically mistaken for anything other than what it is,  Reality! When reality "hits", you won't fall apart because you understand and  accept the fact that God is in control, not you. And because of this alone, you won't lose your shit when things don't go your way! Understanding God knows better than you what's better for you is what brings Peace. Trusting God's plan to be better than your plan is what keeps Peace. Any/all external factors that cause pain and suffering in your life is nothing to be bothered with because when looked upon through the eyes of the Holy Spirit in you whom guides you through the storm, you will see there is never a reason to not panic because of Who is leading the way!

Beware of your thoughts because they determine your feelings. Beware of your feelings because they determine your actions. Beware of your actions because they determine your character. When you know better, knowledge of what is real and what is not brings you through the Fire unscathed.  Knowledge, the Power of God, given through the Holy Spirit is already within you (you just forgot.) Allow the Holy Spirit to free your mind of the nonsense that's keeping you from moving forward.

Because your time here is limited and no one has the advantage of knowing in advance when their time is up, beware! Don't spend another minute stressing over the Past or lost, worrying about the Future. Choose instead to honor God with your life by living in gratitude for His gift of Life, despite your life situation. Because there are no levels of difficulty in God, anything and everything you bring to Him will be exchanged for Peace. You just have to let go of your "stuff" in order to experience His Peace. Be Aware. See reality for what it is, a TEST to determine with whom your loyalty lies, and your life will be changed for the better, one test at a time! Peace

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


An opportunity to see things from a different perspective.  An opportunity to put the following to the test. An opportunity to challenge what is offered as words of encouragement. An opportunity to put up or shut up!

"One day at a Time."
Because you've lost track of yourself, you seem to have lost your identity. Your race, religious beliefs, title(s), political party, class, membership(s) (club, organization, society, group, etc.) has absolutely nothing to do with your identity. Those listed above are examples of what Ego made up to help you feel like you're apart of something simply because we've been tricked into believing we are separate from one another but want to be connected. Is that not ridiculous?!?

Please do not believe that because something has been a custom for hundreds or thousands of years for that matter, it's an excuse to disregard its' ignorance/lack of knowledge. Fighting against what doesn't make sense does not make sense either! One has to "Be still" (stay silent) in order for ignorance/Ego to be recognized for what it is otherwise Ego will continue its shenanigans but where you'll never find Peace.

If Peace is what you want, know you already have it! You tap into it by remembering Peace is within and will never be found to experience in an external component. Because Peace is within, you never have to fight for it, die for it or kill for it! Peace is not found in any of those. Once again, you've  been tricked by Ego which uses Fear to convince you Peace is unattainable without its protection of you! How long will you cling to what Ego taught you yet continue to ask God for answers to problems you keep on creating?

Choose Today to ponder the idea of there being enough for everyone. This is the first step in allowing the Holy Spirit to uncover what Ego hid from you by confusing you into believing you have to fight to get yours or kill in order to keep it. This is where greed, jealousy, envy, hatred, etc., comes into play. What you don't remember is Time is only a delay in what is already yours. 

Healing comes from Forgiveness. Because we've forgotten who we are, the need for forgiveness is still necessary. Allow the Holy Spirit to make clear your path and your words along with your actions will no longer call for forgiveness. Once your vision has been made clear, you will not panic when trouble comes your way. You will not take what may seem like a personal attack, which you will clearly see is a call for Love, as "not your problem" because you will be able to recognize it as the opportunity it is, for you to show God in you by looking past Ego's disguises to see God in others. 

Peace comes from remembering Who is in Control (always was and will always be) and because of Who He is, God, Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh, however you prefer to acknowledge Him, there is no need to worry about what's to come. You will also come to realize there is no reason to continue to hold onto what can never be undone. Because forgiveness comes from God (who keeps no record of your past sins) forgiveness is freely given. Offer complete forgiveness (keeping no record of past offenses) and you will have Peace. This is not difficult, you are just confused about what is true and what is not which explains your confusion and lack of Trust. Think otherwise and you will be fooled into believing you have forgiven all the while, revenge, resentment, mistrust, hurt, anger, etc., will lurk in the dark corners of your mind forming a callus around your heart and adding another brick to the wall Ego has you believing  is necessary to protect you.

Choose Today to remember who you are and you will see God's hand at work in everything you do! Peace

Monday, March 23, 2015


The concept of being One is foreign simply because you have forgotten who you are. As a result, Ego, empowered by your absence or lack of knowledge/power, continues to trick you into accepting the insane idea that we are separate from one another. 

️Living by sight and not by Faith, is the reason race and religion are used to judge and determine  whether or not you will be accepted by God and given a pass to Heaven. Please know race and religion are Ego's tricks to continue to cause conflict. When left unresolved, war is not far behind. Ego knows only scarcity and lack and because you've forgotten who you are, you've been convinced that someone must win and the other must lose. As long as Ego has your loyalty, it will fight for the win, even if death is what it takes. What you don't know is Ego doesn't care who dies, just as long as it doesn't! Meanwhile what we're killing one another over is NOTHING! 

There is nothing on earth worth dying for. The notion that some believe God honors those that kill in His name is INSANE! Allow the Holy Spirit to show you the disaster we made is not worth dying over. You were not created to die for anything but to live for God. This is done by recognizing God in everyone you encounter, despite the difference in physical appearances, religious beliefs, etc., Those things do not matter because Ego made them up, God did not!

Only when it is fully understood that we (human beings) are a Spirit being, will one be able to grasp the concept that The Prince of Peace was born to establish the condition of love by teaching that communication remains unbroken even if the body is destroyed. Because the body is not needed to communicate but the mind is, being of One mind is all it takes to bring Peace. 

Peace is the result of unification/One, not separation! Because we are One, we just forgot, one never has to fight, kill or die for Peace. That's already been done and because it was ordered by God, it never has to be done again! 

Choose to be guided by the Holy Spirit and your life will change because living in Peace is incomparable to anything else. Peace

Friday, March 20, 2015

Be Yourself!

Because you don't remember who you are or Who's you are, you've allowed yourself to have a separate identity (Ego) whom you claim is your protector. When (and only when) you are ready, will you be able to see Ego never protects you, considering its goal is to destroy you. 

The mere fact that you believe you have to be protected is an error itself. This error is corrected the moment you are reminded (by Holy Spirit) and understand, You are Me and I am You. We are One human race and for that reason alone, being the same, there is no threat.  Where there is no threat, there is no need for protection. No need for Ego! How can one know this and still see another as a threat? 

Ego's sole purpose is to keep you from remembering who you are because Ego does not exist where there is Union (One.) Ego needs Conflict in order to maintain separation, considering separation is Ego's only power of Presence. Conflict is Ego's only tool because Conflict is exactly what destroys relationships and leaves separation (Ego) in its place.

Do not be dismayed, the good news is we are One (human race) created by God and that will never change! All of the ignorance Ego uses to cause conflict, war, etc., has kept us separate from one another in Fear yet changes moment you are able to see it for what it is, nothing. 

Ego convinced you titles, groups, organizations, clubs, parties, etc., is what sets you apart from the "others" meanwhile because they separate not unify, they are a part of what destroys relationships, human relationships! Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you no of it matters because it's all made up and for that reason alone, it makes no sense. 

When (and only when) you know who you are and Who's you are will you be able to be yourself and make no excuses about it! Ego is full of excuses, you don't have to be. Peace

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Take that off!

Ego uses Fear to run you off course and in doing so ruins relationships. Fear, the greatest deceiver, comes in many different disguises (jealousy, greed, envy, etc.,) which are the cause of conflict. Ego cloaks you with Fear to keep you down, unable to accept reality and panic-stricken about what the Future will bring.

This state (Fear) is temporary. Fear is eliminated the moment you realize that with God, there is nothing to Fear because there is nothing to Fear. Considering Fear is of Ego, it is not real. Ego has no Power, it uses what its given and because it's not given by God, nothing it does has Value, Truth, Peace, Meaning, Healing, Joy or Love. Those are of God so allow Holy Spirit to shine it's light so you can see (through your Spiritual eyes) that conflict is made up by Ego over what doesn't matter because it makes no sense (in the end!) 

Stay Present! Do not continue to allow Ego to drag you into falling for the same old trick! When you're faced with an uncomfortable situation or a negative thought, surrender it to the Holy Spirit. Recognize the feeling that thought or situation brings and know "this too shall pass." You must believe because that is part of what will help you get through. Being open to what you're meant to learn from it is what will be a blessing rather than a curse. 

Take off the cloak Ego draped over you! The cloak of Fear, lined with insecurity, jealousy, superiority, hatred, inferiority, anger, worry, etc., keeps you trapped in believing you're out here all alone to fend for yourself. That's precisely when you know who, slips right in and takes over your mind to cause conflict. This happens the moment you've lost focus of Who God is in your life by allowing your current situation to cloud your vision. Live by Faith, not by sight means Trust God, Be Still and Stay Present despite it all. All the chaos Ego causes ends up in conflict and war yet leaves nothing but destruction and death, never Love and Peace. 

So, take that off, it's not a good fit. Peace

Sunday, March 15, 2015

What are you waiting for?

Time is not for God. We (human beings) are the only one of God's creation to believe that because Time is needed in the physical world, it's needed in the Spiritual world as well. Not so! The one and only thing required for miracles to happen (naturally) is an open mind and willing heart. That's it!!!   

Those are conditions of the Holy Spirit whom will show you they're not something you work toward because working toward a goal requires Time. You forgot who you are and so have lost Hope and believe it's going to take Time for things to get better. This is exactly how you continue to get in your own way!

When you understand Time is not a necessity in the Spiritual realm, room has been made for the Holy Spirit Whom will show you Its Power rendering Time a non factor yet blessing you (and others) in the physical world! Every moment is an opportunity given by God to be a blessing however Ego has you convinced because physical healing takes time, that Spiritual Healing needs Time too. Not so! The Power of God through the Holy Spirit is already given to you, you have it. Always have and always will. You never need Time to use it!

The Power of God is in recognizing who you are and Who's you are. It's in remembering that you'll realize it's already done. And for this reason alone, there is no need for Time. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you you're wasting Time on what doesn't even matter in the end! Do not continue to bother yourself with matters of the world (Ego's world), choose instead to be lead by the Holy Spirit. Listen to the voice of God by being still in Peace. Keep your mind in the present moment where you will see every moment as another opportunity to show God in you. Keep your heart open and the presence of the Holy Spirit in you will shine it's light in every dark corner so resentment, envy, guilt, shame, etc.,  will vanish by His forgiveness. It's only in the present moment will you experience this recognize  Time as a non factor (unimportant.)

Ego uses Time to delay what you know will benefit you and others Now. Because God has never left you and never will, stop giving your Power to Ego who is an expert on wasting Time. What follows is regret, which wastes even more time!

Save yourself the unnecessary pain and suffering by remembering it's already done. Live your life today in gratitude by honoring God in you. How? Be still. Keep your mind here, in the present moment, keep your heart open and the Holy Spirit will guide you along the way. This will be the one thing you will never regret doing because Peace of mind and a pure heart are what the Holy Spirit offers you from God. So, what are you waiting for???

Saturday, March 14, 2015

One of its kind.

We are so far from this concept (of reality) yet suffer unnecessarily as a result. The fact that we've forgotten who we are by labeling and so "separating" ourselves from one another is the very reason we have conflict and war! 

If you remembered who you are, you would no longer see others as different and feel threatened by what you made up and believe to be true. We've been fooled (by Ego) into believing what doesn't matter (religion, class, political party, race, gender, etc.) is what will save you from Hell. Nothing that involves Ego can never save you from anything. Ego's sole purpose is to cause conflict and uses separation, it's only source, for initiating as well as maintaining it.

No matter what facade Ego comes up with, it can never replace reality because reality is what it is. Ego's version of reality is just that, Ego's version! Continuing to believe in what doesn't make sense waiting for the answer to the problems it causes, is INSANE!

The answer is in recognizing and understanding the fact that we are one of its kind. Although God's creation comes in different form and being, we (nature, animals, humans) are His creation non the less. We (human beings) are given the ability to create and that we've done, however as long as Ego continues to rule, separation, superiority/inferiority, conflict, war, etc., is all we can continue to look forward to.

Because we (human beings) are one of God's creations, there is no threat! Only where there is separation will one feel threatened by another. Remember because we are one, unified by God, there  is no threat! What can threaten what God created other than Ego, who confused you and has you believing you are lost and abandoned and only Ego can protect you? Do not waste one minute pondering that thought because more than enough time has already been wasted on what does matter because it simply doesn't make sense.

Take your place! Allow the Holy Spirit to shine His light (through the thick fog of Ego's lies and deceit) and you'll find yourself in the very same place you left God. There is never any improvement, progression or evolution when it comes to Ego, that comes from God. So remember, you're one of a kind! Not better or worse because we're ALL the same kind, God's creation. Peace

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Don't Go There!

The dark shadows (thoughts) of your Past that continue to linger and haunt you Now are witnesses of your not letting go. This is how Ego takes over yet convinced you it's in your best interest, in order to protect you! It does this by never letting you forget what agony feels like. The insane part of this is you really believe its version of protection (never forgetting what caused you pain) is what will save you from further pain in the future. What you haven't realized is by not letting go of the pain, you remain trapped in pain, living behind the wall Ego built to "protect" you but not benefit you. You will never benefit from anything Ego is involved with. This explains your state of depression, change in appetite, insomnia, rapid weight gain/loss, etc.

The only way to rid yourself of the "demons" (thoughts) is to STOP it the minute you feel the knot in your chest, your teeth clenching, your head throbbing, etc. The body responds physically by reflecting the thoughts in your mind. If/when left unaddressed, they will fester and may eventually  form in disease. You will never get away without paying (dearly) for what Ego has done to "protect" you. So whenever a thought slips by, which can only happen when you're absent, so STAY PRESENT, do nothing. 

Simply recognize it for nothing other than Ego's attempt to keep you trapped in pain by constantly reminding you of pain. Tell yourself "don't go there!" because "there" (the Past) is where Ego stores guilt, regret, shame, anger, resentment, etc., and "there" (the Future) is where Ego keeps worry, stress, anxiety, fear, etc. Spend more time "there" than you do here (Now) and you will suffer simply because you do not have the ability to change one thing about the Past, or arrange the Future as you would have it. Yet until that's fully understood and remembered, Ego will continue to torture you "there" yet demands payment (in pain) Now. 

Don't go there. Stay here and allow the Holy Spirit to release you from pain. You will then realize there is no moment like the Present because the Past is gone and the Future hasn't come yet. So don't waste another moment pondering what doesn't matter right now and you'll get to know Peace of which you won't ever find there because it can only be recognized and experienced hereNow. Peace

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

When Love is tested...

When your love is being tested, prepare for drama, pain, misery and suffering because Ego has you convinced that "love hurts." Ego's version of love hurts because Ego makes up its own version of reality to suit its purpose which is to always make drama in order to exist. 

What is real will pass every test! You forgot Who God is which explains the fear, worry, anxiety and stress about whether or not love will sustain. To even question love is evident you've lost focus of God! You forgot that because God never fails, and God is Love, then Love never fails!

Only when you can recognize Love for what it is (God) will you see that it doesn't hurt. Ego can never show you Love because Ego can not exist in the presence of Love because Ego can not exist in the presence of God. 

It knows this which is why it makes up its own version of love. Ego's version of love never lasts because only what is True lasts (for ever.) Considering you there is no Truth in Ego, its version of love, or anything for that matter, will never stand the tests of time.

Be clear about this one thing, at the end of it all, Love will always be left standing! Love never changes, Love doesn't hurt, Love doesn't lie, Love doesn't kill. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you back on the path to God. 

Because God is in YOU, show Love and BE Love and you'll never worry about whether or not Love will make it. Remember, God is Love and Love never fails! Peace

Monday, March 9, 2015

From one extreme to the other, it doesn't matter in the end.

Life situations are to be seen as that, nothing more or nothing less. If not, you will bring drama into your life. Only when you're able to see your situation for what it is, rather than what you would have it be, and keep your focus on the Holy Spirit as He guides you through life back to God, will you know Peace. 

Know this and understand, life situations are simply tests to determine your faith, your loyalty. Ego is jealous (not God) and needs constant reassurance of your loyalty. Ego loves to use drama, negativity, and disaster to make you choose. If your focus is not fixed on the Holy Spirit at all times and in everything you do and say, Ego won't even give you the chance to choose because it knows it's on borrowed time and won't waste it on waiting around for you. 

Ever said to yourself, after coming out of a devastating situation "how the hell did I end up here???" You got robbed because no one was home. You must stay present in your mind so the Holy Spirit can guide you and show you life situations mean nothing because they're made up by Ego. Once you fully recognize and understand this, you will no longer question God and/or blame Him for your situation. 

Do not waste a minute in shame, guilt, regret, anger or worry, stress, anxiety, etc., those are more tricks from Ego to keep you trapped in pain, suffering and depression. Because God is always the only One in control, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through life so when the storms comes, you will not be washed away with the tide. 

You will be reminded that because of Who God is (The Creator) it is already done. Choose to honor God by staying in Peace. This can only be done when your spiritual eyes are focus on the Holy Spirit. "This explains walk by faith not by sight." 

Ego wants you to look at your life situation from its perspective which is only visual, no foundation.  Ego has convinced you "it's only natural" to worry and panic, "you're only human." Do not continue to fall that trap by continuing to believe that lie! 

You are a Spiritual Being here on Earth for but a short while in Human form. That by no means diminishes the Power of God in you. Recognize God in others, despite Ego's disguises and you'll remember who you are and who's you are. 

You can have the life one could only dream of or the life one couldn't even imagine, yet that has absolutely nothing to do who you are. Life situations are just that, situations. Because situations  change, they hold no weight because they have no value. The Holy Spirit will show you they won't last always and so does not matter because they will end. Your one and only purpose on Earth is to honor God by living a life of gratitude so if you lose all your fortune, you don't lose your mind (your Peace) or worst, take your own life. And if you gain all the fortune in the world, you don't sell your soul for what won't matter in the end. Peace 

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Control is considered very valuable because when looked upon (from Ego's perspective), power over you and others is the only way for its existence. Ego doesn't have the power to take your Power. Because your Power is given by God, it can never be taken from you. Whenever things seem to be out of control, you've been tricked by Ego into believing you've lost it and so Ego has to protect you. How insane! 

What Ego doesn't know, and you forgot, is, no matter how much damage it does by misusing the Power of God (it has no power otherwise), it can never overcome it. Ego will never overcome it because it needs it in order to exist. Its insecurities and desperate need to be heard first confirms the constant need to be in control.  Why would you need it if you knew you always had it and never lost it? 

Your constant need to be in control is the very reason you feel out of control. You panic whenever things don't go according to your plan, which is really Ego's plan for himself. Remember, Ego cares about nothing and no one. That's the reason Ego is always willing to destroy you and others, and not protect you or anyone else! You must know it's purpose is to use your Power to destroy you so it can continue to exist in the mind and act out through the body but never touching the Spirit. That is Holy and also given by God and so is untouchable which explains its hate for you.   

Control is in the mind, received from the Holy Spirit given by God for you. Control comes in the form of Peace and both come from the understanding that God is the only One Who is ALWAYS in Control. Remember, because of this very concept, there is never a need to panic. Its only when you let go of the nothingness that you're holding on to for dear life is when the Holy Spirit will remind you you've always had Caontrol. 

Silence the insane thoughts in your mind by placing your need for control in His hands. Do this by letting go of it all and you'll enjoy the Power of God and experience what real Control is. There are no words for it because Control is a form of Peace and Peace is enjoyed in Silence, words are not necessary. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and Control will keep you in Peace. Peace

Saturday, March 7, 2015

You've Got to Experience it for Yourself!

Peace is a state of being that can only be experienced to understand its meaning. Too many believe there are things one can do to get Peace, i.e., pray for it, leave the country (or the planet for that matter!), work hard to be successful, etc. What has yet to realized is there is nothing you can do to get it because you already have it, you just forgot!

Because Peace is state of being, the only way to experience it, is in the Present moment. You'll never experience Peace in the Past because it doesn't exist there. Do not confuse the thought of a Peaceful moment in the Past with the experience of it now. Thoughts are ever changing and that alone explains the variation of moods one may experience in one day, that is not Peace. You can't find it in the Future because the anticipation of Peace is not the experience of Peace. 

Peace is experienced the moment you're able to look at an uncomfortable situation and allow the Holy Spirit to show you its meaning (nothing.) At this point you will remember it's ALL made up (by Ego) and means nothing. Only when you remember this will you experience Peace because by doing nothing is precisely how Peace is experienced. 

Being, and staying Present (in the moment) is how you're able to recognize feelings of anger, anxiety, jealousy, hurt, hopelessness, defeat, shame, guilt, etc., because you will more likely than not, be able to stop the thoughts that trigger those feelings. As a man thinketh, so is he. Recognize those thoughts and feelings and know they are tricks Ego uses to distract you and throw you off course.

Ego prefers you stay in denial by refusing to look at reality for what it is because Ego has blurred your vision and so convinced you it's impossible to get through it. Ego interprets it to you from its perspective which is never pleasant! Do not be fooled by Ego. Stay awake and remember Who is in control at all times. No, it's not you, shocked? Don't be! Understand, because of that fact, you're holding on to, and/or worrying about nothing at all. 

It's only in Peace will you see the hand of God at work in your life. You know, what most call chance, being lucky, coincidence, etc.? Stay in the moment, be grateful for it. Take your hands off the wheel, stay here, be silent and you will experience Peace. It's like no other because there is nothing like it. Be clear on that and you'll stop running away in Fear - you'll stop chasing Happiness and experience Peace. Peace

Friday, March 6, 2015

Keep it!

You've learned your lesson when keeping Peace is more important to you than needing to be right. When provoked by Ego (who feels threatened by your present state of Peace), remind yourself to stay awake! When you're not paying attention, Ego will sneak up and attack you out of no where - ever said to yourself "now where did that thought come from?!?"

The reason for every "test" in life is to teach you a lesson. ALL of what is needed to pass each test is given by the Holy Spirit (Patience, Knowledge, Understanding, Love, Silence, etc.) of which Ego knows nothing about and wants nothing to do with. Ego knows it is non existent in their presence which explains why it needs to keep you from them. 

Do not allow Ego to confuse you with what doesn't matter in the end. You have the Power of God in you which will sustain you through any/every "test" presented to you. Remind yourself that God is the ultimate decision maker and for that fact alone, there is never a reason to lose control by losing Peace. Put your life (with all your stuff) in His hands and KNOW you couldn't have made a better decision. 

Stay in the present moment and live your life in gratitude for being released from all your stuff. See them for what they are (not what you hoped for them to be) and the Holy Spirit will show you they mean nothing. "Be in the world, not of the world" means because nothing in the world lasts forever, do not invest much time in what is meaningless in the end. Choose rather to be led by the Holy Spirit and you will be amazed at how the Power of God works at every moment, in your breathing and everyday, in your life! Peace

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Life's Lessons

What one may call a difficult situation (at best) or a complete disaster (at worst) is nothing but a lesson you're meant to learn. Unless you are open and willing to receive God's message through the Holy Spirit, which can only be received in silence (the present moment), this lesson will continue to present itself in your life until it's purpose has been met. It's purpose is to determine with whom your Faith lies. 

Unless you remember this, you just forgot, you will continue to worry about what doesn't matter in the end. Only when you remember your experience here on earth is but for a short time and while here, it ought to be lived in constant gratitude for the gift of life rather than complaining about your quality of life. Please remember you're going through a temporary situation because nothing on earth lasts forever and so you ought to not lose Hope. 

Complete Faith in God is when the lesson has been learned, you share your testimony to remind others of Who God is and lessons become your blessings! Before you know it, lessons will no longer be necessary because you've decided to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through life and live according to His will. 

Because Ego needs constant confirmation of your loyalty to it, it calls for life lessons to test your loyalty. When you panic in Fear and begin to worry, Ego will bring more of what you Fear. Ego questions your loyalty because without yours, it has none and without you, it does not exist. 

Do not continue to bring pain and suffering in your life by seeing life's lessons (whatever brings, stress, anger, pain, discomfort, worry, anxiety, etc.) for anything other than a test to determine with whom your Faith lies. Choose to give it (your job, school, health, marriage, finance, family situation) over to the Holy Spirit by saying "show me what it is I am to learn from this" and you will accept Peace in exchange for what doesn't matter but causes so much pain and misery. At this point you will be set free from the prison of depression which is developed from not letting go of the Past as well as the prison of anxiety, a constant worry about hasn't happened yet.

Know that God's got this and life's lessons will be seen exactly for what they are, a test to determine with whom your Faith lies. Keep your Faith in God and He will see you through what is impossible without Him. There are no levels of difficulty to God so don't get caught up in the particulars of your life situation.  Complete Faith in knowing God knows what's better than you what's better for you is all it takes to learn from the lesson and move on with life in Peace. Peace


There is never a need to fight for Peace because fighting never brings Peace. There is never a need to fight for Peace because Peace is not something you win or lose. Peace is a state of being which exists in the mind. Until it's understood that Peace can not be found outside of you, you will never experience Peace. You always have it but consistently give Peace away by allowing Ego to use its one and only trick, Fear, to take over your mind and throw you off course. When your situation becomes too much to bear, you ask "Where is God?" and "How could He allow this to happen to me?" 

Because God is Peace, and God is always with you, know whenever you're not in Peace it's because you've gone off course. Because Peace is a state of being, your life situation has nothing to do with your frame of mind. Nelson Mandela serving 27 years in prison and doing so in Peace is just one example. When the Holy Spirit frames your mind, it protects your mind by shining it's light so no dark shadows (thoughts of anger, revenge, hurt, betrayal, worry, fear, hopelessness, etc.) can stay hidden there.

Peace is yours to claim because God has already placed it in you when He left the Holy Spirit as the comforter. You already have it, you just forgot. You will experience Peace the moment you remember your life situation is not to be what you use to determine Who God is in your life. Peace is found the moment you remember God is Who He is in your life despite your life situation. How else is one able to walk out of prison after being imprisoned for 27 years and not lose his mind, if he hasn't already lost it while in prison?

Peace is of the mind, hence the term "peace of mind." Peace is an experience, a state of being.  This explains why, no matter how grim, horrifying, glamorous or perfect your life situation may seem, Peace is offered by the Holy Spirit once you've realized none of it matters and Peace is welcomed by you the moment you accept reality for what it is, rather than try and create what you would prefer it to be.

Because Ego can not sustain its existence in the presence of Peace, know you have the Power (of God) to keep Peace. Because Peace comes in the form of Silence, it brings along Love and Joy as part of God's gifts to you. Be it, Silence, in the midst of chaos and you will be at Peace because you are in Peace. Peace

Don't take it back!

Once you've given your problems over to God, you ought not take it back by continuing to worry about the outcome. Trusting/believing you will not regret that decision, specifically because of Who God is, is how you hand them over. You take it back however when you refuse to forget believing this is how you never allow yourself to ever get hurt again. Ego convinced you this is how it protects you hence the term "forgive but don't forget."

Once you "hand it over to God", you must forget about it or you'll take it back yet try to convince yourself you've moved on when in fact you're stuck in that time (the past.) There is no progression in holding on to the past because the past is always behind you, gone, done, over, finished. The only way to move on is to know that God is in control, not you! So do not allow not even one thought about those which are no longer yours to enter your mind. It doesn't take long for those thoughts to grow and fester causing all sorts of new problems like, stress, depression, and if not stopped in time, suicide. 

Don't take it back because you will be holding on to nothing. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you there is nothing to ever worry about once you've placed them in His hands. Choose rather to be led by the Holy Spirit Whom removes all fears, doubts, worries, anxieties, etc. Because you didn't create yourself, you need not worry about yourself. Recommit your life to God by living according to His Will and not according to how you think things should go. Ask God to use you to bless others - this is how your life is blessed. 

Once you've given your "stuff" to God, don't take it back!